Bad skin question

Did something you added or took out of your diet/fitness routine help your skin if you had acne?

I've always had a problem, for about 10 years now. I'm 22.

Mine is mostly around my lower cheeks/ jawline, so I'm pretty sure it's hormonal. I take BC and that helps a bit.

But I'm wondering if something you changed for your body helped your skin?

Like if you cut out dairy or wheat or sweets or when you added exercise?

I thought this was a teen problem =/


  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I'm 30 and still have this issue occasionally. Wash your face with a warm washcloth for the texture, or they've got face scrubbies at the Dollar Tree.. use a mild, non-scented soap.. change your pillowcase 2x a week (your hair gets greasy and when you roll, you end up with greasy grossness on your face!)... also, stay hydrated, plenty of water. :)
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    thanks =) anybody else??
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    Have you seen a dermatologist? I had similar acne problems, also since I was about 12, and what's really worked for me is spironolactone. I haven't had any breakouts since I've been on it, and no nasty side effects either. I still get the occasional random pimple but not the big ones along my chin/neck/jawline and only if I do something naughty like sleep in my makeup.
  • scowper
    scowper Posts: 13 Member
    i got really bad acne around my hairline when i was on the contraceptive injection but as soon as i came off it my skin improved. i still get the occasional breakout and it's almost always when i've been bad and slept in my make-up, and/or been eating bad. when my diet is good (lot's a fruit, veg and water etc) my skin really benefits
  • I always have really clear skin when I don't have dairy products, and then when I eat them again I get a rash/acne around my jaw line/chin too. I never had skin trouble when I was a teenager, but now that I'm in my early twenties it's worse! Even though people say food doesn't effect your skin, I personally think it does, for me anyway.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Eating a clean diet (high in fruits and vegetables, unprocessed foods, etc) helps a lot with acne! Though, being a woman there are times of the month where it doesn't matter how clean I eat because the hormones sometimes win over. Try adding some fresh lemon juice to your water, that really cleans you out. When you are clean on the inside, it shows on the outside.
  • rainlover711
    rainlover711 Posts: 74 Member
    Turns out my acne was caused by PCOS, and I probably wouldn't have known if I didn't go see a dermatologist.

    I would suggest going to see one, just because they can tell you if it can be fixed externally (soap, cleanser) or it's caused internally (foods, pcos, etc.)

    If it's caused by something such as PCOS, no amount of cleanser or soap will really help.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    As a teen I had horrible acne problems...even as I got older I'd still have breakouts....since I started my latest lifestyle change I've noticed that not only do I not have acne as bad but some of my old blemishes has started to disappear. I got away from fried foods, pasta and rice. Not sure if that had anything to do with it but sure do like not having to deal with the acne.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Since you're tracking what you eat, see if it flares a few days after you've eaten known allergens, like milk or eggs. I know lots of folks who have had to cut back on milk because it makes them break out.
  • I've always had acne problems and for me, my face is like a window to my insides. You can tell just by looking at me when I've been eating a lot of processed junk and not exercising. A lot of my acne is also stressed induced, but exercise lowers stress levels so I tend to break out less when I stay active. So try to eat as clean as possible, exercise at least 4-5 times a week, and wash your face morning and night with warm (not hot!) water and a washcloth. Also wash it after you've worked out. I really like Eucerine Redness Relief face wash. It's very gentle and keeps the redness at bay. (Another of my skin woes.). Hope this helps!
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    I have never seen any peer-reviewed studies to show a strong link between acne and nutrition. If there are some out there, I'd like to take a look.

    In my opinion, you diet is not connected with your acne. Aside from basic hygiene and washing, talking to your dermatologist would be a step in the right direction.
  • DermaDoctor Ain't Misbehavin' line. It's like skin crack. It's AMAZING.
  • reneewill
    reneewill Posts: 62 Member
    I haven't ever really had acne until I started dieting and exercising. I really don't know why that happens. I was on some diet pills through my doctor and went off of them because of breakouts. However, now, Im not doing anything but diet and exercise and have been breaking out again. There is definately a correlation of some sort! good luck
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Acne can be related to what you eat, for some people. Sometimes it's not. The best bet is to see a dermatologist. I have tried everything, from changing my diet to changing my skin care routine to drinking more water to using olive oil as a moisturizer... nothing helps. It's systemic, for me. I'm seeing the doctor later this week to get it under control.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    The healthier I started eating, and cleaner.... my face cleared up A LOT. Also drinking tons of water. I've never had a bad acne problem, but my skin had gotten worse as I got older. I had already used Skin ID, and had switched to proactiv. But since changing my diet, I've stopped using all that crap, and never break out.
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    I went to the doctor recently for this - I told him that I was 28. I had skin like a 16 year old. I was sick to death of it and would take drugs of any strength to get it fixed. He switched me from the Depo Provera (contraception injection) to the Pill. It is now called Ginet-84, but it used to be called Estelle.

    Also, for spot treatments of yukko big ones, I use benzyl peroxide which you should be able to buy from the pharmacy. This dries out the skin in the area and will make it go away faster.

    I used pro-activ for a little bit too, but switching to the Pill really cleaned it up the most for me. The only problem with the pill... it increases your appetite. (For some anyway). It also makes your boobies bigger :-)
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    Always always always moisturize your face after you wash it in the shower or at the sink. Use a tiny bit of lotion EVEN if your face is usually oily or combination. This is something so many people don't do and what causes the skin to break out.

    Drink plenty of water. Eat or take supplements of vitamin E (almonds are great) and Omega 3 (fish oil).

    Also, I would cut down on red meats/dairy that can make your hormones a little off. And cut your carbs/sugar down a bit.
  • I used to have really bad cystic acne. To the point where I didn't even want to leave the house. I feel like all of the exercise has benefited. I am seeing a difference. However, a great thing to use for acne is apple cider vinegar. I swear by it. Using it as a toner and taken internally. As well as tomato masks. As natural as possible when it comes to your skin. Nutrition is a big thing as well. I know that eating cleaner has definitely helped out.
  • michellesablan
    michellesablan Posts: 2 Member
    From what I've read so far - all good suggestions!

    Do you notice that you break out more during ovulation or during your periods? Hormones do play a big role in your skin. As others stated, I would see a dermatologist for a professional opinion.

    As an esthetician (and 32 year old who has finally gotten control over her adult acne) but unable to see you in person, here are suggestions that I usually give everybody:
    1) Drink a lot of water. Your body, including your skin (the largest organ of your body) needs to stay hydrated in order to perform optimally.
    2) Never go to bed with make-up on. Mary Kay (no, I'm not a Mary Kay consultant) tells their clients that going to bed with make up on ages your skin by 7 days! True? Not sure, but I sure don't want to find out! ;)
    3) Wash your pillowcase at least 1x/week
    4) Do not go crazy and wash your face more than 2x/day. This may strip your skin and may think that you have dry skin even if your skin is oily, causing even more problems if you have oily skin in the first place.
    5) Use products specifically designed for your skin type. And use quality products. They may be more expensive, but they are definitely worth it!
    6) Seek professional guidance. They will be able to see you/talk to you in person and will be able to determine how to help you the best.

    Good luck!
  • refinley2
    refinley2 Posts: 52 Member
    Eating a clean diet (high in fruits and vegetables, unprocessed foods, etc) helps a lot with acne! Though, being a woman there are times of the month where it doesn't matter how clean I eat because the hormones sometimes win over. Try adding some fresh lemon juice to your water, that really cleans you out. When you are clean on the inside, it shows on the outside.

    Yes. Do this while simultaneously nixing all fastfoods and soda in general (diet too) for a month and you will see some improvement.

    However, in many cases, acne can be more than just a diet thing, so if this doesn't have much affect, you'll want to see a dermatologist.