Newbie faced with new stumbling block

I started my weight loss journey September 17th. I finally made 'the decision' and have been doing very well. I've lost around 10-13 lbs and I've built myself up to walk 3 - 1 mile walks daily. I was so proud and so pumped. MFP has been encouraging and educational.

About 1 week ago, I started walking the full 3 miles at once but foot pain progressively worsened. I've been diagnosed with a shattered sesamoid and the other one is fractured - lucky me. I'm feeling defeated and I don't want to 'give in' and go back to old habits and gain what I've lost.

I'm told that if I want any chance to go back to walking, I need to follow doctors orders to a tee. The problem is that I'm afraid if I don't get exercise, I'll have no chance to continue my succes track. I'm supposed to be eatting 1200 calories. Now I'm wondering what my target calorie intake should be since I'm down and out.


  • NewDay4Cathy
    Please let me know if I posted this correctly.
  • annebuta
    annebuta Posts: 27 Member
    First of all - congrats on your loss so far!! That's great!

    I think you should follow your doctor's orders as far as activity restrictions - but ask them what you CAN do? Can you swim? Can you ride a bike? Can you do non-weight bearing activities? If no, then no. I would not go under 1200 calories - I think that is kinda a bare minimum...maybe set your goal to 1 lb a week, instead of 2....and let your foot heal completely...then you will be able to kick it into high gear once you are healed!

    Good luck - don't give up.....
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    If you continue to eat at a calorie deficit, like the one MFP put you on, then you will continue to lose weight. In fact, you can lose weight without exercising at all. Listen to your doctor, rest, and then get back on the horse when you're healthy.
  • NewDay4Cathy
    thanks for your encouraging response. I sure hope I can still lose weight, or at least stay where I'm at.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    1200 calories is probably far less than you burn existing as an adult human. If you only eat 1200 calories a day then you will more than likely lose weight. It might go quickly, it might go slowly, it might stop at random, depending on how much fuel your body uses on a daily basis. If you're not getting any exercise (there are tons of things you can do without putting weight on your foot), then it will go a bit slower and you probably won't be feeling as "fit" even if you are losing weight.

    As for going under 1200 calories, it's not generally recommended for adult women over 4'6.
  • NewDay4Cathy
    You are right! There are exercises I could do without weight bearing on my foot. THANKS for helping me to see that. I'm not going to allow my injury to be the focus anymore.

    This is why I love MFP! Feel the love and encouragement. Back at you!
  • iFreebaseBacon
    iFreebaseBacon Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there! I feel your pain! I have recurrent stress fractures in my feet and when I get one, it brings my cardio routine to a grinding halt. I have to agree that you should not eat less than 1200 cals/day. Also try to find what you can do. Swimming would be excellent! Explore all your options. Do not be too hard on yourself. You will get back to being able to walking, just listen to your doctors. Good Luck and congrats on your progress so far!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I was down with knee surgery and then complications for a few months. Grab a set of dumbbells, sit on the couch and lift away. Once I could stand comfortably on my knee (but still couldn't move around a whole lot) I did the 30 Day Shred but only upper body and ab work. Eventually I was able to get back on track, but I continued to lose weight while I was down with injury. :)
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'm on 1200 a day and do not "exercise" beyond my normal daily routine ... well and cleaning of course. I am so glad they call cleaning my house exercise! Woo Hoo!!!! As you can see by my ticker, even without intentional exercise, I have lost and continue to lose each week. Just be as active as you can in your normal daily life and you will be fine. I suspect with a bum foot that it is much harder for you to get around and that you are no doubt burning far more calories that you realize just living life on one good foot :laugh: . I mean hopping to the bathroom on one foot must be burning more calories than the rest of us use by simply walking there right? :blushing: Take advantage of your "injury" and hop everywhere you go. You'll be thin in no time! :flowerforyou:
  • NewDay4Cathy
    I've done the hopping on one foot and believe it or not, I was so out of breath and my good leg was feeling the 'burn'. I should also look at the bright side of using crutches. Maybe I'll get rid of that under arm flap :) and build some muscle.
  • NewDay4Cathy
    Usually when I put my mind to something, I follow through. This stumbling block just distracted me. I'm so encouraged to be reading that some can lose weight without exercise. The dumbell's are a great idea.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Sorry to hear this happened at the beginning of your journey. I would definitely ask your doctor what you CAN do. There are still arm exercise, like lifting weights while you are seated. And swimming. With swimming there's water aerobics classes, and swimming laps.
    Don't give up! Use the down time to do some research about nutrition and be ready to hit the ground running when you are back from rehabilitation or whatever you may have to do for your foot/feet. The forums are a good place to start researching. You'll get to see a lot of different opinions and schools of thoughts. But weeding through the posts you will come across some genuine and intelligent info!
  • Cube011
    Are you allowed to do Yoga? I know how hard it is to get back on a roll ....
    Sara Ivanhoe has a 20 min weight loss yoga work out that is not aggressive and will help you feel good.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    First of all - congrats on your loss so far!! That's great!

    I think you should follow your doctor's orders as far as activity restrictions - but ask them what you CAN do? Can you swim? Can you ride a bike? Can you do non-weight bearing activities? If no, then no. I would not go under 1200 calories - I think that is kinda a bare minimum...maybe set your goal to 1 lb a week, instead of 2....and let your foot heal completely...then you will be able to kick it into high gear once you are healed!

    Good luck - don't give up.....

  • Amazigh926
    Amazigh926 Posts: 33 Member
    I would like to strongly suggest that you see a physical therapist- this person can suggest exercises that you can do while healing that will help you stay on track but not endanger your healing. Also, do you have access to a heated pool? Like at a gym or health club? That would take the weight off your feet and still allow you to get some exercise. Good luck and congrats on what you have accomplished so far! :)
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I'm on 1240 a day and I must admit (with a certain measure of embarassment:blushing: ) that I do little or nothing for exercise beyond the basic movement required for life, my job, my household, etc. And I'm losing.

    Don't let this be an excuse to backslide. You've got this!
  • cmilz06
    I would definitely say go see a physical therapist. Your doctor will be able to refer you and the benefits are amazing. You will probably recover faster from your injury, they can give you exercises that will still get your heart pumping and work out other parts of the body, and they will most likely give you exercises for your foot that will not injure it more but allow you to continue strengthening it at the same time.

    I've been recovering from a back injury since July and thank goodness my doctor recommended physical therapy in October. I really stumbled up until that point and regained some of the weight I lost, but after starting physical therapy, I'm back on track and I'm back in the gym 6 days a week.

    If you don't go see a physical therapist, you can look up online several different exercises you should be able to manage without the use of your foot. Just make sure you call your doctor and clear it before you start.

    Good luck! I know just how you feel, and I'm sure you're looking forward to be working out at your normal pace soon. But maybe this will give you the opportunity to add some variety to your workout routine and focus on some areas of your body that haven't really been strengthened yet!
  • NewDay4Cathy
    Got me a wheelchair...feeling free again. Gosh I missed the outdoors! Working on the upper body muscles. :love:
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have seen several people at the gym using walkers, etc and using the strength machines. There is one older guy who is an amputee ( I think rather new--he's still kinda shaky on his feet) who sometimes uses the upper body machines. And I know I saw a guy in a cast with his bad leg kneeling on a wheeled walker thing going from machine to machine!
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    If you continue to eat at a calorie deficit, like the one MFP put you on, then you will continue to lose weight. In fact, you can lose weight without exercising at all. Listen to your doctor, rest, and then get back on the horse when you're healthy.

    ^^ this ^^

    Keep up the effort. Don't let a little set back steer you off course. Keep you eye on the long game