CGPrincessWarrior Member


  • I feel your pain! I could not life my arms after Monday's workout!!! I would love to be friends with anyone as well. Keep each other motivated :smile:
  • to my knowledge, no one has gotten fat eating a banana :) Just don't eat 12 a day and you'll be good. Bananas are so good for you and have tons of great nutrients.
  • I have the Garmin Vivofit and I LOVE it. It's a great device and it encourages me to get up and move more. I also had the Body Media which I think is the best device out there as far as accuracy is concerned but you have to wear it on your upper arm and so that makes hiding it a bit more difficult. If you don't care about…
  • Try Unjury! It's the best protein powder out there with zero fat, carbs, or sugar. It's just a protein isolate and it's amazing!!! I use the unflavored one so I can add all of my flavors too it without adding unnecessary sugars!
  • Thank you very much for that response :) You are correct 100%. My fiance and I work together and support each other and he is so supportive of me. It is so nice to have a team of supporters who "get it". They get the struggle, the temptations, the want to quit but the desire to keep pushing forward. I can't do it alone and…
  • I had a friend do it several months ago and she didn't lose a single pound but lost 6 dress sizes. I would take losing 6 dress sizes over a few pounds :) I'm hoping to see some movement on the scale but more than that I want my size 10s to fit me again!
  • we're going to do an all inclusive resort somewhere...we're just not sure where yet. Should be fun.
  • My gift to my girls is their dresses :) I will probably get them something else, leaning toward a monogramed white button down shirt to wear the day of the wedding, but their main gift is the bridesmaids dress :) My fiance is giving flasks and super hero cuff clinks :)
  • I am on metformin for PCOS and I don't have any of the side effects with it and I really enjoy what it does for me. It helps control my sugar cravings more than anything else and when I'm on it, I find myself not craving sweets which is a miracle for me :)
  • This is what we're doing :) I love this idea. We won't do the exact words that they say to use, but some variation.
  • I wish we could do a unity candle but we're not allowed candles at all :( We're going to do the cord ceremony based off of scripture that says, "A cord of three strands is not easily broken". We've got a really pretty set and I'm pretty excited. I don't mind drinking and there will be plenty of alcohol at the reception but…
  • I'm back!!!!! Sorry that I have been so quiet lately. My future father in law had major surgery last week and we've been insanely busy with that. Thankfully he is doing well and is now cancer free!!! Our engagement pictures have been bumped up 2 months so I am more than dedicated to being able to fit into my dream dress by…
  • Thanks for all the advice everyone :) Trust me, after running a 5K and a half marathon plus walking around a lot, I plan on splurging some. I just don't want to go out of control and undo all the hard work I've done. I will eat some bad things but I want to be smart too. I would rather eat healthy throughout the day and be…
  • I will have to check this out, thanks! We are not doing any parks at all. So we're limited to just hotels and Downtown Disney and the Boardwalk. We are driving down so taking a cooler of food might be worth it. We're staying the All Stars and so they don't have a fridge in the room. Thanks for the advice :)
  • So I started to do this. My legs were BURNING after about 30 seconds. Then I got to thinking about the fact that I am running a half marathon on Saturday and may not want to wear my legs out too bad before then. I'm wanting to take it easy before then to save my legs!
  • I just watched that video and yes we are going to kill you!!! haha
  • I agree!!! I'm working as hard as I can this week. I am still trying to get motivated to get to the gym but the rain and the cold is just really not helping me stay motivated! I'm actually really ready for spring. My eating has been a lot better though. Any ideas on a side challenge just for us?
  • I like the idea of a team side challenge :) I know for me I have been stuck at the same weight for a year and a half. It's becoming increasingly frustrated for me to stay motivated because it's been so long since I've seen any results. I love running too much to quit though so I have that to keep me in the game at least a…
  • I think that the team captain is just supposed to make sure we all report into you and then you take all of our weights and report them to lawyerette. So if someone wants to claim it then we can all send in our weights to that person and then that person will report on up. I would also recommend messaging everyone in the…
  • I just got put on a low carb diet and I love it! I felt weak for about a day but now I'm doing a lot better. I am finding that I don't crave sweats or breads like I thought I would. What I love abou it is that I will eventually be able to add some of those things back into the diet, it just won't be as much as it used to…
  • My doctor switched me to a low carb diet so I am always talking to my weight loss team about these issues (doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer). I just wanted to get some advice from people who may run on a low carb diet to see what works well and what doesn't. I guess I'm nervous about changing things so dramatically…
  • I had been going to a gym for over a year and decided to try a new workout class in the new year just to switch things up. I was SO offended at the "newbie" remarks and being judged for being there that I never went back to that class. One lady walked in, looked at me and then said, "well I guess my bike is taken,…
  • I hope everyone is having a great week. My nutritionist put me on a new diet and I'm really hoping that this will help me! We're trying low carb for a while and see if that will help me break through this plateau that I have been at for over a year now. Has anyone thought of being our team captain? We need to make sure…
  • You cannot make someone lose weight no matter how hard you try. My friends and family tried to get me to lose weight for years and I never did. I had to make the choice myself to get off my butt and do something about my weight. It has to come from within or it will not happen. Once you take the step to become healthier…
  • I've been growing my hair out ever since I knew I had found the one :) I want long loose curls but maybe with some up and some down because I am wearing a hair piece that my mom gave me when I made my debut so I need a way to wear that. My mom thinks I look prettier when I wear my hair down so I'm going to try that and see…
  • I have a nutritionist and I love her! We're friends here and she's able to look at my stuff and make suggestions when needed. If you know how to eat and what to eat and all that, sometimes it would be a waste of time because they do go over all the basics of portion control and eating veggies and all that stuff. BUT if…
  • I've heard lots of bad things about subway and it's sad to me. I eat it occasionally, especially when on the road. I figure it's healthier than most other fast foods. Sure beats a burger and fries. I like subs and I like subway. I always get a 6inch so I don't care that it's a bit shorter. Just less calories to put in :)
  • How is everyone doing??? I've had a pretty good week so far and I'm confident that I'll finish strong! Hope you ladies are doing well :)
  • All of these menus sound amazing :) One thing I know for sure is that the diet is going out the window for the wedding and the honeymoon!! I will have worked so hard by then and I will enjoy my breakfast and my cake without any regrets :)
  • we are having the best reception food EVER!!! World Famous Loveless Cafe is going to carter breakfast for dinner! Everyone loves breakfast and breakfast for dinner is even better!! we're going to do mimosas and bloody mary's and some other signature drinks and's going to be AMAZING!!!!