Nauseated and confused....

:sick: Nauseated, very badly. I worked out hard today and ate 1214 cals. I'm not hungry, but wondering if I should eat some more? It's rather late at night, and I won't be doing any more activity for the rest of the night, unless you count watching Adult Swim and Facebooking. Comments? :sick:


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Are you pregnant?
    Is it hot where you are?
    Have you had enough water to drink?

    If it's a one off, I wouldn't eat more, just have some water and sleep it off. Hopefully you will feel better tomorrow.

    Just read your profile... are you diabetic? If so, I would seek medical advice right away.
  • It is currently 82 degrees where I'm at (in Georgia), not pregnant, and had about 5 glasses of water today.
  • Gojira74
    Gojira74 Posts: 57 Member
    You could have low blood sugar. You should eat 1200 calories AFTER you eat off your exercise. You are just metabolizing your muscle if you don't.
  • You could have low blood sugar. You should eat 1200 calories AFTER you eat off your exercise. You are just metabolizing your muscle if you don't.

    If I had strips for my meter, i would check my blood sugar, but alas, I ran out yesterday. Normally I feel dizzy when its low though, and I just feel sick right now.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    What is your current NET calorie intake? If you worked out hard and burned a lot of calories and only took in 1200 your body may be asking you for more calories. If you don't want to eat anything big before going to bed, etc make sure you have some almonds or nuts or something that is high calorie. Try to have something that is also high protein, which will help your muscles to recover.

    Make sure you drink more water too, if you're only having 5 glasses a day and working out hard you're not well hydrated for sure.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    how many calories are you allotted? how many calories did you burn working out? You may need to eat more, whether you like it or not!
  • CelticDestiny
    CelticDestiny Posts: 61 Member
    You need to eat something and have some more water. If you don't feel better then you may need to go get some medical attention. You may be dehydrated and potentially having low blood sugar too you could be in serious trouble.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    maybe eat something with some sugar in it anyways, just in case you are low. if you have strips, it means that you need to check your sugars fairly frequently, so I'm assuming you are possibly diabetic?

    My sister-in-law is diabetic, and she says It will do less damage for your sugars to be a little high, than if they go low.
  • What is your current NET calorie intake? If you worked out hard and burned a lot of calories and only took in 1200 your body may be asking you for more calories. If you don't want to eat anything big before going to bed, etc make sure you have some almonds or nuts or something that is high calorie. Try to have something that is also high protein, which will help your muscles to recover.

    Make sure you drink more water too, if you're only having 5 glasses a day and working out hard you're not well hydrated for sure.

    My net intake is at 456 right now, and I'm actually over my protein allotment by 8 points. I'm sipping water right now actually, hoping that maybe it helps. Maybe I just need to go to bed.
  • jon_brady
    jon_brady Posts: 46 Member
    Have a glass of milk it has the calories sugar and protien
  • how many calories are you allotted? how many calories did you burn working out? You may need to eat more, whether you like it or not!

    To meet my goal, I'm at 1440 allowed each day, and I burned almost 800 today.
  • maybe eat something with some sugar in it anyways, just in case you are low. if you have strips, it means that you need to check your sugars fairly frequently, so I'm assuming you are possibly diabetic?

    My sister-in-law is diabetic, and she says It will do less damage for your sugars to be a little high, than if they go low.

    I am actually a diabetic, and in order to remain off insulin I'm having to lose 100 lbs. Normally I AM too high, but since I've lost 30 lbs, my sugar seems to bottom more.
  • whispiri
    whispiri Posts: 43 Member
    I agree with the low blood sugar idea! When I first started, I was taking in around 1200 calories. I didn't have any strips either to check my blood sugar but I noticed that it regulated out when I put one drop of ocatee oil in my two litre jug of H20. Ocatee essential oil has been known to help regulate blood sugars naturally (according to some research).

    But if you decide try this.....I just want to caution you to be careful what kind you get. Some essential oils are not meant to be ingested as different companies process them differently.
  • You need to eat something and have some more water. If you don't feel better then you may need to go get some medical attention. You may be dehydrated and potentially having low blood sugar too you could be in serious trouble.

    I plan on calling my dr. in the AM.
  • I agree with the low blood sugar idea! When I first started, I was taking in around 1200 calories. I didn't have any strips either to check my blood sugar but I noticed that it regulated out when I put one drop of ocatee oil in my two litre jug of H20. Ocatee essential oil has been known to help regulate blood sugars naturally (according to some research).

    But if you decide try this.....I just want to caution you to be careful what kind you get. Some essential oils are not meant to be ingested as different companies process them differently.

    I will keep that in mind and do some research!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    What is your current NET calorie intake? If you worked out hard and burned a lot of calories and only took in 1200 your body may be asking you for more calories. If you don't want to eat anything big before going to bed, etc make sure you have some almonds or nuts or something that is high calorie. Try to have something that is also high protein, which will help your muscles to recover.

    Make sure you drink more water too, if you're only having 5 glasses a day and working out hard you're not well hydrated for sure.

    My net intake is at 456 right now, and I'm actually over my protein allotment by 8 points. I'm sipping water right now actually, hoping that maybe it helps. Maybe I just need to go to bed.

    I am probably much smaller than you (legal midget), and 456 is too low for even me...and we are basically the same age...i think the issue is you ate less than 500 calories today. ^.^
  • What is your current NET calorie intake? If you worked out hard and burned a lot of calories and only took in 1200 your body may be asking you for more calories. If you don't want to eat anything big before going to bed, etc make sure you have some almonds or nuts or something that is high calorie. Try to have something that is also high protein, which will help your muscles to recover.

    Make sure you drink more water too, if you're only having 5 glasses a day and working out hard you're not well hydrated for sure.

    My net intake is at 456 right now, and I'm actually over my protein allotment by 8 points. I'm sipping water right now actually, hoping that maybe it helps. Maybe I just need to go to bed.

    I am probably much smaller than you (legal midget), and 456 is too low for even me...and we are basically the same age...i think the issue is you ate less than 500 calories today. ^.^

    I'm thinking that as well, just worried about eating something before bed; its 1 am here now, and I'll be laying down about 3 am.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    maybe eat something with some sugar in it anyways, just in case you are low. if you have strips, it means that you need to check your sugars fairly frequently, so I'm assuming you are possibly diabetic?

    My sister-in-law is diabetic, and she says It will do less damage for your sugars to be a little high, than if they go low.

    I am actually a diabetic, and in order to remain off insulin I'm having to lose 100 lbs. Normally I AM too high, but since I've lost 30 lbs, my sugar seems to bottom more.

    My sister-in-law find that when she does a lot of cardio, she goes low.
    We went on a hike the other day, and she started off high, and ate m&m's the whole time, and by the end of the hike, her sugars were pretty much normal even though she kept her sugar intake up more than usual.
  • CelticDestiny
    CelticDestiny Posts: 61 Member
    I'm glad you plan on calling your doctor in the morning, but if you are concerned about your sugar levels being low please please please have some fruit or orange juice or something and please make sure that someone is with you overnight. I've had my grandfather go into a diabetic coma when his sugar level was too low. Thankfully my grandmother was a nurse which I honestly believe that saved his life since he was able to get help right away. He was taking a nap when it happened with no real warning.

    Please take care of yourself.
  • maybe eat something with some sugar in it anyways, just in case you are low. if you have strips, it means that you need to check your sugars fairly frequently, so I'm assuming you are possibly diabetic?

    My sister-in-law is diabetic, and she says It will do less damage for your sugars to be a little high, than if they go low.

    I am actually a diabetic, and in order to remain off insulin I'm having to lose 100 lbs. Normally I AM too high, but since I've lost 30 lbs, my sugar seems to bottom more.

    My sister-in-law find that when she does a lot of cardio, she goes low.
    We went on a hike the other day, and she started off high, and ate m&m's the whole time, and by the end of the hike, her sugars were pretty much normal even though she kept her sugar intake up more than usual.

    I do a LOT of cardio, it's my passion, particurally spin classes. Maybe I pushed myself too hard today. Gonna dig around and see if I have a few hidden strips to check with.