Animal Rescuers......



  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    Mine is already set to my rescue girls, as I sadly lost one of them last week. I fully support animal rescue. The people who do animal rescue work are my heroes.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I only have a pic of me with my rescue baby. She is gone now but we have rescued another kitty. :cry:

    I wish I could rescue more fur babies, instead I volunteer at my local Humane Society as often as possible. It can be heartbreaking at times to see sweet babies getting passed over but it is rewarding to see them find a home.

    Here's to the rescuers! :drinker:
  • SirKelsalot
    <--- Barnaby. Not a rescue pet, but she was bought from a shop with her sister, Boffin, who kept their rats in barely appropriate conditions - i.e. small and overcrowded cage, put on sawdust (which is bad for their respiratory systems), and not handled. They were SO skittish when I got them and now, after many months of handling, they're little sweeties. Proper shoulder rats :')

    It saddens me that not many shelters in my area will take in rodents (mice, hamsters, gerbils, degus, ratties, etc), so this is for the ones that open their doors to any animal, no matter how unusual <3
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    3 of my 4 cats are rescues.
  • effcla
    effcla Posts: 33 Member
    Great thread! We got the Chi (Brandy) 9 years ago when the couple who was breeding Chihuahuas split up and couldn't keep her (they were going to keep her along with the parents). If we didn't take her, the lady was taking her to the shelter. The pittie (Scarlett) we rescued 2 years ago from Animal Control. The shelter named her Scarlett because she has scars on her head, neck and legs. She was around 9 months when we got her and they think they were either trying to train her to be a fighter or using her as a bait dog.

    My Chi is a grouch who has scared the pittie since the day she walked in the door. After two years Brandy tolerates Scarlett much better and they can share the same ray of sunshine without the Brandy chasing Scarlett off.

    I love the pics of all your pets. Thank you for rescuing. :-)
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    I always rescue!

    <<< This is my little buddy Blaze, a Chi-Rat. I've actually only had him for two weeks, but we're already the best of friends.
  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    Done! This is Frida, She is a SATO, a Puerto Rican Street dog rescue.
    The amazing and wonderful organization in Puerto Rico that works tirelessly to save as many street dogs and cats as they can is Save a Sato. I donate pretty regularly and they have an Amazon wish list that you can order supplies from and have them sent directly to the shelter in PR.
    It's no skin off my back to send $30 worth of nutritional support and cleaning supplies every once in a while! Especially when there are so many beautiful animals down there and I could only personally save one, my little baby, Miss Frida, the sassiest lady in New England (and the coldest because she does miss that Puerto Rican climate!).
    Also, if you are ever on vacation in PR, contact them. They always always always need volunteers to be the person on record flying back to the states with a dog so that it can be adopted, because there are no adoption opportunities on the island.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    This is Cooper! He rescued me five years ago...and this is what he loves to do when hiking...take a nice little lay down in the water! :)
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    <---- this is my Knuckles, he's the best. My mom got him for me from a friend of her's at work who's wife told him that if he didn't find the kittens a home she would take them to be put down :( He weighs in at a slim 15 pounds!
  • dare2begin
    dare2begin Posts: 51 Member
    This is my beautiful black lab Bailey whom we rescued 2 1/2 years ago. She was scrawny and very ready to be loved. We also have a chocolate lab named Jak. He came from a farm litter. These two bring so much joy and happiness into my life. They also help me get out and walk even on days I don't want too! Life is too short to go without the love of an amazing pet. I am proud to be a rescue mom!
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    <~~~~Coco she is a toy poodle that I rescued. She was beaten and because of those beatings she had seizures :o( The vet and I tried every medication possible to help and unfortunately it was a Grand Mal seizure that took her life. I was devastated. I only had her for 2 years and she was only approximately 4 years old. I do have another dog, but she's not a rescue. I was scared to death to take that chance with rescuing again.
  • Cameo530
    Cameo530 Posts: 155 Member
    This is my daughter and our two rescued dogs. Lita, the Beagle/Brittany mix, was adopted from the local county dog shelter in 2005. Lulu, the Shih Tzu, was literally rescued from the doorstep of the building I worked in on the morning after Christmas three years ago. She was covered in snow and ice, malnourished, and so matted that we had to have her shaved nearly bald.

    Lulu follows me everywhere I go in the house, and Lita greets my husband each morning by putting her front paws on his chest until he drops down to his knees so that she can slide her paws up to his neck and "hug" him!
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    This is my Kit Kat, he was abandon by his owners, the Animal Control CALLED them, since he had tags, and they never returned the call. I got him as a playmate to my Sweetie Cat, he is in my ticker; who probably isn't a rescue in the general sense, but the family was wanting to get rid of him, so I got him (to replace 2 cats I had lost in a year, then lost a 3rd after) Kit Kat is the BEST cat, so mellow. He *must be* where ever I am. He was so ill, he was in quarantine, for 3 weeks after I brought him home.

    I didn't want a 2nd cat, but my Sweetie Cat has the most energy I've ever seen in a cat, even at 8 y/o (just had a b-day, and I got him at 8 weeks, so we've been together nearly 8 years, Kit Kat just passed the 7 year w/me anniversary) As I type this, they are both curled up on the back of the chair with's getting cooler and they snuggle with each other and me in cool/cold weather.

    I also volunteer with a local rescue sanctuary. I've only lived with one animal as an adult that was not a rescue. I think part of me is trying to "make up" for my moronic step-father just dumping unwanted animals down a country road somewhere.

    Also, don't forget. Spay and neuter!
  • corndog33
    Gunner - Adopted from a local home
    Maria - Adopted from a local shelter
    Tynwald - literally rescued from the neighborhood where someone dumped him off as a kitten. The. Best. Cat. Ever.

    This absolutely made my day. They are simply beautiful.

    I too have an baby kitten rescue whose mom left the runt in the bushes. We bottle-fed her...and another sweet kitten several months later. These are two of the sweetest cats I have ever met in my glad I heard their cries.
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    This is Sydney she was rescued from a shelter as a puppy. Born in a farmers field. She is ten now. They told us she was an australian cattle dog and lab mix but that was just a guess.

    I think she definitely has cattle dog in her, she's got that classic white spot on her head. My Hannah is a cattle dog mix too, just not sure what the mix is!
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    Will do.:heart:
  • PicklePlum
    PicklePlum Posts: 192 Member
    <--This is Mundus.

    I adopted him in 2008 when he was 3 years old. He was left by the previous owner because he didn't get along with their jack russel and he was not in the best of shape when I picked him up. He had a bit of a skin rash and was missing patches of fur. When I picked him up he was the happiest and most calm thing and I felt we had an instant strong connection :)

    It wasn't long before he healed up his skin and grew a nice healthy coat.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Here are some photos from adoption events or just volunteer days when I go out and walk the puppies and play with them. It is amazing what it can do for a shelter animal to just go and spend some time with them. I urge people to go volunteer. It is so rewarding for the animals and for you as well.




    And then these are my rescue babies.


    When we move to a bigger place we will be adding a rescue dog to our family.

    There, finally got the flickr links to work. :grumble:
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    <---- The second love of my life! Yes, she is napping under a newspaper. Hey - she's a rescue. You can take a dog out of the streets, but you can't take the streets out of the dog!

    She's a great Beagle. The calmest, quietest, best-behaved one I've ever met. My family can't believe that she's a Beagle. They all got Beagles after we got ours, thinking they were going to behave the same way. HAHAHA! No...
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member

    Don't know if this will work, as I have never posted pictures here before. This is Yuki. She was a stray we took in.