Animal Rescuers......



  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    Our cat Marlie was adopted from the SPCA almost 3 years ago.

    This morning while I was walking I cam across a young kitten who had been struck by a car and was lying on the street still alive. I didn't want to move it because it was injured but I couldn't just leave it on the street so I took it home with me and brought it to our vet. They said her back leg was broken and she had a lot of cranial damage (I figured as much since she was bleeding out of the mouth and nose and her eye was wonky) so they had to euthanize her. :( This poor little thing was only about 6 months old. :(
  • <
    These two, Molly (Beagle/Basset mix), and Zoe (lab/beagle/char pei/??? mix) were both rescues. Since DH and I don't have kids, these two ARE my girls. Words can't express how much they've enriched my life. They were part of the reason I decided three years ago to start taking care of my health. They deserved a better life and they weren't getting it if I couldn't get my *kitten* off the couch!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member

    I just rescued this pup... she was abandoned at only a couple weeks old with a parasite. The breeder basically threw her away! She is healthy now and a great little pup with my boys!

    Clearly she is just waiting for the right moment to chew off your face. Notice the adorable ears and big puppy dog eyes...a sure sign that she is about to attack :tongue:

    She's beautiful. Thank you for rescuing her and giving her a forever home!

    yes clearly, she looks like a ferocious beast to me.

    she could be a calender pup!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member

    I have two rescue dogs and two rescue cats. This is Sam - when he was a few weeks old, I heard some whimpering while at my desk at work and saw him outside my office window. :heart: Cutest puppy I've ever seen. Wish I could upload pics from when he first came home, would melt your hearts, but I'm at work. He is half beagle - a guy who breeds them near my old job dumped a whole litter since they were an 'oops' and not pureblood. My vet says the other half is likely a lab or lab/mix. Happy ending: 4 puppies were eventually found and all were adopted by employees working in that office park.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member

    I just rescued this pup... she was abandoned at only a couple weeks old with a parasite. The breeder basically threw her away! She is healthy now and a great little pup with my boys!

    Clearly she is just waiting for the right moment to chew off your face. Notice the adorable ears and big puppy dog eyes...a sure sign that she is about to attack :tongue:

    She's beautiful. Thank you for rescuing her and giving her a forever home!

    yes clearly, she looks like a ferocious beast to me.

    she could be a calender pup!

    That is the big joke at the football field when we take her to practice... How dare you bring this ferocious beast around all these children!!! Think about the CHILDREN!!! LOL
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    418842_424707590897855_853502572_n by wrevhn, on Flickr

    Thats my 9 year old Josie i mentioned. my best bud, we have went through a lot together got her at 1 she almost starved to death, pups did when pound got her she bit them so they wanted to put her down but she is one of the most well behaved ppl loving by the rules intelligent dogs i have ever seen, she had a hard life but not since i had her! she is happy, and she loves her new daddy ( my hubby known 5 years) and her life. we spoil her.

    we are fur children ppl, in lieu of normal fur free kids.
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    Just added a photo of Tiki and his favorite buddy Sandy
  • tipadoo
    tipadoo Posts: 104 Member
    Rescued Tuxedo March 2012 (best cat every and a great mouser) and got him a 1 year old border collie friend in May 2012...everyone is happy!!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    <~~~~Coco she is a toy poodle that I rescued. She was beaten and because of those beatings she had seizures :o( The vet and I tried every medication possible to help and unfortunately it was a Grand Mal seizure that took her life. I was devastated. I only had her for 2 years and she was only approximately 4 years old. I do have another dog, but she's not a rescue. I was scared to death to take that chance with rescuing again.

    This is so sad. I want to cry. Coco was a beautiful little pup, why or how on earth could someone do something like that. Just plain demonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    <--This is Freddy. My mom found him in their dog house that was in the garage (their dog had passed about a year before, who was also a rescue), during a very hot August day. He was down to about 6 lbs or so, covered in fleas and all of his hair was matted or missing in places. She gave him food and water, brought him inside and took him to the vet. It was obvious he was previously an indoor cat, as he never wanted back outside, was litter trained, fixed and definitely not feral. We think he had been abused and dumped by someone, by how he acted with loud noises and sudden movements. My mom contacted the humane society in town, gave a description in case anyone was looking for him, but no one came forward.

    He's got this tiny little voice in that big body, and is really kind of a pansy. But, when he gets mad, he gets mad! At one point, he took a swing at my mom and knocked her glasses off her face. The next day she caught part of Nightmare on Elm Street, and dubbed my cat Freddy. Luckily, he rarely lives up to the name now.

    When I saw him for the first time, he was this gangly alien-faced scruffy cat. But, as soon as he crawled up on my chest, purred and drooled, he was mine. I've had him almost 5 years now, and he is the sweetest cat ever.

    Love seeing all of the happy rescued furbaby pics!
  • dalana84
    dalana84 Posts: 75 Member
    OOkay, think this should work, this is Aston my itty, bitty pitty :) She was abandoned in an apartment when the woman who had her moved out. My cat Bing was also with her, when I went in they had been eating trash and were forced to potty in the house. They are both home now and are really amazing. Aston is one of the most wonderful dogs I have met.


  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    <~~~~Coco she is a toy poodle that I rescued. She was beaten and because of those beatings she had seizures :o( The vet and I tried every medication possible to help and unfortunately it was a Grand Mal seizure that took her life. I was devastated. I only had her for 2 years and she was only approximately 4 years old. I do have another dog, but she's not a rescue. I was scared to death to take that chance with rescuing again.

    This is so sad. I want to cry. Coco was a beautiful little pup, why or how on earth could someone do something like that. Just plain demonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have no idea. She was the best little dog you could ask for. All I do know is the guy who did it to her came up on charges of Animal Cruelty and they let him go with a fine, and to sign a contract that he were never ever to own another animal again. Pfft I think he got off to easy, just my opinion. I lost her in January of this year and I am still having a hard time with it.
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    Mine are bothe rescues too - the corgi/spaniel mix is my avatar and the beagle is a baby
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    I've had to take 5 animals to the Animal Anti-Cruelty League in 8 days because people keep abandoning them on our property at work! A pitbull (such a sweetie), a boxer mix, 2 mutts and a pregnant calico cat with green eyes.

    Wish I could keep them all but my landlord says the cat I adopted from Animal Anti-Cruelty last year is all I can have. :brokenheart:

    At least I know they're safe there & that they'll be taken care of til they're adopted. No-kill shelters for the win!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I had to chase a dog down on the highway. Cops had to come to close off the road.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    done! and it also relates how I feel today:grumble:

    My animals are all rescues.

    I even have a dog we rescued THRICE!! :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I just changed my profile pic to my pup yesterday! :) Oscar was a rescue --- abandoned in a house by himself when the owners moved - and still just a puppy no more than 6 mo old. As a result, I have had to super spoil him and he's insufferable, but I love love love me some Oscar-dog... lol
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    <--- my boo boo lilly (lab boxer pit mix) and my 2 rats (bangkk and sri lanka) are all rescues. i love when people rescue animals, i always think that it is really them that are saving us :]
  • yep we have two rescues and donate also
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Mine was born in a no-kill shelter and we adopted her at 4 months old. She had been in her cage most of her life (I think she was fostered out for a little bit), so the first thing she did when we got her home was run up and down the hallway for a solid 30 minutes. It made me sad and happy.