
I'm thinking I might try some yoga... has to be something I can modify a bit to accommodate my right hip issues... anyone have a good suggestion? A dvd I can use at home? And maybe something I can also use after the surgery in conjunction with my physical therapy? I'm having a hip replacement in January and want to be in as good shape as I can be. My range of motion in my right leg is extremely limited at the moment, which will (hopefully!) be remedied with the replacement and some very gentle persuasion.


  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    There are all sorts of workout routine videos on You Tube, including Yoga. Just go to You Tube and search Yoga. You'll probably want to search Yoga for Beginners or something like that. I know they're there, I use them all the time. There are also a few Chair Yoga videos, that might be helpful with a bad hip. Start slow and gentle. Even though Yoga is low impact, it can be very strenuous. And it will stretch your hip to unusual places. Just go slowly and listen to your body. If something feels like too much strain, pull back to less exertion or stop that pose completely. Yoga is wonderful, I hope you find that you enjoy it.
  • TheeGeeMarie
    TheeGeeMarie Posts: 59 Member
    Find a yoga studio and take a class. Before I was certified as an instructor I had to do a workshop on poses and alignment and have a working knowledge of how to accomodate different injuries, weaknesses, etc. A yoga video will offer modifications based on skill level, but will not be specific enough to modify for a certain body part.

    If cost is an issue, google free yoga in your area. I have a bad yoga habit and I like trying new places. I could attend 1-2 classes free a week if I wanted to.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Not sure what's available in my area but I'll have a look... you're probably right about seeing a pro because of my physical limitation. I don't want to make matters worse, that's for sure! I did some yoga in my youth..... a looooooong time ago........ but I couldn't get into a lotus position now if my life depended on it! I can hardly get my right sock on, never mind get that foot all the way UP onto my left thigh!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I agree with finding a yoga instructor who you can voice your issues and concerns to before a class, so they can help guide you and modify things for you.

    I tried to to P90 Yoga X on my own, being completely new to yoga, and it really messed up my hips (I have had lower back/hip problems for a few years). I think the culprit position was going in and out of downward dog without being prepared for it considering my body's issues.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I have issues with my knee, back and shoulder. I do take yoga classes. I would recommend taking a class over a DVD, the instructor will help you personally with form.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I like wii fit yoga- try just the standing positions at first, and see if you can get a physical therapist to develop the list of poses beneficial to you
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    I have a yoga dvd that is done on the bed -- however I have to skip some of it with my knee issues. I would also suggest looking for a class where the instructor can help you modify to your needs.
  • karensueo
    karensueo Posts: 7 Member
    I have issues with my knee, back and shoulder. I do take yoga classes. I would recommend taking a class over a DVD, the instructor will help you personally with form.

    I agree with taking the class if you can find one. A good yoga instructor will help you make the modifications to the poses keeping your limitations mind. This is important so you can avoid further injury.