How did you meet your significant other?



  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    We met in middle school. Then worked together in high school. To be honest, I didn't like him AT ALL. He made me crazy. Then we parted ways after HS, but went to the same college. He married his HS sweetheart... I.. had lots of fun:))

    We met up in the Fall 2010 and we've been together ever since. Our sexaversary is on Sept 28.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I met my husband at a dance club. Went out for a girl's night and he just came up and started dancing with me and before long we were making out. LOL! We exchanged numbers and he called me at 9am the next morning! Never thought I'd hear a peep from him but here he was calling fairly early the next day wanting to meet up for brunch. I was co-hosting a baby shower for a friend (and to be honest, his eagerness freaked me out a bit) but we made a date for that Tuesday.

    After that we pretty much hung out together every day and a few months later decided we might as well move in together. There have been a few rocky times of course but we managed to work things out every time and have been together for almost 15 years now. As cheesy as it may sound, I now fully understand why some spouses say their partner is their best friend. And I'm just as crazy about him now as I was back then. :)

    ETA: I love all the stories about people who met their SO's in childhood and then reunited later. Something similar happened to a HS friend of mine. They rode the same bus and she totally hated him because he was always picking on her then one day he confessed that it was because he liked her (boys...) and they started dating. He was a grade ahead of her though so they ended up going their separate ways when he graduated. Fast forward about 5 years, she moves back to town, they reunite and realize they still have feelings for each other. They're now married with three kids and gonig strong!
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    At the book store. I was working and he came in to order a book. He had just moved to the area at very short notice to help a friend, was a little homesick and forgot to pack his favorite book. I ordered it, he came back to pick it up. Drinks after work have led to a wedding, house, beautiful baby boy and a mother-in-law that will never forgive me for keeping her baby boy on the east coast :smile:
  • StaceyG221
    I love telling this story! LOL! My hubby was my step-brother...

    Now for the detail, my dad married his mom when I was 11 & he was 19, they were married in May and divorced by July, yes of the same year. I actually lived with my mom, so I think that the longest time we ever spent together was the day of their wedding. But even though she kicked my dad to the curb, I stayed friends with the family, and baby sat his niece and nephew. We have been together 15 years and married for 10 1/2 years.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Facebook.... We both had a local DJ as a friend, so he added me and we started talking on there. After a while we exchanged phone numbers. He asked me to dinner, I stood him up. But, he was so darn persistent, so I finally gave in and we were officially dating a month later. Been married for a little over a year now.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    When I was 14 I had this friend who was totally bad news, but I liked her anyway. Her mom worked nights, so when I would spend the night we could sneak out and get back home before she got home from work. Well, one night my friend said "Hey we're gonna go to this guy's house, I have to talk to his friend." I was so naive.

    We ran across this busy street that separated her neighborhood from his, down his street, and went into a backyard gate. Then, there he was, this SUPER cute boy from school that was on the baseball team, who all the girls were in love with, opening his bedroom window for us to climb in. My friend and the cute boy's friend went off into another room to "talk" (aka bone) and I was left sitting in this super cute, popular boy's bedroom being as awkward as humanly possible trying to make small talk with him.

    From then on we'd say hi at school, and were acquaintances, but never really friends because, well, let's face it, he went on to be the star of the varsity baseball team, and I went on to be the vice president of the show choir. Who do you think was the cool kid in school? Hint, it wasn't me.

    We ran into each other a couple times in college (he played baseball at my university before he broke his hand, ending his career), then just randomly throughout the years we'd see each other out and about. I happened to bump into him out one night almost 4 years ago after I'd finally left my son's loser dad. One of my girlfriends told me to give him my # since I was a single lady on the prowl, so I did, and the rest was history. :smile:

    He'll always be that boy whose window I climbed into when I was 14. :heart:
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I joke that my GF stalked me on Facebook. We went to high school together but never met because she was two grades older. She friend requested me on Facebook maybe a year ago and told one of my friends she thought I was cute. Finally she got drunk, sent me a facebook message asking me if I wanted to to go a concert, she even spelled her own name wrong. I agreed, but we couldn't find tickets so I asked her if she wanted to grab a drink somewhere anyway. The rest is history.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    He's my high school sweetheart. We've been together since I was 16. I've known him since I was 15. (I'll be 33 Saturday)
    He was my friend's boyfriend's friend.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    She auditioned for a start up cover band that I was in. I'll never forget it 'cause she brought her boyfriend with. He kept giving me death stares, and truthfully I wasn't really looking at his woman anyway. So the rest of the band voted her in (I kept telling them we need to audition more singers, but the keyboard player was sooooo insistant on her LOL). So we started playing out and we started becoming friends......we'd stay outside after band practice and talk for hours, though both of us were with other people. Eventually she split with the guy after her friends and I telling her it was a bad situation. I broke it off with my girlfriend as well. People could tell because our stage antics were becoming more the point where our parents were asking questions. A short time after we started dating, and the rest is history......the band didn't last, be we have \m/
  • book_mage
    book_mage Posts: 8 Member
    OkCupid. He had a really witty profile, so I messaged him first (which is very out of character for me!) and he replied. Messaged, IMs, then he asked me out. I wasn't sure at first, thought he would just make an awesome fired for hanging out with, but we just fit/ We've been dating for a year and a half. We're so awesome together that I forget I met him online and keep thinking I know him from college or something. And yeah, there were about 10 duds before that. You just have to decide what you want and also what you NEED from your SO, and then voila! That's what I did, and now I'm happy.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    At a bar.

    The whole "it happens when you aren't looking" cliche totally applied to me. I had given up on dating and was not looking in the slightest.

    He was friends with a co-worker of mine. I went to an art show with some friends that evening and then we went to the bar afterwards. He came up to talk to her, I didn't even notice him really (which is strange because my hubby is gorgeous)

    The next weekend she asked if I wanted to go to the same bar because she was going for a friends birthday and didn't want to go alone. I noticed him that night, we talked all night and he planted a kiss on me mid sentence at the end of the night. :laugh:

    We got married in May. :heart:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    She was a cook at a restaurant in Kunsan city Korea. I was stationed there with the Air Force. I told my Dad, I met the girl I'm going to marry and she is a cook" He said "Good, love gets old, sex gets old but you're ALWAYS going to be hungry" lol:tongue:

    bwahahaha, now that is cute. :laugh:
  • mrs_deg1983
    On line about 12 years ago on talk city
  • oklanoue
    "He is an officer and rescued me from a burning building...carried me down 3 flights of stairs..." That is at least the way our daughter is going to hear it...LOL :happy:

    Really we met on-line at Yahoo personals11 years...and it was during the time that my apartment building actually DID catch on fire and my now husband was one of the officers who did respond to the fire call actually when we started chatting on line I was homeless and living in a hotel...turned out we both lived in the same town and actually had some of the same friends...yet we never met before...

    Tip though if you do the online thing..BE CAREFUL...there are a lot of weirdos out there always bring a friend...that is how my friend met her husband as well...she went with me on a "date" and she ended up with my dates friend....and now happliy married...
  • willowdancer
    Oddly enough we rode the same school bus and lived two streets away from each other in high school, but I never saw him because I always had marching band practice before school and fencing or some other extra curricular activity after school. It was in the fall of my sophomore year in high school that I started talking to him because I went on a few dates with one of the guys he ate lunch with and he introduced us. It was really nice; every afternoon he would save me a seat on the bus so even if I got there late I knew I would have a good place to sit (while keeping good company, too!) We started going on walks together and hanging out, and about 6 months after starting to hang out he tried to ask me out and I cut him off with a smile and said "If I didn't want to be with you, do you think I would be here right now?" (on a side note, it was about 11pm on a frosty February night.) We have been together for about 8 years now and still in love!
  • mselpsycongroo
    dance class at school
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    I met her on, then she turned up at my house, I cooked dinner and she hasn't left.....

    Thank God.
  • JolieJemmaMomma
    JolieJemmaMomma Posts: 54 Member
    I met him at a place they always say never to meet people....... The bar. The funny thing is neither one of us really drink LOL
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Met my wife while she was acting as a decoy during undercover stings. Twisted but true!
  • Nikachelle
    Nikachelle Posts: 66 Member
    Met my husband through a World of Warcraft message board. :)