erinsolesky Member


  • Hi there! I think it's totally up to YOU to decide what weight you should be. There are so many variables to consider when deciding what is "ideal". For example, I am 5'9" and I have a heavy bone structure. I also tend to have a low body fat percentage. When I am around 160, I feel good, healthy, energetic, and look slim.…
  • I am a firm believer in logging calories. I have been logging for quite some time now and have lost a considerable amount of weight. I think that once you stop logging, you have more of a chance to slowly slide into bad habits. There have been so many times where I think I am making a good food choice, log it in later, and…
  • I say LOVE your stretch marks, wrinkles, cellulite, etc. Seriously? We are HUMAN and that means we have flaws. Acceptance and love can cure all :-) I am a walking stretchmark, girl, and I love every minute of life.
  • I have had two healthy babies and can say that extra skin is just part of my life now. I gained 60 pounds when I was pregnant with my first baby and unfortunately created damage to my whole body. I am now at a healthy weight and have had a second child in the meantime. My skin on my belly is loose and has stretch marks. I…
  • AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi there! Congrats on your new baby!! I have an 11 month old baby that I exclusively breastfed from day 1. I chose to use MFP for my daily calorie goals while on my weight loss journey. I have always used what the website gave me for my calories and NEVER added any extra calories. I set my goals to losing one pound per…
  • BOOST your BURN! Hit the treadmill and try to run a mile under your fastest time. Push your heartrate to 85% max. You are in the final stages of losing your weight, it will be harder now. You have to push yourself!!
  • GOOD FOR YOU!! I'm happy to see you being so positive about losing weight and being healthy. I know what you mean about getting heavy after having babies. With my first baby, I gained 60 pounds. I lost a little of that weight, but put it back on shortly after my daughter turned two (plus a few extra for good measure). When…
  • Good for you for reaching out and making that first step! You can do this!!! You are welcome to add me as a friend and watch what I do and eat. I make it a point to exercise every day and ALWAYS log my foods (no matter how ugly it is!). I had my second child in November and with the help of this website, friends, and…
  • It is my opinion that you should eat your calories! If you worked really hard at the gym today and you simply can't eat ALL of those 1000 calories today, then save them for another day (within the same week). It's more about your weekly total than a daily total. Maybe on Saturday you won't make it to the gym and you have a…
  • Hey Ashley! I'm a breastfeeding mom as well. This site has been such a blessing for me since having my son in November. I don't add any extra calories to my daily intake, I just go by what the website formulates for me. I've been able to lose 51 lbs in 8 months with counting calories and exercising. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! GOOD…
  • GROUP FITNESS!!! I am going to step today :-)
  • Good job with getting moving!! I would HIGHLY recommend gentle yoga. I think it would complement any exercise program. Fast paced walking will also start you out with a little cardio and you can build your way up on the intensity scale. Best of luck to you!!!
  • Are you kidding? I don't know you, but I can see a HUGE difference in the before and after pic's!! Your hips and waist are much slimmer now than before and your arms look toned too. Great job!!!
  • I am a huge believer in yoga for increasing flexibility, toning, rythmic breathing, healing injuries .... the list goes on and on. It is not a GREAT calorie burn, but the benefits are way beyond burning calories. It helps me with my stress level as well. Good luck!!
    in yoga? Comment by erinsolesky March 2010
  • Here's a good article on body fat %, BMI, etc. Don't get frustrated by your BMI number, it really is a joke!!
    in BMI Comment by erinsolesky January 2010
  • I just wanted to let you know that you don't even notice the chest strap ... I was concerned about that too. It goes right along your bra line. :smile: I just purchased a MIO today, and I was wondering how you liked it? I almost got the Polar, but I really don't like the idea of the chest strap. I know that the chest strap…
  • Good for you, Kirsten. I'm working on my weight as well ... just had my second baby 8 weeks ago and have already lost 32 lbs. I'm working on losing the next 30 now by using the calorie counter and doing step aerobics 5x per week. Hope to see your weight loss progress!! Erin
  • I absolutely LOVE my polar ft40 and would highly recommend it to anyone!! It was worth it to me to buy the more expensive monitor, but haven't personally used any other brand. I hope you get one, let me know how you like it!!!