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How can i possibly fit in excercise?

When to fit in exercise? ME schedule will be changing in 2 weeks. I will work and go to school mon-fri. Work 7:30am-4:45pm school 5pm-10:15pm. This gives me about 8 hours to (sleep, make my meals for the next day, see my husband, do homework, and (Exercise)) How in the world am I suppose to fit in exercise? Any ideas? I have 24 hour gym membership, a treadmill at home, 30 day shred, and Insanity.

I have about 35 lbs to lose before my Hawaii Vacation in April and I want to do that and have muscles but I just don’t know how I can fit everything in : ( Am I set up for failure?


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Run from work to school everyday
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Run from work to school everyday

    ^^ This

    On the other hand, You have 48 hours on Saturday/Sunday

    or cut down on your classes or change jobs or sleep 30 mins less during the week :yawn:
  • ranae32
    ranae32 Posts: 59 Member
    I only have 15 minutes to get there and its a beauty school might not be the best thing to be super sweaty lol. Good thinking though
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Go for a walk on your lunch break? Get up early an hour early one day a week go to the gym, lift (it sucks but it's only one day a week). Lift again on the weekends plus some more cardio. 2 days a week, 45 minutes, of a full body / compound workout can accomplish a lot (something like Strong Lifts but 3x5 instead of 5x5). That's pretty much all I do these days. I also work, go to school and I have 3 kids.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I would suggest maybe waking up a half hour earlier and squeezing in a workout, maybe doing interval training anywhere you can squeeze it in, walk everywhere and for no other reason than to get up and moving, and make the most of your weekends (I personally would go for a 3 mile run of Saturday and a 6 or more mile run Sunday with a hour each day of strength, lower body one of those days and upper body the next.)

    Thats what I would do but not everyone is the same!! :) Good luck!
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    - Go for a walk during your lunch/dinner break at work.
    - Wake up an hour earlier and get in thirty minutes of 30 Day Shred.
    - Jump on the treadmill for thirty minutes at night and have your hubby hang out with you and talk.

    Taking an hour out of the day for yourself is deserved. Remember, you want to rock that bikini in Hawaii!
  • CindyMarie_
    CindyMarie_ Posts: 122 Member
    Wake up a little earlier a few times a week to squeeze in a short workout before your day starts. Work out over the weekends. Walk on your lunch breaks. Etc, etc
  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    If you start by squeezing in 15 min of working out, you will eventualy bump it up to 30. Early morning or late night. You know what you have to do, it seems very important to you, you will find a way! Good luck, you can do it!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I agree that you could walk on your lunch :) Good luck and take care!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    workout with your hubby so you can spend time and get fit for hawaii together.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I only have 15 minutes to get there and its a beauty school might not be the best thing to be super sweaty lol. Good thinking though

    You go to beauty school for over 9 hours/day? That seems really intense
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    If you want to, you will. I'm a morning person so for me, it's easy to get up and work out before I have to be at work (which is for 7am, I get up at 4:30am) If you're not a morning person, then try doing it once during the week and then go both Saturday and Sunday. Once you get used to it, you'll wonder why you weren't doing it before. And of course, like others said, walk during lunch breaks, run up and down your stairs 10 times, something is better than nothing
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    hmmm, beauty school you say...this will require some ole noggin thinkin'

    jog in place while doing hair (careful with the scissors)
    do leg lifts while performing manicures (try not to kick the client/practice dummy in the face...unless they really deserve it)
    constantly drop your implements and then do a squat to pick them up. If you can load up a back pack or even purse, you can really burn some calories with this!
    between class breaks, bench press boxes of hair product
    Offer to carry clients/practice dummies from chair to chair on your back
    excuse your self to the bathroom constantly and then run around the building twice, when you get looks about how sweaty you are, just reply that those burritos from last night are not sitting well.
    tie the ends of two curling irons together and practice your nunchuk skills (make sure they are cool first...or not and throw caution to the wind!), great for cardio and hand-eye coordination!
    pick up the hair dryer seats with a modified powerlift and move them about the classroom, when the teacher questions you, tell her the feng shui was off.
    at lunch, chew each piece of food 1000 times, will also help with digestion.

    hope this helps!
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    NO EXCUSES!! You can do this! I work 8-5 & school usually 5:30-9. Oh, and I take 16 credit hours.. so you can imagine I'm swamped! I get it in the mornings & on lunch break. You just have to find the time. That's with anything in life that you want to do, find the time and make no excuses!
  • "How can I possibly fit in exercise?"..........because it IS WORTH IT!!! Reach your goals, have more energy, improve your overall health. You have to want it.........and when you do it is easy to find the time. Don't want it, and the excuses are endless.........
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Run from work to school everyday

    This ^^ ..or bike or walk. When you are at work can you workout on breaks? If you have an office just shut the door and do some non-jumping exercises - squats, lunges, low-impact aerobics, desk pushups, whatever). If not, can you walk outside or up/down stairs?

    I've been doing the 200 squat challenge (http://www.twohundredsquats.com/) which takes 10-15 min every other day but gives a good workout. There are links to pushup, dip and pullup challenges on that same page.

    You can do 500 jumping jacks in sets of 50-100 with short breaks for an intense but short workout. Several short workouts can be just effective as one long workout.
  • unlocke
    unlocke Posts: 149
    When you take a bathroom break, fit in a few wall push-ups, squats, high knees, jumping jacks, etc. Whatever you can get in....only takes a few minutes. Do that every time you go and you'll end up getting in an hour total....or more, depending on how much water you drink. :drinker:
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    10-15 minutes of high intensity stuff like squatting. I do it at work in the bathroom. 10 minutes of jumping jacks. Think I CAN not I CANT
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    Lots of great ideas. I would add, if you are doing bodyweight strength exercises, break it up. As in, wake up, do 20 crunches, take a shower, do 20 pushups, etc.

    Walk on your treadmill while doing your homework! No, this is not an intense workout. No, it will not build muscle or increase your cardiovascular capacity. But it is moving and it burns calories!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Is school m-friday as well?

    I'd say get up a little earlier and put in at least 30min 3x during the week and one good workout on the weekend! Park further away from school/work, take the stairs, walk/lunges/squats/push ups/sit ups/etc on your breaks and lunch break.

    it may not be your traditional go to the gym at a certain time each day, but you can fit in 15-30min here and there through out the week with a good workout on the weekend. You can do it!! You have to want it!! Go for it