Possible to gain 5 pounds so fast?

Is it possible to gain 5 pounds in a 10 day period of binging? I am terribly ashamed to admit I ate at least 4000-5000 calories every night for the past 10 days. I am getting back on track tomorrow!! The reason why I binged is because I stopped counting calories. I wanted a break from it. And look what happened..can anyone give me advise? could the 5 pounds be fat or water? I know some of it is fat but I'm afraid to know how much of it is.

Tomorrow I'm working out and tracking calories again.


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    majority is probably water weight and poop.

    that said, if you wren't tracking... how do you know how much you ate anyway?
  • whisperfitandhealthy
    majority is probably water weight and poop.

    that said, if you wren't tracking... how do you know how much you ate anyway?

    I'm just guessing because I ate A LOT of peanutbutter and bread..
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    I'm sure a lot of it is water weight, but the scale and fluctuations on it are very deceiving often. I doubt it was a whole 5 lbs of fat. Try drinking a lot of water to help flush out what was probably a lot of sodium from your binging.
  • whisperfitandhealthy
    I cant believe I let myself go off track so easily. I lost 150 pounds over 6 years ago and have been 125 pounds for 3 years. Until now. The scale has been reading 130 for the past few days. Sigh. I finally threw away the food that is to much temptation for me.