30 days til vacation - need a little support!


I've already got some great friends on MFP, but I had a little lag with weight loss the last couple of weeks. Okay, I actually gained a little. GRRR so frustrating!

I have way more weight to lose than I can do in 30 days, which sometimes overwhelms and demotivates me.

I have exactly 30 days until a vacation to a warm, sunny spot. This means bathing suit, swimming, shorts, tank tops...yikes! I want to lose as much as I can - realistically - before we go. I am trying to pull myself out of this slump and get back on track, and really kick butt for the next four weeks! I know I won't be where I WANT to be, but at least I can get a little closer, right?

Anyone else need an extra "boost" for a month? Let's help each other!!


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    You've got 30 days? Try Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30.
  • kmadewell
    kmadewell Posts: 1
    A 'boost' friend sounds wonderful... I have less than 2 months before vacation!

    This is my first 'message board post'... guide me!!!
  • valkyrian
    valkyrian Posts: 10
    I'm in the same situation but I have a little longer until my vacation - 5 weeks & 6 days - we're going to Disneyland & I would LOVE to wear shorts without being uncomfortable about my legs & belly. I love good from the chest up & the knees down. It's in-between that frightens me! hahahaha - it feels good to laugh at myself.

    What is your current weekly weight loss goal set for? Add those up & maybe add 1 or 2 bonus pounds to lose before vacation? That's what I decided to do & it really has me focused on my food choices & activity today. (the trick for me will be to keep that focus ...)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • annebuta
    annebuta Posts: 27 Member
    Valkyrian - my current goal is set for 1.5 pounds per week, but I've been anywhere from 1 - 2 (as my goal) since I started. I don't get these people who have a hard time eating "all" their calories - I always want more calories!

    Anyway, I am hoping to lose say between 5 and 8 pounds before I leave. I know I COULD lose more, but I am trying to slow and steady approach this time, and trying to be realistic and have fun while I do this; otherwise I will end up gaining it all back like every other time in my life I've tried to lose weight.

    So, I will be happy with 5 pounds lost in 4 weeks, and anymore will be a bonus. That seems very do-able, and then if I do lose 5 (only), I won't be dissappointed!

    I feel the same way about everything "in between" ! LOL!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I searched for Losing for vacation and found this thread. I am 47 days away from vacation and am hoping to shred 10 lbs. by then. I am working with a trainer now and exercising 6 days a week and doing the "clean eating". I have given up on processed foods (with the exception of protein bars and shakes and a little ranch dressing to make my salads tasty)

    Anyone else pushing to lose some before vacay?