Anyone Else Grow A Crush On Their Fitness Instructor? (Yoga)



  • I saw this on Cinemax last night.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    It is normal to develop feelings for an instructor. There is a bond built between client and trainer/instructor. I think it is best to just enjoy the feelings you have, but not take it further. If you do cross the line you can't take it back and you risk ruining the sessions. Personally I'd rather have someone I care for in my life as a friend than to destroy that and never talk to them again.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have a personal trainer (woman), and two Zumba instructors (both women) so I'm not particularly crushing over any of them, but if you're attracted try to get a sense of whether the feeling is mutual before you jump on her.
  • TheeGeeMarie
    TheeGeeMarie Posts: 59 Member
    I dated one of my personal trainers once. I don't recommend it.

    I've also been hit on by my yoga students. I'm 28 and my studio is really close to a college campus, so I get a lot of younger guys. With one notable exception (total creepster), I've always thought it was cute and flattering, but no matter how young and hot, I wouldn't seriously consider it. A lot of people consider it pretty tacky for an instructor to use class as a dating service, but many do.
  • Well let me start off by saying this is humiliatingly juvenile for me and it brings back feelings of those odd puppy love days of middle school.

    I recently started attending Yoga as per recommendation from a friend. Initially I was reluctant to attend...purely due to my own ignorance. After the first session however, I realized just how beneficial this practice is for my athleticism and overall wellness. So three classes later...I find myself more and more attracted to my instructor! (studio owner). I'm enamored by her...Not only is she beautiful, but she's strong, accomplished, enduring, gentle, and loving...A total alpha, you couldn't ask for more.

    Anyway...She's 30 with two children and I'm 23...And I doubt she even sees me in 1/8th of the light I see her through...but these aren't exactly common feelings for someone like me.

    So my question is...Is this normal? Have you ever found yourself crushing on a fitness instructor of any kind? How did it go for you?


    Go for it dude. She's single and has two kids... what's the worst that can happen? I'm 24 and my last gf is 36! That was the best relationship I've ever had. Women in their 30s are in their prime... so they're lots of fun!

    Go at it playfully... and/or friendly. Coffee after yoga class is a great ice breaker