cldaugherty Member


  • When I do Zumba on the Wii it calculates for me about 400 calories per 40 minutes and that is low intensity. If you are working it hard for the entire hour, the estimation of 600 or higher is probably good.
  • You will have good running days and not so good running days. After training for two 1/2 marathons, that is just the way it is. I try to alternate training for speed and training for distance. One day I will run longer at a normal speed. Another day I will do speed work. By doing that I was able to increase my distance…
  • I would love to take part but I physically can't. I am in the process of seeing a urologist for bladder issues, one being a possible prolapsed bladder. I do drink about 10 cups a day and if I drink anymore I think that would do me in. Maybe after this bladder issue gets cleared up it would be a good personal challenge to…
  • Don't go into with a specific time that you want to finish. This will give you added stress and anxiety. Follow the plan, but try different running routes with varies hills, etc. I often got bored with the same scenery. I have now done two 1/2 and was totally scared for the first one and I completed it with an injury. It…
  • I have wanted to try the assisted pull up machine at the gym I go to because this has been an "out there" "out of reality" goal of mine. I have two issues with the APU machine. 1) I don't know how to use and too chicken to ask 2) That area of the gym is where all the muscle guys are and I really don't want to be looked at…
  • This is super silly. Yesterday I got on a real outside bike and rode it for the first time after 19 years of being deathly afraid of trying again. Nineteen years ago I was hit by a truck on a bike and was afraid to ride again. I overcame my fear and did it. This is a huge victory for me.
  • Yes, caffeine makes us pee more. It is a bladder stimulant unfortunately. As us woman get older it definitely becomes more evident. Doesn't it just royally stink? I have laid off a lot but I still like my diet coke every once it awhile but as soon as I drink it, bathroom here I come.
  • I am a migraine sufferer as well. I used to get them frequently. Now that I have lost a ton of weight and exercise a lot I only get them once/twice a month or during severe weather changes. I have seen a specialized headache doctor who assisted with correct medications, diet/nutrition, and exercise. I also go to a…
  • Just like the others, I have my stuff ready to go the night before. I also tell myself that I know I will be mad later if I don't get up and go. Something else that works for me is having an accountability partner either physically meeting me there or on line to ask did you go get you work out one this morning. Having a…
  • My second HM is one week and three days away. My first one I completed but not well due to an ITBAND injury. I ended up with a 2:45 time which is not what I wanted, but with an injury it wasn't too too bad. This time I want to run the whole thing and run it well. I have increased by mileage per week along with speed. If I…
  • I used my current weight for MFP as my start weight because my highest weight was 4 years ago, which was 70lbs that I have been able to keep off. That "old" self is gone and I don't want to remember that. I want to keep my eyes on the future of where I want to go. The front windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for…
  • running, running, and more running kettle bell swings walking lunges with weights by my side and/or above my head hamstring bends with heavy weights among some other stuff
  • You can build in some carido with your lifting, like kettle bell swings or jump rope. Jump rope for 2minutes then do some lifts and cycle on through. This keeps the heart rate up during the lifting cycle. I personally do 30 cardio/30 strength 3 days a week and pure cardio 40-50 2 days a week. The cardio is going to burn…
  • I am on Topamax and have been on it for a number of years that I can't remember how many. I take it for migraine prevention. The only side effect I seem to have is feeling fatigued. I have lost weight naturally. I am also on an antidepressant and it hasn't done anything to my appetite or weight. Everything that I have done…
  • This may sound ridiculus, but, how old are your shoes? How many miles do you have on them? This can change your gait while running and walking. If they are seasoned, I would not suggest getting new ones right before a big run, but soon thereafter. Have you tried BIOFREEZE or something similar? Have you tried alternating…
  • This is how I got started on running as well. I was asked to help coach the GOTR team at my school and I was addicted from there. Like the others have said....use CT5K, it works wonders. It is okay if you don't run the whole thing the first time and it is okay if your daughter doesn't either. The mottoa of GOTR is to keep…
  • Thanks!! To Denise: I have found just increasing my weekly mileage has helped me strengthen my legs and endurance. I haven't done a program persay, just pushed myself to do the very best I can.
  • I have normally heard about this for people who are really aerobic, heavy set, and/or not wearing appropriate supportive undergarments. I would make sure you are properly hydarted with water, wearing appropriate sports bra that keeps you locked and loaded. You can do some research on the internet. When I first started…
  • I run before work two days a week and workout the others. I have to get up at 4:30. Yes it is hard. I had to set a goal, like signing up for a race. Currently my goal is a 1/2 marathon in 5 weeks. If I don't get my workout it, I feel slow and druggy the rest of the day. I plan the night before like the others said. Yes I…
  • I ALWAYS wear shoes. I need the support, high arches. I also have IT BAND issues and the extra support in my shoes help with my knees. My pediatrist recommends that I never go barefoot, even in the shower. I can't do that. I love my flipflops and being barefoot in the summer.
  • I met my husband at the bowling alley on our college campus. We have been married for 14 years. It has been a journey with some valleys and peaks but love is worth fighting for.
  • I am SO SO SO relieved to read all of these!! I have runner's trots, runner's loose bowels, or whatever you want to call it. It totally sucks. It makes you feel so stupid. It usually hits me around mile 5-6 and then I am good to go. One of my worst was having my ITBand snap and I was three miles from home and had to walk…
  • You shouldn't have that big of a knot. You might have stressed it a little too much. I would try using a foam roller or the "stix" to rub out the soreness. If you have some biofreeze that would help. If you choose to do heat and ice, I would ice for 20 minutes and heat for 10 about every two - three hours. I would also…
  • I love the kettle bells. I use kettle bell swings with a heaviness to them (20lbs) 3 sets of 25. I also do walking lunges with a 10 lb weight straight above my head. Like others have said, it is a whole body workout, not just a single out. I do squats while doing bicep curls with heavier weights (10lb - 12 lb). Hope this…
  • I chew ALOT of gum. I try to stay engaged in something. I too tend to be a weekend food-a-holic. If I keep my hands busy, it helps.
  • If the kids are rushed too, have them help you with the preparing the night before. Have them have a visual schedule so they are more independent in the mornings so you have some freed up time to take care of yourself. I agree with what everyone else has said about food choices and making the choices to get up earlier.…
  • I am also under the impression to increase speed and endurance, one should cross train between long runs as well to prevent injury and improve agility and muscle strength. Thoughts?