How did you meet your significant other?



  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    My husband & I met on a gaming site ( in big shot roulette.
    We met face 2 face about 6 to 8 months later.
    And got married 13 months after that.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I met my hubbs on OkCupid ~ we were a 97% match, though when I first saw his photo I knew right away he was just *not* my type... I was not his either, but we decided to meet because if nothing else, we knew we could be great friends. We both showed up half an hour late on our first date, and lo and behold he was perfect for me and I for him and we got married last June. <3
  • Jeff331
    Jeff331 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm divorced so I'll have to let you know when I find a significant other. I had a couple bad relationships that I rushed into so I'm just taking my time.
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    on the internet...before there anyone else was doing it :) we met on our schools internal computer chat system in 1994
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    We worked together in a restaurant. He wanted me to go out with him for several months before I agreed. A month after our first date, on Valentine's Day, he came home with me and never left. That was 22 years ago. He is/was my first true love and still is, even after lots of ups and downs. He is also my best friend.
  • proudarmywife06
    proudarmywife06 Posts: 213 Member
    I met my husband in high school when we were both 15. We were best friends until 18 when we started dating and got married at 20 :)
  • cldaugherty
    cldaugherty Posts: 28 Member
    I met my husband at the bowling alley on our college campus. We have been married for 14 years. It has been a journey with some valleys and peaks but love is worth fighting for.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    My husband is my older sister's huband's younger brother, so we met when I was 10. We started dating when I was 17 and married when I was 21. We've been "together" for 10 1/2 years now, married for a little over 6.
  • TeraJo
    TeraJo Posts: 58 Member
    My fiance and I first starting talking on I had a free week and we e-mailed a few times as we were on each others top matches. After my free week I didn't continue on that site so we stopped talking. Cut to 3 months later we are on each others top matches. We start e-mailing again and this time he asks me out for Valentine's Day. I ended up having to cancel due to some health issues.... six weeks later I ask if he is still interested and we make a date to meet for coffee.... that was March 28th, 2010... we are getting married next June and I could not be any happier. He is the love of my life. :)
  • pattycakes1978
    pattycakes1978 Posts: 40 Member
    I met my husband online on a site called "plenty of fish". I had just updated my profile to be very specific on what I was/was not looking for in a guy. He sent me a message first. After we had been togther a few weeks I asked him why he chose to send me a message and he said he liked my profile, that I knew what I wanted and it was kind of funny how specific I was. Now we have been together for 3 years. We got married in June.
  • apoouahi
    apoouahi Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks. You know the old saying "What goes around comes around"
  • My friend set me up with her new boyfriend's cousin back in 2007. My friend and that guy are now married with 3 kids. I didn't like being set up at first so we just chatted once in a great while online. I pushed the idea of being with him around for 8 months because I wasn't quite ready for a long distance relationship and wasn't sure of him..... but then one summer night, during the 4th of July fireworks we connected and started to realize that we are meant for eachother. I became his girlfriend 2 weeks after that and started our long distance relationship.... 5 months later, he moved into my town to be closer to me. We've been together for 4 years now.
  • Golfgirl16
    Golfgirl16 Posts: 26 Member
    I met my husband when I stopped looking...totally fate! After short relationship with a guy who liked to play games, I was off to college alone. I hadn't been single in a long time, so this was a big change for me. I was gone all weekend playing golf on the college team, while everyone was getting to know eachother at freshman orientation activities. The 1st day of classes, I felt like I missed out on getting to know ppl all weekend.

    I had one more class left, night English class, and then I could get this day over with...or so I thought! He sat behind me and asked to borrow a red pen. We started talking and found out we also had a few other classes together. Before long we were having lunch and hanging out all the time. Then November came and he fell asleep at my place and never left...THANK GOD!!! I knew I loved him 2 weeks into dating and told my roommate that I would marry him someday. That was almost 6 years ago... we got married last November, and I have never been happier!! It is amazing what happens when you stop looking and let things fall into place. The crazy thing about this is he grew up a block away from a college, but decided not to go there. He left Iowa and came WI for school...had he not done that, we would have never met! Good Luck & thanks for reminding me how lucky I am!!
  • I found my man in a bar. My friend and I where looking for fun. He was my dare. Well one thing led to another. Its now 22 years later. Married for 20. We have 3 amazing kids. He is still the man of my dreams. Life would not be the same with out him. I did lose the dare but what I life I got out of it.
  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    I met my boyfriend at a bar.......I remember when I was looking for that great guy saying...."I don't want to have to meet a guy at the bar" but it happened and he is the best person to ever come into my life. I was with a another guy for 2 and a half years....I was happy with my ex when I officially met "MIchael" on my Birthday...I introduced myself...(I knew Michael since I was in junior high but never had the courage to say hello...he is friends with my sister and in the same group of friends with my brother) I fell in love with him. My bf has never smoked/had alcohol his whole life hes 26 we are going to travel to Europe together someday when we get the money. Michael never goes to bars unless his band is playing...but this one night...if his buddy never begged him to go out to the bar that night...we prolly wouldn't be together and I would be unhappy with the other guy... Also pretty cool our Birthdays are 1 day apart...Mine is November 14 hes is the 15 and our Anniversary is on April Fools day...I love it...I fell for a fool :p Best 3 years of my life, we live together and talk about kids everyday....that will come when the time is right....Just be yourself when your looking for that someone...sometimes it takes awhile but the wait is worth it to find the right one... :)
  • curlygirly73
    curlygirly73 Posts: 23 Member
    I met my now husband through a mutual acquaintance while partying on an island in the middle of a lake.
  • I'm thrilled to see so many 'online' meetings!!!!!

    Joined a dating website called (Big Beautiful People Meet) it was free for woman for a month......had 3 days left, was just getting ready to go out and rescue a dozen cats and start naming them with the luck I was having.......when I saw my husband's profile - that was December 2nd, 2010.... Sent him a message, we started speaking.....met in person December 13th........engaged April 25th, 2011.........married July 2nd, 2011...... What can I say....when you know!

  • KarleeS92
    KarleeS92 Posts: 27 Member
    A website called TAGGED. I just signed up to meet some new people after coming out of a 3.5yr relationship and started talking to my now partner. we hit it off straight away. phone calls daily for hours, a few months of talking wen by and then he came here for a holiday... 11months ago, been here ever since. =)
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member been together two year getting married in 8 months!
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Seattle Gay Film Festival. After our first date, we moved in together within twenty days. We've been together now for over seven years.