Pregnancy Weight. . .

I need to get rid of it!

You would think it would be easier since when I'm home at night, I'm chasing an almost 11 month around all night but I just can't seem to kick it.

Does anyone have any suggestions for some simple and effective work outs that wouldn't take up my whole night? I don't really get much free time to myself until after I get Giulia to bed which is usually around 930ish and by 10 I'm ready for bed myself.

I'm going to physical therapy for tendinitis/bursitis in my hip and if I can get it feeling better hope to start running again in the spring when I can get a jogging stroller, but I'm desperate to drop some of this weight before then, just 10 lbs would make me happy.


  • GlowstickGirl
    GlowstickGirl Posts: 28 Member
    Hey there, I'm in the same boat. I've got a 6 month old and the only time I get to myself to workout is an hour at night while the hubby watches her (he can't handle her longer than that, lol!). I really like doing workout DVDs. Most are an hour or less. I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred right now. It doesn't take very long and gives me time left to do something else too, like get on my bike. I also have a gym membership and sometimes I like to go and let them watch the baby for an hour while I workout.

    I don't really have any awesome advice except for that I'm there with you and I totally understand. Feel free to add me if you ever need any encouragement. I feel like having friends here and logging everyday at least encourages me to eat well, even if I don't get a workout in everyday.

    Oh, and good luck with hip!
  • imajuett
    imajuett Posts: 13 Member
    My daughter is 13 months old and I'm desperate to lose the baby weight + some, but my first goal is definitely the baby weight. I just started getting serious about it two weeks ago. I got Lindsey Brinn's Post-natal bootcamp and have liked it. The intervals are 10 minutes so I can do what I have time for/feel like that day. I try to do it 3-4 days a week and walk or do a yoga video the other days. It is so hard to find time to do a workout. I try to cram them into her naps or wait for hubby to get home so he can watch her.

    Good luck. You can do it! Feel free to add me. I'd love some company and motivation from someone else who's trying to lose the pregnancy weight.
  • Ailorn
    Ailorn Posts: 79 Member
    You dont have to work out to lose weight although it helps. If you track your food and maintain a deficit between your BMR and TDEE you will lose weight healthy and steadily. Check out the forum post road map 2.0 for info on BMR and TDEE. All that being said it feels good to exercise and helps. Maybe start with some push ups and crunches, or take baby for a walk in the stroler until you heal up. My todler is about a year and a half so i try and exercise a couple times a week at work when i get a spare moment.
  • Morgie87
    I am in the same boat also. I have a 4 month old and a 4 year old, I also just started working outside the house at a seasonal job. What I'm doing is eating healthy and not eating junk food which is hard sometimes since my work has a lot of snacks for the employees and customers. I'm also drinking alot of water to help my body stay hydrated and flush out anything it needs to. I try to get in one 30 minute workout a week, I'm doing the biggest loser workouts since I was given the dvds. I also have leslie sansone's walk at home, walk weight loss bootcamp. Just keep up the good work and try your best. Feel free to add me and i'll help encourage you.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I have an 11 month old too! Just turned 11 mos yesterday. I recently joined a gym with childcare. She goes in there for an hour and I do what needs to be done. Before the gym I'd have my husband stay with the kids while I worked out. Can you go to a gym before work?
  • meganvryder
    meganvryder Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the suggestions!

    I have a gym membership, I just need to find when I can fit some time in to go (and they don't have daycare). I work full time, and so does my husband. I drop off and pick up the baby from daycare leaving me to head out the door earlier. My husband has been dealing with Crohn's disease for 2 1/2 years and this is the first time in that time, that he is actually starting to feel better. Most evenings he comes home, eats dinner, showers, spends a few minutes with us, and then is in bed for the night. Weekends, he sleeps alllllll day. It's very frustrating, it's actually beyond frustrating. I feel like a single parent who doesn't get any time for anything.

    Thankfully my Mom lives with us & she co-parents more then he does. Her and I would go to the gym together before I had the baby, now it's just hard because it's her and I taking care of the baby.

    I have some workout programs for my Wii that I've been trying to do a few nights a week. It's amazing how many calories you burn just playing tennis on there! Ha!

    Thanks for all the encouragement everyone =)