sushidulces Member


  • For the first time in my adult life, I can buy pants from the "medium" section. I have ALWAYS been at least a large. Even in my teens.
  • I wrecked behind too, yesterday. Fajitas on white tortilla, bunuelos, empanadas, donuts, breakfast burrito.... yeah, bad. BUT I got up and did my healthy daily routine today. My advice is drink plenty of lemon water the next day, because all of that sugar/carbs/sodium will make your body hold onto water. Help flush it out…
  • I guess I'm a little more of an underground metal fan. Some big names I like are Pantera, Slayer, Sepultura, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, old Metallica, and of course Ozzy/Black Sabbath \m/
  • I agree with your list 100%! I also do not miss: 1. Wearing cardigans in the summer to "cover"my fat. 2. My legs rubbing together and creating a painful heat rash when I wear shorts. 3. Hiding my heavy breathing when climbing up a few stairs
  • I do. And it is.
  • In my personal opinion, I think you aren't eating enough/getting enough sustenance for the activities you are doing therefor you aren't losing. I am a newbie to IIFYM and I have lost 10 lbs in the past 3 months. I do moderate exercise 4 times a week. Reverse dieting takes a lot of planning, but it definitely is effective.…
  • I would suggest a low carb diet. Monitor not only the sugar, but also the carbs as they affect blood sugar levels as well. And the carbs that the diabetic does consume need to be natural. Not white bread/pasta/anything from a box. For instance, Cook some ground turkey, throw in some corn, bell peppers, and onions. Flavor…
  • My triggers are Sunday morning. My husband eats breakfast burritos and pastries EVERY Saturday and Sunday. Often he will bring some pastries back (pumpkin empanadas, usually). I'm about to have to go back to telling him NOT to bring anything home. He knows I am on a strict diet, but he thinks he is being thoughtful and…
  • I have a smart phone app that I believe is available on both iPhone and Android. I put it on my Kindle too. It is "Free Ab Workout" and the icon is a little stick figure doing a sit up. I choose the 10 minute workout, and it has you do 10 moves for a minute each. I repeat it 3 times for a 30 minute ab workout. I am usually…
  • High protein/low carb diet with lots of cardio and weight lifting is the the only thing that has worked for me so far. I have seen tons of berry supplements/caffeine pills/Advocare/Herbalife/Genesis Pure etc etc. THEY ARE ALL GIMMICKS! If losing weight were as easy as taking pills, there would be a lot less overweight…
  • I'm sure a lot of it is water weight, but the scale and fluctuations on it are very deceiving often. I doubt it was a whole 5 lbs of fat. Try drinking a lot of water to help flush out what was probably a lot of sodium from your binging.
  • My diary is open. I mess up a lot.... but I usually get 100+ g of protein a day. I TRY to keep my carbs under 120.... Try being the key word. My fat is a problem. I am so accustomed to getting low fat and fat free dairy, that I have to remember fat is good. Anyways, you're welcome to take a peak :) A good hint I have is…
  • I have not used it, but my vegan sister and many of my vegan friends use Vega. They all say it tastes awesome and is really good. I think there is also one called Raw Power that I've heard was good. I used Spiru-tein for a long time, but it's not vegan, just vegetarian. I liked it a lot though.
  • I agree. Why wouldn't/shouldn't we know exactly what we are putting in our bodies? And it boosts local business/economy if you buy from farmers markets. Maybe the farmer grows in certain soils or uses certain techniques that makes you like their vegetables or fruits more. I see nothing wrong with your opinion :) I live in…
  • I personally cut up a medium sized banana and freeze it. Once frozen I put it in the blender with a serving of unsweetened almond milk, a serving of PB2, and a serving of sugar free chocolate syrup (can be subbed for choco protein powder if you use it). I sometimes use unsweetened frozen cherries instead of banana if I…
  • Willpower to resist desserts provided at meetings. I always ALWAYS delve into the cookie/cupcake platters.
  • Awesome! That is great :smile:
  • I was 225 lbs and I decided the first step was to stop chugging sodas. That was about 2 1/2 years ago. I did minimal walking around (a college campus as a student) and I lost 10 lbs relatively easily. I traded the sodas for herbal teas (no sugar) and water. I don't drink them at all any more and I don't crave them at all.…
  • Overabundance of protein and too little fiber can cause that. Do you track protein and fiber on here? You should strive for 30-40 grams of fiber a day. You may also implement probiotics or greek yogurt for the positive bacteria to help move things along, so to speak. I eat 1/4 cup oatmeal with chia, flax, frozen fruit…
  • I had to increase my cals from 1200 to 1400 to 1600 with the increase in physical activities. I also track macros :) I learned pretty soon after a long lasting plateau, that once you implement weights, you need more cals. That was my case, anyhow. I lost 3 lbs the first 2 weeks of doing 1600 cals. I am 5'7 165 lbs
  • I did a vegetarian diet to jump start my weightloss. I did good, but I eventually plateaued. I have since implemented meat into my diet again, but I still eat a ton of fresh/frozen fruits and veggies. I have overcome my plateau with the added protein. I think many people rely on fried red meats, and that's where the…
  • I usually do 2 egg whites, and 1 whole egg. There is more protein and lots of nutrients in the yolk :)
  • The low sodium pouches of Starkist tuna are my favorite thing to take for lunch. 17 g protein, no carbs, 70 cals :)
  • 60 lbs lost. 10 more to go :)
  • Thank you so much! I kind of understand it a bit better. I have been assigned 170 grams of protein a day. I have implemented chicken and fish (tilapia and tuna) as of recently. I am still not hitting, but I think I will mess around with it until I can get the numbers that I feel are achievable. I think 170 is high....but…
  • I'm 5'7 and suggested I strive for a goal weight of 120.... I think that's insane! I am more focused on my pant size and my measurements now. I do still have a ways to go, but I won't base it off the scale. Everybodies body type is different. I know people my height that can rock 150. I think I would look…
  • CONGRATS!!!! I was super excited to get into single digit pant sizes. I can imagine how wonderful a 6 feels :D Way to go!
  • I tried going that low in calories, but I plateaued pretty quickly. I am 5'7 and currently 170. After speaking to a fitness specialist, I discovered I was not eating enough for my active lifestyle and my body was holding onto weight due to that. I started using the Macro measurements, looking at my cal, carb, protein, and…