TheeGeeMarie Member


  • Drink 8 ounces of prune juice and a cup of coffee, then do some cardio somewhere with a bathroom handy. In addition to that make sure you're always hydrated and getting enough healthy fats in your diet. Edit: and fiber, of course.
  • I'm so sorry you lost your friend. I'm betting she loved going on runs with you. Just remember how happy you were able to make her. Sounds like she had a wonderful and full life. Both of yall can always be thankful for that!
  • Find a yoga studio and take a class. Before I was certified as an instructor I had to do a workshop on poses and alignment and have a working knowledge of how to accomodate different injuries, weaknesses, etc. A yoga video will offer modifications based on skill level, but will not be specific enough to modify for a…
  • Train hard so you can eat enough nutritious calories and still have all kinds of wiggle room for those delightful empty calories. Drink vodka or tequila with water or soda water (plus lemon, lime, whatever melts your butter). Avoid beer. Slam an ice water every one or two drinks Make munchies ahead of time so you're not…
  • Yes. They work. I have an inappropriate level of attachment to my foam roller. It's amazing. As others said, if it doesn't hurt, you're doing it wrong.
  • I'm sure the beverage heater would work too. It looks like the purpose of the crockpot is just to warm the apple juice mixed with the spices, so a beverage heater would probably do the same thing. As far as the calories and over all healthiness go, the key is the juice you buy. Read labels. If it has ingredients a first…
  • I found this recipe. Looks easy. If you don't already have a crockpot, I would look into getting one. It's a great tool for new cooks! Makes things really easy. Just dump in the ingredients and the crockpot does all the work. Something I do that's even easy…
  • Since you quoted my original post as well as her response, clearly you can see I directly asked for advice and she wasn't trying to convert me? Although her macros were nowhere near where I like mine to be, I really think she was just being helpful. Wouldn't a vegan diet be one of those "certain topics" you mention? Thanks…
  • Perhaps I do, though I know at least three others in my yoga and gym circles who have had similar struggles trying to go plant-based. I conceded that it's entirely possible your diet works for you and that you're happy with your body composition. Your response may contain a link to a perfectly credible source, but it did…
  • Unfortunately, this is the answer I always get when I ask about high protein low carb vegan diets: some form of "you don't need as much protein as you think you do." I don't think this post was necessarily intended as a response to my previous post and I don't mean to sound combative, but I think it's kind of a cop out.…
  • Calcium isn't what's stopping me from going vegan. I would do it in a heartbeat if I thought there was a chance I could do it without sacrificing protein or totally carbing out on grains/legumes. If anyone knows how I can get at least 120 g of protein a day without going over 120 carbs while eating a vegan diet and not…
  • I dated one of my personal trainers once. I don't recommend it. I've also been hit on by my yoga students. I'm 28 and my studio is really close to a college campus, so I get a lot of younger guys. With one notable exception (total creepster), I've always thought it was cute and flattering, but no matter how young and hot,…
  • Like she said, cows don't naturally eat grains. They eat grass. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, cows raised by big industrial farms are fed grain because it's cheap due to all the subsidies. I don't eat red meat, but I would imagine a grass fed cow is a happier cow and I like my animal meat to come from…
  • I was hoping you were a lot lower than I am right now. This gives me hope that I can lose the belly and still maintain some of my *kitten* (if not my boobs, because that would just be too good to be true). You look great by the way! I would be very happy to look like you when the dust (fat?) settles.
  • Do you mind me asking how much all of you weighs? Your *kitten* and legs look exactly like mine, but I still have a significant lower belly food baby looking pooch even though my upper torso has lost so much fat my ribs are visible. Not loving this look on me.
  • CW: 147 GW: 130 The goal weight is negotiable. My ultimate goal when I started was to get to a low enough BF% to see my abs, but I'm not sure I'm going to like the effect that has on my boobs, so I might have to play around with it and see.
  • GO TO THE GYM!!!! I hope the rest of this doesn't come off as harsh. I don't mean it to be, but I could see harshness being read into the words. Just imagine this being read to you in a soothing voice. I just looked at your profile and it says the reason you want to get in shape is to be the best you that you can be. I…
  • My vet, who is totally awesome in every way, suggested this: I'm not sure if it's available anywhere else but Wal-Mart. He told me to get it at Wal-Mart, so I did. This stuff seems to work fine for my dog, plus the vet…
  • It took me awhile, but I read this entire thread and struggled with something I could say to reach the OP. I love this post. OP, congratulations on starting this journey and making some changes. That's GREAT! Please don't let the next thing I say take away from that: You do have more changes ahead of you if you truly want…
  • This made me laugh. I actually just got back from voting. There was a weirdly long line for it being 1:30 in the afternoon, so I stood in tree pose while I waited. People looked at me funny. OP - try to work out, but if you can't, just go over and start fresh tomorrow. I agree with previous posters who look at their weekly…
  • That's just amazing! What a great accomplishment. Good for you!
  • A few things: First of all, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but you're strong and you can keep going! Think of it as just something that happened to alter your path a little bit. Don't dwell on it. I know, easier said than done, but keeping a positive attitude really does help! I would definitely follow the advice…
  • A lot of vinyasa is pretty similar to body weight strength training, so you are probably okay with regular yoga practice in terms of avoiding the dreaded "skinny fat" look. That said, I have found that heavy lifting and yoga compliment each other nicely. Increasing my strength helped me get more out of the postures than I…
  • I started at the higher end of normal and I'm looking to drop extra weight, tone up, look/feel amazing and become a yoga super hero. I would love more friends in similar situations!
  • This is a tough one. I wish I had a great answer for you, but I don't. It took me a while to realize that avoiding unwanted attention was part of the reason for my weight gain in the first place. The first step to dealing with and conquering these emotions is recognizing that you have them and understanding their cause. I…
  • My two new favorites are My Oh My by Tristan Prettyman and Hall of Fame by The Script. Someone already mentioned this one, but One More Night by Maroon 5 is a good one, too. Plus it has the added bonus of making me think of my ex, which makes me work harder.
  • As I sit here waiting for my iPod to charge and think about it, I agree with this. I stand by my previous post in that it is possible to do and still be healthy. However, you've got to do what works for you. If you're not comfortable with eliminating certain foods, it may take more time and that's totally fine. I agree…
  • I have less to lose than you and I lost 5 lbs. the first week after I switched to a new personal trainer. I only lost .5 the second week, but I encountered a delicious buffet at a meeting reception and cheated. This week I'm on track to lose another 4, but we'll see. I like the booze. There's been no crash dieting. Some…
  • I agree with the first part of this. Add weight if you want, but if you're not feeling lunges and squats in your glutes then you're definitely doing them wrong. Do you belong to a gym? If so, find a personal trainer, tell them exactly what you told us (you don't feel it in your glutes) and I'm sure they will happily take…