Favorite healthy snacks?



  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    low fat cottage cheese with chives and fresh deli salsa on crackerbreads, it looks a mess but tastes amazing like it's 5x as many cals then it is. Also crunchy veg crudites and low fat hummus, I like grabbing a pepper, carrot and cucumber at the same time and dipping the trio together for a multi veg taste sensation!

    Also totally agree with the cinnamon baked banana (I bake in the oven wraped in foil) and have it with reduced fat vanilla frozen dessert (icecream).
  • My fav of the season..roasted pumpkin seeds.
    They usually disappear as soon as their done ; )

    Do you roast your own? Just wondering if you have a recipe? I LOVE pumpkin seeds, but for some reason the ones I buy at the store taste like crap.
  • ash32384
    ash32384 Posts: 5 Member
    gotta get that... bump! bump! bump!
  • dbkrantz
    dbkrantz Posts: 138
    A half of avocado on wholemeal toast and a little salt on top.

    I know it's a lot of calories for a snack but oh dear god is it worth it!
  • CLynch309
    CLynch309 Posts: 34 Member
    Favorite savory snacks:
    - Beef jerky
    - Sargento cheese sticks
    - Claussen kosher dill pickle spears
    - Baked Cheetos! (I buy a big bag, I measure out 1 oz portions, put those in snack bags so that I'm never tempted to eat more than I'm allowed)

    Favorite sweet snacks:
    - Jello sugar free double chocolate pudding
    - Weight Watchers ice cream treats (especially snack size fudge bars, vanilla swirl cone or english toffee)
  • ash32384
    ash32384 Posts: 5 Member
    My fav of the season..roasted pumpkin seeds.
    They usually disappear as soon as their done ; )

    How many of these do you usually eat? I love these things! Do you roast them with any spices?
    Or just buy at the store pre cooked salted-unsalted?
  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member

    I usually want to snack on something sweet, my favorite these days is chocolate cinnamon banana, I also love almonds (since fall is near planters have Pumpkin spice almonds and ommmgg they are delish!) and string cheese :)

    chocolate cinnamon banana

    take banana split into length wise sprinkle cinnamon and add dark toll house chocolate chips, zap in the microwave for 30 secs AND BAM!...I feel so naughty doing it but it is soooo good lol

    7' banana
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1 tbsp dark chocolate chips :devil:

    fat- 5
  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    My favorite snack are granola bars, fresh fruit salad, multigrain toast with PB and then put sunflower seeds on top (learned this from my 8yr old vegetarian nephew.lol.), pop corners, wheat/multigrain crackers with Laughing cow cheese, yogurt and fat free pudding (yum)!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I love reading these for ideas! Thx for asking!
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    hummus, string cheese, mini fruit salads, small trail mix packs!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I would have to say my favourites are:

    Homemade fruit bowls
    Fruit and Nut Trail Mix
    Granola with Yogurt
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    I roast my own pumpkin and squash seeds. The trick is to soak them in some slightly salty water for a couple hours. Then pat them dry with a paper towel and bake them at 350F until they have a nice crunch.
    You can soak them in plain water too but the soaking really makes a difference to how they turn out when cooked. I have also been reading up a lot on the benefits of soaking nuts and seeds before eating them as it helps your body to digest it more easily.