GlowstickGirl Member


  • I recently came back after about a year off and all mine were gone too! I'll send you a request. It's a lot easier when you have other people to help motivate you!
  • I'm doing the 10k version of C25K and i love it! If you like running but need to ease into it, this is definitely the program for you! My only advice is to take it slow and don't push yourself too hard. Definitely try out a few different things and find an exercise you love doing. It makes it a lot easier to find…
  • We're kind of similar. I'm at 200 lb right now and 35 to go. I definitely do not work out 2 hrs a day though. No time for that! But i try to get in an hour 4-5 days a week. Feel free to add me!
  • I have no need for any more weight, but I'm a weirdo and like running. If that's up your ally, you can feel free to add me.
  • You can add me :) I try to work out 4-5 days and week and I'm usually on here multiple times a day.
  • I'll kick yours if you kick mine! I'm tired of jumping on and off the wagon and I'm ready to stay on for good. I've been logging on every day, but all my friends fell off the wagon too and it's a little lonely. I did so much better when I had support and other people to hold accountability with. Anyone can also feel free…
  • My kiddo is 18 mo. old and i'm STILL trying to lose the pregnancy weight. Because lazy. I also have been here before, but I always fall off the wagon. And it looks like all my friends did too because none of them have logged on in months either! I'm serious about losing the weight this year and it would be nice to have a…
  • Oops, guess i didn't really read the whole post. Definitely agree with pp then, look into a cyclo-cross or mountain bike. Giant is a good brand that is a little expensive. I also like the Trek and Cannondale brands. I'd check out a local bike shop if you have one. They'll be able to help you find something to suit your…
  • It really depends on what type of riding you're going to be doing. I do all of my riding on the road and own a Trek. I love their brand. But if you're going to be on trails and such you may want to look into a cyclo-cross or mountain bike. I do recommend investing a little money into whatever bike you buy if you're going…
  • Awesome transformation! This sooo inspiring! I'm 5'11" and currently 194, hoping to get back down to 160. I was kind of doubting I could ever look like this, but looking at you makes me sure I can! Thank you for sharing. :)
  • One word: Target! I'm 5'11" and always have a terrible time finding long pants. I like theirs because they make them in the "long" length and leave me with plenty of length. Not to mention they're only $21.
  • In regards to your HRM, do you pretty much slobber on it (gross, I know) before you put it on? If it isn't wet enough, it won't be accurate. I've had this problem. Also, how do you wear your strap? Do you wear it settled right underneath "the girls"? If it isn't in the proper position or if it isn't on tight enough it…
  • Thanks for the help! I may try replacing my battery and see if that works.
  • I do lick it before I put it on...should i be slobbering on it or something? Lol. And even by the end of the workout and I've got plenty of sweat, it's still giving me funny readings. Could having my sports bra over it mess with it or am I wearing it up too high?
  • I'm a first-time mom to a 6 month old. I've still got about 10 lbs of pregnancy weight to lose, but I've also got some weight I gained even before that I'd like to lose too. I'll send you a request. The more the merrier!
  • I used to have some issues with my knees and it always helped me to alternate heat and ice on them when they were hurting. I also used to tape them. Also, since you said you've been doing circuit training...are you making sure that when you're doing squats and lunges that your knees aren't extending over your toes? That…
  • Hi there! I had a baby in July and also had her by c-section. She's my world! I gained a lot also, I was 236 when I deliver and am now down to 195, so I have about 10 lbs to go til I'm pre-pregnancy weight. But I've got some pre-pre-pregnancy weight to lose too. It really helps to have friends for accountability and…
  • Hey there, I'm in the same boat. I've got a 6 month old and the only time I get to myself to workout is an hour at night while the hubby watches her (he can't handle her longer than that, lol!). I really like doing workout DVDs. Most are an hour or less. I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred right now. It doesn't take…
  • I've noticed this happens to me sometimes if I don't have the stride length adjusted properly on the elliptical. But I couldn't say for sure whether that's your issue.
  • I'm a new mama to a 6 month old baby and still working on dropping that baby weight! Feel free to add me, it's always nice to have the support of other moms that are in the same boat. :)
  • I just ordered one one of these on Amazon last night! Agh! I hope mine will be fine....It had good reviews there.
  • Hi, Welcome! I'm a new mom too, my daughter was also born in July. Feel free to add me. :) Best of luck!
  • Thanks for the encouragement, Jae! Sometimes I forget how amazing it is that my body carried and gave me my sweet baby. Jean, I think you're pretty cool for being able to work, go to school, and care for a young baby and STILL try to lose weight. A lot of people would be crazy from a schedule like that. Keep up the good…
  • This is awesome! You look great! Gives me hope I can get my pre-baby body back too.
  • It's nice to see other moms out there struggling with the same thing. I used to be pretty thin, so it's hard to look in the mirror and see myself so overweight. I just feel like losing the weight is going to be more difficult now that I'm a mom because I feel like I never have time to feed myself the kind of nutrition my…
  • Hi! I'm 21 and have about 50 lbs to lose. I used to never be overweight, but I wasn't healthy. I didn't eat well and never worked out, but somehow never gained weight. Fast forward year, and after having a baby, I think my unhealthy habits have caught up with me. I'm totally ready become a healthier, improved version of…