jmelindy Member


  • yay you is right!!:happy:
  • I hear you about sounding a little too wine affectionate!! But what I noticed when I started actually thinking about it- is that so many people are! Its like a joke. You are doing well!!, and I am alot like you. I didnt really mention I was cutting down ( out) until I had done it for a few weeks. Then I announced it, to…
  • day two is a good day!: :happy: Wine got me where I was- I was already about 20lbs overweight, then I quite smoking and started drinking wine at night to relax ( at my Dr.s suggestion! I was never a drinker before) and POOF, 3 years later and I had 50 lbs to lose. Halfway to my goal and I can honestly say wine is what gets…
  • whos stuck with it? I'm still working at it :smile: Down to special occasions, but october had 3 in a row then 2 in November so it was a bit of a slide.:drinker: Back to my water at night, a couple of drinks at my Xmas party this weekend, then dry until xmas again. thast the best "balance" I can come up with. I don't smoke…
  • i just dont know how to use the quote thing lol
  • thanks so ,much!!!:smile: the positive feedback is making my day!! and I also think running is making me a better person... certainly more determined and confident
  • thanks again! I am hoping to apply my newfound determination to the weightloss effort this time round. ( round 3)
  • thanks so much everyone for the kudos! As I said, I am crazy proud :) I am not a particularly determined person ( or so I thought),but I just really really wanted this. I wanted to get fit, but I also really wanted to finish the program. It was such a tangible, measurable goal and i wanted it! Now I have to speed up and do…
  • I am on C25K week 8 and I am jogging SOOOOOOOOOOO slow Its about a 27 minutemile, but it feel so much harder than walking! Thats what my treadmill says anyway
  • INSPIRED! you look amazing, and like you FEEL amazing too! way to go!!!:smile:
  • So GLAD i found this group and thread! Just finishing C25K ( yes it feels great!) but my problem is speed at the beginning I took some advice to go as slow as I needed to, and I now am jogging ( I feel fraudulent calling it running ) at a very very slow rate. so slwo i can't even say it out loud! So time to pick up the…
  • Me too, wine for years. Then i switched to beer, less calories and i didnt like it as much... then I started to like beer! sabotaged all my good work too Now I abstain, except for birthdays and long weekends. I had one beer on Canada day and none since. took a few tries but i am happy now with ice water! You can do…
  • would love to join! just curious....whats a reasonable goal for 30 days?
  • AMAZING! You rock and are beautiful! I am so inspired by your story an pics today. Your part about participating in life brought tears to my eyes- congratulations :)
  • The reason I want to buy them now is because I LOVE them, must have them, and I am afraid they won't be around in the fall. here they are...'-PICKS/302242/catsfr51007?navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryNav=true&selectedColor=Nude but i…
  • :happy: WOW you just inspired the crap out of me, what a great job! Also it reminds me to check my BMI as i go along, I am also looking to get into the overweight range soon,,, then out of it. way to go!
  • AWESEOME! am doing C25K right now so you have achieved one of my dear goals! :smile:
  • thanks everyone, i think everyone is probably right! I am eating a handful of almonds as we speak :)
  • I dont't know you, but I read the entire post twice. My heart goes out to you! what crazy feeliings you must be having!! At the same time, I LOVE your attitude and spirit, and the Dr. who actually reached out and told you, you are going to be ok. Believe him! In my experience ( with family members), A Doctor would not say…
  • Checking in after many months gone! I finally did stop drinking wine months ago..after a 5 year nightly habit. It took a few false starts, just like when I quit smokling years ago. but I am now offically "off the wine" HOWEVER.. a few weeks after I stopped drinking wine, and of course just when my weifght was starting to…
    in Hi all Comment by jmelindy June 2013
  • I'm in going into my first weekend in a long while without the prospect of wine :)
  • day two done!
  • last night was good:smile: Day 2 today... Slept so well again, I do believe that is the most noticable (first) benefit of not drinking! How is everyone else doing??
  • started this last fall- been a reg wine drinker for about 5 years. Goodness what an easy habit to fall into!! pretty sure that habit is responsible for most of the45 lbs or so I am trying to lose! Didnt have a drink of anything from Sept 1- Oct 2. Then had a bit for a birthday ( I had decided special occasions only) Then…