How did you meet your significant other?



  • ilovemyboysx3
    He had a hot dog cart in the office complex where I worked. He was "the hot dog guy" - so good looking and everybody who saw him said so. So one day I drove by during lunch and he smiled at me. I almost died! So then I would purposely drive by for the smile. He put his hands up one time like "when are you going to stop?" so yeah... I did! That was it. We started talking on the phone for hours at a time, he took me to the movies (Gone In 60 Seconds) and here we are now, married with dog, 12+ years later. He is the love of my life. I finally got it what I wanted with him.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Keg Party in high school.
  • melindadunston
    I moved into the house next door:)
  • allenaceattorney
    Dating website. I posted a picture of myself in a fedora and it was all over.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I met my husband through my best friend and her (now) husband. Her husband's best friend from college and my best friend work together. They got married in November 2011 and my husband and I got married in December 2011! The boys lived together when we all started dating! It made for some pretty memorable weekends!!
  • On Myspace =D He found me through mutual friends... that was just under 5 years ago and now we are engaged and have a beautiful little 2 year old man =D
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I joined a kickball league with some friends (people ages 24 to about 32) and he ended up being the pitcher for the team and I was the catcher. We knew each other for about 6 months before he confessed his feelings to me one night when we were out with our friends. I had always had a high school sweetheart, then a college sweetheart and was single again as an adult. Just have to put yourself out there with things you like to try! Ironically, I was doing online dating the same time I met him..and that did not go well for me (obviously).
  • bellydancer124
    I was seeing this guy for like 3 weeks when he "broke up" with me by changing his phone number. I was raging (not because he dumped me, but because of the way he did it) and did some shopping therapy, then I went on MySpace (this was in 2005, before FB was big) and started friend requesting all the single guys I went to high school with (even though this was 8 years after I graduated lol).

    One of them happened to be my now boyf.

    We never even really knew each other in high school. I used to see him around here and there, but he graduated a year before me and we ran with different crowds. I only friend requested him because he was cute.

    Typing all this out, I realize I was kind of psycho. :huh:
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member
    He was my best friend in high school's boyfriend of 4 years. They grew apart, broke up, he dated 3 girls or more after her until we finally ended up together.
  • deborah0123
    I met my hubby 12 1/2 years ago in a chatroom. He lived in North Wales Great Britian. He asked me to go to Las Vegas in May.
    I said yes..that was January. We were on the phone everyday. He decided he couldnt wait until May to see he asked if he could come over February he flew over. Love for sure at first sight. after that he kept flying back and forth until we decided to marry and save money married and still together..he is my 3rd husband..third times charm..
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    Awesome stories yall! It gives me hope after all. I think I'll try okcupid seems like there is some success on that one! :)
  • wanttogohome
    i meet my new hubby on Date it is part of eharmony 5 years ago. march we started speaking and finally meet June 9 when i took a trip to California and ended up staying for 2 months got to know each other and he ended up asking me to marry him:heart: i accepted and ended up going back to Nebr packed all my thing in a u haul told my family and they were :smile: happy for me and my daughter helped me drive back to California meet her soon to be step - father and on the side gave her approval :laugh: LOL this was September 07 and in July 08 i ended up going back( moving) to Nebr due to health issues:sick: my mom was having and we didn't know if we were going to get together again or not:brokenheart: but, thing got better and in Sept.08 i move back to Cali once again and on April 25, 2009 we were finally married :blushing: !!!! i try and fly back to Nebr once a year to visit for 2-4 weeks and so far everything has been great !!! Sure we have had our moments but who doesn't :indifferent: ?? we both have had similar problems in our past with thing and exes which helps when it come to understanding things .I only have one regret and that is that i miss my family (mom ,kids,grand kids ) so much that i some times just sit and cry:sad: .after a few hour or even a day i am usually OK :smile: but overall i would not change anything i am happy!!!:bigsmile:
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    We grew up in the same TINY town, but never really knew each other. I mean, we knew each other's names (everyone at least knows that much about everyone else in my hometown, lol), and we had mutual friends, but that was it. I thought he was cute from far away in high school. We were both involved with other people.

    Fast forward to college. We ended up at the same one. Which is weird, because it was a last-second decision for both of us; we had both been accepted to and planned to go to different schools. We ended up having a lot of the same friends, which is even weirder, because our college has almost 30,000 students.

    We definitely got to know each other through parties more than anything, but we were both on the same intramural softball team, too. We HATE softball-- our team of friends lost every game, lol-- but it was fun! After a couple years of being friends and always ending up on the same couch at college parties, we started dating. Now we've been together for over four years!

    I will say that alcohol definitely helped us both loosen up and get to know each other, but perhaps that's not always advisable, lol!
  • asyrinsgirl
    asyrinsgirl Posts: 55 Member
    I met mine for the first time on OkCupid, but we reconnected almost a year after that first meeting at a bar on karaoke night. :)
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would throw up an "anyone want to go fishing" thread about once or twice a month on a local forum we both posted.

    She said she wanted to go...

    This is awesome for 2 reasons

    1) That actually worked lol
    2) She likes fishing
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    I met my husband on
  • Tranquil_Miche
    At the orthodontist my sophomore year in high school. We were too shy to exchange numbers then, but he happened to walk into the department store I worked at about six months later and we hit it off then. It took him like eight years to propose though, but I wouldn't have been ready any earlier anyway. You can find love in the strangest of places.
  • ktbollman
    ktbollman Posts: 32 Member
    I met my fiance on! We met about 2 years ago and got engaged 3 months ago. woot!!! He was the 9th person I dated from various online I found him, i knew he was the one!
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    I met my husband almost as soon as I graduated at his mom's house where he was living at the time. His little sister was and still is one of my best friends. He and a buddy were drinking on the back porch and she went out to tell them to be nice because a friend was coming over. They made some snide comments about not caring because "she's underage" but once they found out I was 18 they both jumped up and went to change out of their grungy clothes...we hung out with the rest of the night and made fun of their drunk butts!
    We still give him crap about that night!! :laugh:
    We dated briefly, then didn't talk for years and then got back together 4 years ago and I couldn't be happier. :love:
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I got mine at Sears.

    But, we've been together for 26 or so years....married for almost 23.

    But, I did get him at Sears. We both worked there, in the service center. He was a technician and I was a call taker and we both worked at night and had time to talk.

    We became close friends and were friends for almost 2 years before we even started dating. Actually, the first time I met his parents, I was on a date with another guy.

    He's my best friend. I cannot even imagine my life without him, though I do tease him about how I should have gotten the service agreement. :)