jon_brady Member


  • I,m in. Thanks for the challenge. I have been neglecting my water intake lately, this will get me going
  • I would want you by my side in that alley
  • awesome success keep it up
  • I eat low carb also but I unfortunately don't have any great recipes. I have cut out rice ,pasta, bread, potatoes and processed foods. I eat meat, cheese, beans, veggies and alittle fruit. Weight watchers has a low carb plan and I am sure they have low carb recipes. Check the library for low carb cook books or on line for…
  • season it with mrs. dash original and grill it. chop it up and fry it with fahita seasoning and sauteed onions and peppers and if you are watching your carbs eat it on an iceburg lettuce leaf. if not a whole grain tortilla. There are also tons of marinades you can slow cook it in in a crock pot. then eat it over some brown…
  • Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day morning or night doesn't matter as londg as you stay consistent. Morning is a little more consistent because the amount you eat and drink in a day can greatly affect your weight. One quart of water weighs 2lbs.
  • There are alot of new people on this site and I for have no idea how to search for old threads. This site is here to support people who cares if it has been asked before if you don't like the question then don't get on the thread and let the people who are willing to try and help aswer the question do so.
  • What works for you is always the best medicine. As far as starvation mode is concerned you need find a source you trust to get your basal/resting metabolic rate as long as you are getting that many calories a day, the exercise calories for the most part determine how much and how fast you lose the weight. There is a point…
  • do some soul searching and figure out what will mean the most to you. I Have an entire garage full of workout equipment everything from an eliptical to 600lds of free weights. I have a gym membership and a trainer I see twice a week and I have lost 2lbs all said and done since January.
  • Here is a fitness retreat I went to. It was awesome great people great program. I lost 54lbs in 8 weeks. The negative is that you have to go home. I have always said that if I had a cook and a personal trainer I would have no problem losing weight going to the retreat proved that then I went home and over the next year…
  • don't stay up late and after dinner distance your self from the junk food until bedtime go for a walk.
  • How many calories are you eating a day? With that much exercise My first thought would be that you aren't eating enough. If you create too high of a calorie deficit your body thinks it is starving and it holds onto everything you eat.
  • not often enough. If you spread your calories out over the day and eat every 2-3 hours it increases your metabolism and helps you maintain more balanced blood sugar levels so you don't get overly hungry and crave unhealthy foods so it looks like you are on the right track.
  • I see the difference and agree with other your friend is either to close to see the difference or jealous. There may be a third option some people just don't know how to say anything nice unfortunately I have gained it all back but at one point I was down 54lbs. My mother hadn't seen me in 8 weeks and when she did all she…
  • As with any food out there you can find studies that support both sides of the argument, good and bad. In your case if it does a number on you then for you it is bad. When I am not being a good boy I drink 8 gallons of milk a week. So for me it is good at least in moderation. There are are many good nutrients in milk but…
  • Lloyd you are truly an inspiration DITTO to all the previous posts. Keep forging ahead and knock out those last 12 lbs it is quite obvious you can do it. i have 122lbs to go to join the onederlanders but thanks to you I know it is possible and if you think about it with a 4 month plataeu you really lost that weight in 11…
  • thanks for the pep talk this weekend is goin down. count me in on some movin and some shakin.
  • try this formula to figure out your resting metabolic rate (rmr) (9.99 x weight in kilograms) + (6.25 x height in cetimeters) -(4.92 x age in years) + 5 or -161=rmr. At the end the formula is different depending on your gender if you are male add 5. if you are female subtract 161. Be sure to do the figure in the ( ) first…
  • WOW I hope there is still room for me I am doing 2 challenges for August and I am hoping the first will result in success on this one The other challenge is to walk 5 miles aday. good luck every one. GO - Team Red
  • I started packing on the weight when I hit puberty at 11 I have been a yoyoer ever since I don't know if I have actually hit the wake up call yet or this is just another down stroke of the yoyo. I have always been the fat one in my family. I would like to try being the slender healthy one. Best tip. Make your diet your…
  • I am going to agree with the sceptics on this one because of the extremely low calories. I put your info into the formula I have for RMR and it came out around 1600/day. I would also ask the place that tested you how often their machine is maintained and calibrated. Absolutely run your results by your doctor.
  • read this thread onpage 2 there is a formula for figuring out your calories
  • also make sure your scale is on a hard surface. tile or concrete is best carpet and even wood or linoleum have some give and will make your scale fluctuate and be inaccurate
    in The SCALE Comment by jon_brady July 2011
  • The monkey. I have six kids I get slobbered on by monkeys all the time.
  • Have a glass of milk it has the calories sugar and protien
  • It is free
  • @ frenchielover your rmr is your bodies most basic/lowest amount of calories needed to function if you do absolutely nothing so just getting out of bed is going to create a deficit. The more active you are the greater the deficit. Just be aware of your activity because if the deficit is too large it will throw you back…
  • welcome back