Duplicated thread, sorry!!
London, England. Back after a few months break. Weight to lose!!! Feel free to add
feel free to add me :)
Your age is not the only thing to discredit you, but in my opinion it is a big factor...You're at uni? Gosh imagine the real world life stress you must be experiencing every day. Get a REAL WORLD job, or even two. A partner, some kids, babies that keep you up half the night, or some teenaged kids that also keep you up at…
You've lost 80 pounds since September 2014?
I love my Fitbit charge, couldn't recommend it any higher....
lol short and sweet. Thank you!
I can share diet tips :) I have been successfully gaining weight since 1979 :)
Girls weight training? That's a terrible idea!! They might get all muscly or something....
Always happy to have more friends :)
Anyone is welcome to add me
anyone can go ahead and add me. Feel free :)
Anyone can add me. Olly, 35 from London :)
the kind of people that quote this as their biggest peeve, are the kind of people that I go out of my way to avoid. Muscle DOES weigh more than fat (in equal amounts, which is BLINDINGLY OBVIOUSLY what people are talking about)
an ex of mine and her mother always used to say ' oh well he doesn't mix his words' instead of 'he doesn't mince his words' meaning he is a straight talking person. My colleague at work is unbelievably thick, and gets himself in all sorts of pickles trying to sound clever. Two from this morning so far: 'give me thirty…
That's a great one. Very sad.
Anything on that Album by Johnny Cash with 'Hurt' on it...very melancholy. And try Skeeter Davis. Saddest sounding little voice I've ever heard, with lyrics that make you weep.....
Oh god, we've all fellated a Scotsman in our time, it's like a right of passage (if you will)
London here, feel free anyone :)
Unless you're being really subtly ironic, this is just a joke. Most people stop following dating 'rules' when they are 15. Who cares? If you want to be together, and you're legal, who cares?
I don't think it's rude at all. I think you should order what you want. I don't think anyone should be shamed into eating. My opinion is to just do whatever you feel comfortable with, but nobody can tell you to eat...or not :) good luck.
Live in Surrey, work in South West London.
Now THAT comment Alanis, is ironic.
I'm from Surrey, go ahead anyone, feel free.
Always happy to have new friends, get me if I didn't get you first!!
always happy to have more friends. Add away
I'm Olly from London, feel free to add me whoever :)
Yes, that is true (I'm not a football fan I'm afraid!)
Although having said that, the Sunday league stuff can be pretty brutal. Might be better to be safe than sorry
Football isn't a contact sport. You should be fine. If it was rugby then no chance.