Who Runs Before work?

I want to start running before work using Couch 2 5k or something like that. My main problem is that I can't seem to wake up in the mornings before work. I also am way too tired/lazy/burned out when I get home from work to run.

What is the best way to get yourself up and going early in the morning? Does anyone have any tips? Just setting my alarm isn't doing the trick. Should I eat breakfast beforehand? Should I just make a smoothie?


  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I have a crazy schedule during the school year, I run when I have time.... on weekends that means getting up at 4:30 am so I can spend the weekend with my family, on wed, and thurs I run while my kids are at functions (they've gotten use to me dropping them off in my workout clothes, and 'enjoying' a sweaty smelly ride home), on the other days I have to run at 7 or 8 at night so i don't miss out on story time.

    If you want it enough you will make time for it, and I know that might come across has harsh, but it is simply true. I avoided and failed for years but now I really do MAKE the time.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I run before work. Do some prep work the night before to make it easy on yourself. I put my shoes, socks, shorts and shirts out so I don't have any excuse to not go when I get up. Once you get your running shorts on you're sold. Nothing wakes you up like a morning run. Just get out there and do it. I just have about 4oz. of water. I don't eat anything before running. Unless you're running some extreme distance there's no need to eat first. You should have plenty of energy.

    Get some accountability. Tell someone the day before that you're running in the morning and that they should ask you how it went. I use Runkeeper app and I have a "Street Team." People who can see my running activity. I know if I don't run they'll notice so that's even more people who know if I slacked off or not.
  • cooters39
    cooters39 Posts: 7 Member
    I run at lunch time. My place of work has a shower... however, if you don't sweat too much, you can just use a towel and shower when you get home.
  • AdriaMeador
    AdriaMeador Posts: 7 Member
    I don't really run before work, but I do work out before work. My old roommate and I would wake up together and work out. It makes it easier to force yourself up if you know someone is waiting for you, so I would try to find a friend that is willing to do this with you. Regardless of if you are doing this alone or with someone, it takes a couple weeks of being really tired and getting used to going to bed earlier (Personally, I try to be in bed by 10PM to wake up at 5-530AM), but once your body acclimates to the new time you are waking up, you will have no trouble!
  • peachhunting
    peachhunting Posts: 59 Member
    I run before work. It makes the rest of the day great, knowing I already got my workout in.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    I run three days a week before work. The other three days I workout before work. On my active-rest day I walk/walk our dogs when I get home from work. On my run days (used C25K) I get up just after 5 a.m. and go 2-3 miles. Now that's it's staying darker out longer in the a.m. it's a big harder to get up and out but I've been at this for 2+ years so it's part of my routine and I feel off somehow of I miss a morning run/workout.

    Going to bed a bit earlier does help.
  • klafrancis
    klafrancis Posts: 34 Member
    I agree, a workout partner has been key for me. I run with a neighbor so I know I have to get up because she is outside waiting on me. Beyond that, you just have to do it. You really do get used to waking up early. Now, I wake up at 5:50 even on the days I get to "sleep in". Reset your bodies clock and you will be just fine. Not to mention, it is sooooo worth it! Coffee is awesome, but nothing wakes me up like a good morning run.
  • lila1980
    lila1980 Posts: 63 Member
    I've been running in the AM (usually out of bed and hitting the pavement by 5:15am) for some time now, and have a 50lb weight loss to show for it.

    I'm the same as Waffle. I put everything next to my bed so that when I roll over to shut off my alarm clock, my running clothes look at me (extremely judgingly) and say "Get your lazy *kitten* out of bed!" I also don't eat anything before a run unless I'm running for longer than an hour, and even then it's something for quick energy like a quater cup of raisins or a few bites of banana. Make sure you're well-hydrated the night before, and you'll just need a bit of water before you go.

    When everything is on auto-pilot, you won't even think about not getting up anymore. I'm usually on my second kilometer before my brain catches up and realizes what's going on, and by then, it's too late!

    I also prep absolutely everything before I go to bed. My breakfast and lunch are packed and ready in the fridge, and the clothes I'm going to wear to work the next day are laid out and ready to go (unmentionnables included!).

    Some of the people on my friends list are really becoming accustomed to my routine, and expect to see a run logged by me before most of them are even out of bed. I also use Rundouble as an app to track my pace/distance, and quite often I'll post it to Facebook so people there keep me accountable too.

    If you want it badly enough, you'll get 'er done. Just find your routine. It'll take some guess & check on your part (what works for me won't necessarily work for you)... But trust me, once you find that routine, you'll feel weird when you don't do it.
  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    I do!! Till i got use to getting up I slept in running shirt and shorts!
  • Zoggy3333
    Zoggy3333 Posts: 43 Member
    Well, since I work 3 to 12mid I find it easy to run before work. Try to find that inner strength and desire to just do it baby. Get a support group or person who can help hold you accountable.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I've been running in the AM (usually out of bed and hitting the pavement by 5:15am) for some time now, and have a 50lb weight loss to show for it.

    I didn't start running outside till August. I was just doing the treadmill. Huge difference. It's harder but so much more enjoyable. I went back and did the treadmill at the gym last Friday and I had to laugh at how easy it was. I think I scared some people. They were huffing and puffing at 5.8 miles an hour and I had to crank it up to nearly 8mph to get my pulse up there the same as running outside.

    It also rips through the calories like you wouldn't believe. My 4.2 mile route burns up about 800 calories. (Polar FT7 calculated). That puts me at 3,200 calories as a daily goal. Not trying to lose weight now and I'm having a hard time eating back all the calories. I'm "cheating" with peanut butter so that helps. Anyone trying to lose weight, this outdoor running thing is a step in the right direction for sure.
  • cldaugherty
    cldaugherty Posts: 28 Member
    I run before work two days a week and workout the others. I have to get up at 4:30. Yes it is hard. I had to set a goal, like signing up for a race. Currently my goal is a 1/2 marathon in 5 weeks. If I don't get my workout it, I feel slow and druggy the rest of the day. I plan the night before like the others said. Yes I have kids (two boys and a husband) so it isn't impossible. Your body and mind will get used to it. At times, running is more of a mind game than anything. Good luck and see you on the road.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I run most every morning (6-7 days a week), with my kids back in school I now have to get up ~ 5:10 AM to run during the week. The trick is to push through and get to the point where you day does not feel right if you do not run.
  • CowgirlKimi
    CowgirlKimi Posts: 107 Member
    I DO! I do about 3 days a week! I wake up and just KNOW its time to run. It gets in your blood... lol

    ESPECIALLY if I have eaten a late night snack... time to burn that puppy off!!!!
  • texnurse
    texnurse Posts: 33 Member
    I run every morning before work, I started with the C25K program and completed it, just need to discipline yourself. I don't eat before I run, just drink some water, when I get back I drink a protein shake or smoothie, but you have to find what works best for you :) Good Luck!!!
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I do not eat before I run... unless you're running a marathon or something it isn't necessary. My alarm goes off at 4:50am and I hit snooze once. I have all my clothes set out and my bag of work clothes packed the night before. I also make sure my breakfast and lunch are packed and ready the night before. All I have to do then when I get up is take out the dog, change, and brush my teeth. Then I am out the door. The faster I'm out the door the less time I have to think about it! You got this :)
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    Bump for ideas. I would LOVE to be able to run before work but the times I have tried I fell asleep while running aha. I always do after work seem to have more energy
  • I DO I DO! :-) sometimes it can be hard to get up and do it, but once i'm done i feel soooooo much better. load your i-pod with songs you love with quick beats, it'll get you moving! :bigsmile:
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I do once or twice a week, if I have evening plans. I am able to work from home once a week, so that is really nice to be able to work out before work, not worry about showering, and just shower during my lunch break. I feel that I have so much more energy during the day if I work out first, and it is SO nice to be able to come home and just relax. As another posted suggested, I do lay out all of my workout clothes and HRM right next to bed the night before so I am not scrambling in the morning. I also do try to go to bed earlier on those days before. Planning is key!
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I run before work. I get up at 4:00, take the dogs for a walk and then head out for a run. I've tried running at night and it just doesn't work for me, too many things end up getting in the way. At 4:30, there are very few distractions.