I'm not bothered. But thank you for your words of support.
So, here's the thing: 1. I know ppl are just doing what they are socialized to think is complimentary. Fat=bad. So weightless must=good. Blah. I'm not assuming negative intentions. 2. I don't want to lose weight. I want society to accept and see me for who I am and not how much space my body takes up. But, realize that…
New Order
Sex Gang Children
False. The next person is voting for Elizabeth Warren.
Modern Lovers
Kiss *kitten*
Dance Hall Crashers
True! The next person walks to work daily.
Expect. Wouldn't life be better if we all spoke our truth and people worked to understand.
I started by focusing on behavioral goals: 1. log all calories (doesn't matter how much I ate. if hungry, eat) 2. exercise for at least 30 min a day (walking is fine) That helped me get a baseline and some behavioral patterns down before I started staying under calorie goals and limiting eating out. Also, don't focus on…
Added. :) I'm 37 year old. Restarting my fitness goals. SW: 340 (lost 70 lbs before I started f***ing up) CW: 317 Goal: Not to die or get Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. :D Anyone else feel free to add. Looking for friends on here or work out buddies in my area (Ontario, California)
I bought these arch supports at sports authority and wore them in my tennis shoes for three weeks straight, worked great. I have flare ups now and again after too many days wearing sandals or shoes without arch support. Rolling out my feet with Yoga Tune Up balls helps.
You're cute mfp....I typed f***ing and mfp changed it to *kitten*
Ontario, california. ;)
Hi! Amelia here. Restarting my weightloss efforts with commitment. :) feel free to add me.
40 minutes away. Ontario. :)
Love this thread...I need these suggestions too! :)
Congratulations. That's an awesome accomplishment!
Look into the "Forks Over Knifes" diet plan. Seems like it would fit perfectly too your needs and there is a ton of success stories. I just downloaded the ap for all the recipes. I've been an unhealthy vegetarian, working towards a more whole plant based diet. :)
I'm working on getting as close to whole and plant based as possible, following the 5 ingredients of less rule on any processed foods as well as no added sugar. I think its a good idea for everyone to rid things from their diet if only to feel how much these things affect you. Keep it up!
Roasted vegtables. Broccoli and cauliflower with some olive oil and seasoning. 350 for 20 minutes. Boom. Look for a vegan cookbook. I love "one dish vegan"
I have the same issue. Working on a new strategy of raw veggies and tea. Radishes are fantastic low calorie and high fiber snack. The time between dinner and bed is a major snack attack time for me.
Agreed, cog behavioral therapy is best bet. Have to figure out the cue and reward loop that is driving your binges. Sometimes it's hard to admit that we do actually have emotions behind the binge, we're stuffing to avoid those emotions in the first place. In my opinion medication is just another avoidance tactic. Sometimes…
For a run I prefer dramatic french music like Edith piaf or Michele bernard. There's something about that calms me, calms my breathing, and it's a great juxtaposition to the gym environment. :) I've been more into listening to podcasts lately though. This American life is perfect length for a workout.
I'm with you. 36 yo female, started at340, lost 70, gained back 40, starting over again. We got this! :)
Southern, near LA. :)
Uhg! yes! lost 70 lbs and my belly seemed like it stayed the same. I lost motivation from that...and from just being human. Gained by half and am working on getting back to where I was! round and round we go