law1558 Member


  • How much time are you spending in the gym during phase 3? I'm in phase 2 and on cardio days, spend close to 80 minutes working out. I'm trying to anticipate what they next phase will look like as I work it around my LIFE!! :)
  • Thanks for the resource - Looks like I should be taking in approx 1700 calories to lose while working out. I need to up my protein!
  • If possible, invest in a heart rate monitor (one that has a chest strap will give you more accurate readings).
  • We seem to be at similar places in our fitness journey - I probably need to make the change to up'ing my protein intake to see better results from my weight-lifting. I'm curious - are you having a hard time hitting your 140-150 grams of daily protein intake? I average close to 100 grams a day and that's not consistent but…
  • Jogging on a treadmill (or on the street) puts significantly more stress on your body, which will spike your heart rate faster...and probably be harder to maintain for the same time spent on an eliptical. I found this breakdown on a another website: For a 160-lb. person, jogging at five miles per hour burns about 584…
  • I've been doing the Live Fit program for 6 weeks (I just started week two/phase two). I am following the workout program, but not so much the menu planning, although I'm monitoring what I eat thru MFP. I am looking to increase muscle mass and if I lose a couple pounds in the process, that'll be OK. What I've noticed in…
  • I will make myself a piece of wheat toast, 1-T of pnut butter and 1/4 sliced banana before I go to the gym - roughly 195 calories, but a good source of carbs/protein. I find that if I don't have something in my system, I can get light headed if I"m working out hard. I will drink protein immediately following my workout…
  • I am 47...started to make serious changes to my approach to fitness and diet right after my 46th birthday. IT CAN BE DONE! I've lost 36 lbs and I'm probably in the best shape I've ever been in - and honestly, with MFP and consistently working out, it hasn't been that hard. Feel free to add me if you'd like - I'm not at my…
  • I've been using the Jamie Eason Live Fit program lately and I really like it - you can find it on or you can just Google her name and Live Fit and you'll find it. Basically, it's a 3-month program, plus a nutrition plan. The first month, you focus on strength training and don't do any cardio (which I…
  • Although cardio is a great way to burn calories, the most weight loss comes from nutritional changes. There have been numerous studies that show dietary changes can produce two to three more times greater weight loss than increasing your activity. I know this to be so, because I used to "justify" my poor eating habits by…
  • I just downloaded "UltraFitness" - it cost $.99 but includes workouts and meal plans. Seems eay enough to follow so far....I'm currently using Jamie Eason's workout plan, so once I'm finished with that, I'll switch over to the UltraFitness plan.
  • I suggest going to a running store, getting fitted for shoes, then search for last year's "model" on Zappos or 6pm if the price is an issue. I don't necessarily need the latest and greatest, but prefer shoes that are tried/true. Also, depending on how much you run, expect to replace your shoes every 6 months or so. There…
  • I'm using the All-Pro weightlifting program and I'm in week 4 of my first cycle. Here's my stats from Friday: Squats 105 lbs (I have to use the Smith machine on D1, regular rack on D2 and D3) Bench 85 lbs Bent over rows 75 lbs OHP 50 lbs SLDL 95 lbs Bicep 45 lbs PS) I'm 47 yrs old and have been lifting (various programs)…
  • Here's a website I use to calculate calories burned when I'm wearing my spare HRM that doesn't provide me the information automatically: Put in your numbers and see what you get...remember, there is a difference between…
  • That's me! I'd LOVE to be 140, but I'd be satisfied with 145. Been at 153-155 steady for the past couple months... I'm 46 yr old. SW: 186 I work out to eat, so I'm not one who likes the idea of eating chicken at every meal with a side of steamed veggies!
  • OK - need to add you as a friend! Want to hear more about the strength training...I've been doing the same thing for awhile and seem to have stalled! I want to look like YOU someday!
  • Wow! You look great! Love the new 'do!
  • I find that running is sooooo mental! I can psych myself out of a good run with little to no effort! :) There are some great aps that will track your distance run, based on GPS, if you carry your phone with you - I like SportsTracker and MapMyFitness. One great thing about running on a track, though, is that they are…
  • Here's my stats: 5' 71/2" 46 yrs old SW: 186 CW:154 GW:150 MFP calorie goal / 1200 per day Avg calorie burn / 400-550 per day I've got just a few more pounds to lose, so now my focus is to tone and gain strength.
  • If you're starting strength training, remember that the number on the scale may not be the sole indication of success. Start to pay more attention to how you feel, how your clothes feel and how your arms/legs/abs/butt seem to feel a little more solid!
  • Amazing! Nicely done!
  • Interesting link that compares the nutritional values of almond and soy milk.
  • I put almond milk on my cereal ... but after reading your post about the protein content in soy, maybe I'll switch. I know that having protein in the mornings helps me stay full longer, so that's a plus....
  • If your goal is to lose weight, you need to focus as much on what you're eating as how much you're working out. It's a whole lot easier to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories per day (which will equal 3500 calories per week = 1 lb) than it is to burn 500 calories working out and not changing your food intake.
  • I try to make each "snack" intentional - so I'll eat a piece of fruit (or half if they're high in calories, like bananas) and some protein (string cheese, nuts, cottage cheese, non-fat greek yogurt).
  • I need to do that this summer, too. During the winter months, I've had success freezing soups and (turkey) chili.
  • Building muscle and sculpting your body is a great way to get results...and since muscle burns more calories than fat, you'll end up slimming down faster as your strength increases! When I first started with weights, I'd do two or three exercises per muscle group (back, arms, shoulders, chest and legs) 3-4 times a week.…