

  • Sorry I don't have any pics to post, but I butterfly mine and pound them flat, -(sounds painful, huh?) season them with S&P, fill them with spinach, and mozzarella cheese, close them with a tooth pick and then bake. I've also filled them with mozzarella and diced turkey pepperoni and served them with spaghetti squash with…
  • I've gotten to the point where I use the "create your own food" tool. Yes, it's time consuming but once it's in the system it's there for good. I put in 1 oz of whatever I'm eating and adjust the amount to match how much I'm eating. I actually use my name as the brand name so it's easier to find. FYI for the poster who…
  • <These two, Molly (Beagle/Basset mix), and Zoe (lab/beagle/char pei/??? mix) were both rescues. Since DH and I don't have kids, these two ARE my girls. Words can't express how much they've enriched my life. They were part of the reason I decided three years ago to start taking care of my health. They deserved a better life…
  • You may need to find the preparation that you like best. Certain veggies I like raw but can't stand cooked and vice versa. Experiment. Another tip for my when feeding DH who has the same distaste of veggies - I hide them in stuff. Make roll-ups. Take one slice of lunch meat, put a small amount of 1/3 less fat cream cheese…
  • It's really too bad that even after stating your case to your man that you'd really appreciate his help regarding your fitness efforts. Only he can really say what his reasons are, and so I think you need a new course of action. Make some friends at the gym or find friends who will go with you. Form the support system you…
  • I do these a lot. I add spinach, mushrooms, and a little diced ham and make a bunch and freeze in foil cupcake liners sprayed with Pam. These are awesome for a quick breakfast when I have little time!
  • Skinny Bagel & Lox! Take an "Everything" Bagel Thin (Thomas is the brand I like), toast it, add 1/3 less fast cream cheese, a sliced hard boiled egg, 1 oz of smoked salmon, diced green onion and some capers. Sounds weird and to be honest I was scared of it before I tried it. It is heaven on a plate.
  • I believe obesity is a choice. At least if I'm going to be honest with myself, it is/was my choice. I may not have consciously anticipated the affects of my choices to overeat and not exercise, but I made the choice to participate in those unhealthy behaviors. Most everything in this life is a choice. We choose whether or…
  • Do you roast your own? Just wondering if you have a recipe? I LOVE pumpkin seeds, but for some reason the ones I buy at the store taste like crap.
  • Holy cow, how did I forget hummus?? This stuff is seriously good! If you don't have hummus, I actually dip celery and pepper strips in low fat cottage cheese.
  • I love hard boiled eggs, fat free light yogurt, frozen fruit blended with skim milk, and "roadapples". (Deli meat with a very light schmeer of 1/3 less fat cream cheese and either a green onion or a dill pickle wrapped up). For me, the best snacks have a good amount of protein. But when I need some carbs, I go for frosted…
  • I've always had acne problems and for me, my face is like a window to my insides. You can tell just by looking at me when I've been eating a lot of processed junk and not exercising. A lot of my acne is also stressed induced, but exercise lowers stress levels so I tend to break out less when I stay active. So try to eat as…
  • It's kind of an old topic, I know but I just wanted to mention that not all T.O.P.S. chapters are the same. Our chapter does not sing songs or make the biggest loser of the night wear a crown. Hopefully you've found a support group that suits your needs by now, but I just wanted to let you know there are options.
  • So very frustrating for you, I'm sure. As if weight loss wasn't hard enough you're being doled out extra temptation. Have you tried sitting your entire family down and explaining to them just what having to make all their favorite fried foods does to you? Maybe also share with them the reasons you want to lose weight. It…
  • Sue, I am so very proud of you! It's no surprise you're scared of this new way of life. Lots of people are afraid of the unknowns. We're afraid to move away from what we've always known and how we've always lived. We all just need to remember WHY we're doing this. We all looking for a better life, and we know that losing…
  • Add me! I love to encourage others and I could always use encouragement myself!
  • I have two Cutco serrated knives that I LOVE and I would absolutely buy more if I had more money. My chef's knife is from Pampered Chef and it work's well for what I need. It comes with it's own sharpener in it's storage case.
  • I have the Biggest Loser Scale it works well for me. I love the tare weight feature so I can zero out and weigh each ingredient separately as I put it in the bowl. My kitchen counter is ALWAYS armed with my trusty scale, a pad of paper, and a pen. Hope this helps!
  • Not sure if I should post this question as a new topic, but how can you tell if you're HRM is accurate?
  • I SOOOO needed to read this today. I had a less than stellar day yesterday and have been in a bit of a shame spiral. I worked out today and have vowed to make today better. Thanks so much!!
  • Mine is my favorite Beatles' song and the year I was born.
  • Hello, I'm new here too, and I'd love to make some new and motivating friends.
  • I feel for you, I really do. That woman has no business whatsoever commenting on anyone's photo. She has no idea who you are and what your story is. Hopefully you can use your new license as motivation to keep working towards your goals. One person here put it beautifully - you are not that photo. Don't let an unflattering…