annebuta Member


  • Hi all - trying to kind of get to know you by reading posts! LanaCabana - how brave of you! I am sorry that you are going through some serious health stuff - good luck with PT. I have had a few injuries (nothing as serious as what you have going on!) and LOVED my PT people - they really got me back to be able to do what I…
  • You look great! Strong work! I'm the same height and starting weight as you (well plus a couple pounds). You have motivated me!!!!
  • Hi all - I fit your group discussion perfectly! I was on a roll (so many times on a roll) and now I have spiraled downward again and have gained it back. Would love to share our experiences and support each other - I know you know one another from another group (I've tried WW too thinking a new program would "motivate" me…
  • Try this recipe from the Whole Foods website - it is awesome and easy (and you can pare it down to make just one or two servings, of course). I just fold up the parchement to seal it instead of using the twine to tie it - works just fine... Ingredients: 6 (6 ounce) salmon fillets Salt and pepper to taste 6 (15-square inch)…
  • In my option, it is not worth the risk. E-coli from cow poop gets in the milk (yes, even in a "clean" dairy - it is virtually impossible to stop that tiny one amount that might cause illness). The e-coli can cause severe illnesses (like hemolytic uremic syndrome - look it up) and even death. I've seen it happen - I'm an…
  • Me too. Last night. Very frustrated with myself this morning. I know how you feel. I was bored, and very tired, and frustrated because I broke my ankle (had surgery in Dec - doing well in recovery and even back to working out) BUT it is always painful and that is getting annoying. I don't know if those were the reasons I…
    in UGH!! Comment by annebuta February 2013
  • I just found a good snack - I bought some "carrot chips" (just raw carrots sliced with the ruffle cut into a chip shape). I dipped them in guacomole. YUM and filling! Just portion out your guac....
  • First of all - congrats on your loss so far!! That's great! I think you should follow your doctor's orders as far as activity restrictions - but ask them what you CAN do? Can you swim? Can you ride a bike? Can you do non-weight bearing activities? If no, then no. I would not go under 1200 calories - I think that is kinda a…
  • I like it on a sandwich, as a spread instead of mayo. Toasted wheat bread, turkey, laughing cow wedge, and cucumbers....yummy sandwich!!!
  • I like the first one too! You look very lean in it...great top!! Have fun!
  • I have this happen, too! I try to lift my feet a little with each stride - so my heel comes up. That helps a little. Now I just do it for 20 or 25 minutes and have to switch to something else for the rest of my workout. I have tried different shoes...with no success. I think it is just not a natural movement for your feet…
  • I just gained three pounds. I was doing SO well. I know exactly what you mean. But this time I really don't want to give up because that is what I've done for four years! And surprise, surprise, I'm still fat. I know the logging works, but I just ease back into my old habits. I'm so mad at myself now, though, and that…
  • I love Trader Joe's! Some of my recent favorites: - Chili Mango Fruit Floes - spicy and sweet - 110 calories! - egg white salad (good with crackers or on a bagel, only 50 cals for 1/2 a tub...the spicy ranchero one is yummy) - Vegetarian Marsala burgers (in the frozen case) For an easy meal, the rosemary chicken and wild…
  • Valkyrian - my current goal is set for 1.5 pounds per week, but I've been anywhere from 1 - 2 (as my goal) since I started. I don't get these people who have a hard time eating "all" their calories - I always want more calories! Anyway, I am hoping to lose say between 5 and 8 pounds before I leave. I know I COULD lose…
  • I agree with suzy - it is vacation, after all. Have a few drinks, make some good food choices, swim a lot, walk the beach, do some activities (where are you going - can you snorkle? hike?) ...relax, have fun, and drink water in between real drinks. I don't know about you, but when I'm somewhere warm I tend to eat more…
  • Welcome! I'm doing the same - add me as a friend and we can help each other! We have similar weight loss goals...I also almost hit the 200 mark and that was my "moment of truth".....
  • Whenever I want to toss in the towel and give up because it is "too hard", I just think it is too hard to stay this fat and big forever - so either choice is hard in it's own way - might as well make the hard choices that will eventually lead to happiness and being healthy!
  • This is no small victory -it is huge! I am so happy for you! I have some clothes that I can't wait to try on and hopefully fit back into one are inspiring!
  • Jenn I have the same issues! And the same numbers that I want to see. I feel like this time is different, too, but I am worried about petering out after a few weeks. I am just trying to stay motivated by thinking how much I have a hard time being THIS size. Instead of thinking how hard it is to give up the food, wine, or…
  • Looks yummy! How many servings does it make?
  • I have the same issues - in fact, just posted a message like yours!! We CAN do this....I just friended you - let's hold each other accountable. When you want to eat but you aren't hungry, log on here and read posts, etc. It might help stave off the emotional eating! It is so hard, though, I understand!!!
  • Thanks everyone! I do work out - a lot, actually. I've been hiking, skiing, or going to the gym pretty much every chance I get since the summer. So I feel like underneath the fat, I'm probably in really good shape :-) What I need to do is control my is a embarrassing that I can't get it together with how…
  • This might sound weird but I like to blend up pineapple chunks with a splash of water until it is frothy. Yummy drink and less calories than a traditional smoothie - it is a nice change from eating whole fruit....I have tried other fruits but like pineapple the best!
  • Hi! I have tried a ZILLION times to do this and keep failing - I need some serious motivation and accountability!!! I am 195 pounds (the heaviest I've ever been...ugh) and I would like to get down to 150 - it seems like such a long journey but I really NEED to do it! I liked the parka to bathing suit idea and you all seem…