

  • It was out of stock when I ordered it, so I have to wait until late March to receive it. I, like others on this thread, live a very busy life. I work full time, have two kids, and I'm a full time student. I don't have time to measure my food and do all of the other time consuming parts of trying to make my food fit in with…
  • I'm 5'6 and 153...I struggle just to get out of the 150s and into the 140s! It happens for a day and then I am right back at 150 and stay there. I've increased, decreased, changed up the exercise, you name it...140 is my goal weigh,, at this rate, I'll never hit it, but I'll look good trying. I'm tired of thinking about a…
  • 1/3=26,249...I ran 7.5 miles...that helps get that number up there! Tomorrow we're going to the zoo, Phoenix is a "balmy" 75 degrees. I feel for those up north, I don't know how you all do it!
  • I have quit counting. I have been eating relatively clean for a little while now and I'm doing pretty well with making progress. I do look up my cheat meals though...then I try and exercise as much of it as I can off...I can't help myself!
  • I have the Force and love it. I definitely feel it's worth the $130. I have a friend at work who actively competes with me, it's a great motivator. The only thing I don't like is the fact that the distance measured doesn't seem to match up with my run tracker app or my treadmill. I don't know which one to believe! Overall,…
    in Fitbit Comment by HPLW0705 January 2014
  • I technically have two rest days a week, but one of those days I do a lot of stretching. I am training for a half marathon and unfortunately, sometimes my knee protests loudly. Stretching helps me a lot and keeps me from hurting myself. Rest days are important, but I've found that making my own rest schedule words well for…
  • I've had mine for about a week and I love it. I have a friend who I actively compete with to see who can take the most amount of steps in the day. It's nice because it serves as a reminder that I need to get up and do something. Having a desk job makes it a little harder to get up during the day, but since I've been…
  • I have it and love it! It's perfect for the person who is short on time, but still wants to get a good workout in. I've done up to week 3, had to stop due to pneumonia, but I was seeing great results. As soon as this cough goes away and finals are over, I will be starting it back up again!
  • That's a good idea...I may consider that! Thanks!
  • I, along with others, go by how I look. I look good around 135, but not below that. It all depends on the person. I'm in the normal weight category for BMI, but I don't think that I looked awful when I weighed 160 which was considered over at my height of 5'6. According to weight regulations when I was in the military I…
  • I'm a little behind everyone, just started day 1 yesterday! I completed Insanity in July and have been looking for another workout to do since I just don't have the time to do Insanity again. I'm looking forward to seeing some great results like I did with Insanity. I have read through the postings here and it seems like…
    in T25 Comment by HPLW0705 September 2013
  • I was in the Navy and deployed on a smaller ship. I got on the treadmill and the weather outside wasn't exactly favorable. Needless to say, a wave knocked the ship and I fell off. No one else was on the treadmills, they were all doing weights or the bikes. The worst part was, it wasn't even that bad of a knock, I must have…
  • Hi Stephanie! I'm from Phoenix as well. Just started back up again, so I'm excited! Always looking for more friends as well, so add me if you want!!
  • I finished Insanity in July, got sick and ended up gaining 5lbs out of the 10lbs that I lost back. I'm planning on doing another round. It is an intense workout, but it is totally worth it. I have a bad knee, so I had to modify some of month 2, but that was it. Everyone is doing great! Keep it up!!
  • I wouldn't say that I quit, but life gets in the way and I can't devote as much time or effort into achieving my goal. I usually find that I will gain about 5lbs back and then I get back on track. It's a cycle that I think others go through as well. What matters is that we don't let a little set-back ruin everything,…
  • I'm 5 days away from finishing and I have lost about 10lbs, but I did gain in the beginning. I gained and then it seemed to all fall off within a week, so it wasn't too bad, but I've heard others say the same thing. I'm thinking its pretty normal. Also, what I did notice is that even though I had gained weight, I was…
  • I noticed, after purchasing my HRM, that the calorie counts on MFP are highly inflated. I would run 3 miles and it would tell me I was buring over hundred calories more than when I used my HRM. Same with other exercises as well. MFP has me set at 1250 and since I've been doing Insanity and running, I tend to be so hungry…
  • Your weight naturally fluctuates, that's why it's not recommended to weight yourself daily.
  • We didn't do the typical foods for today, so I was under by 13, then I did my Insanity and I'm under by over 400...I'm sure I underestimated somewhere, so I'm calling it even!
  • Every little change is awesome, I'm noticing things like that as well...it's a crazy workout, but I love it!! Keep it up!
  • I noticed that Hip Hop Abs is on sale at beach body for $19.95. I haven't done it, but I've heard it's relatively low impact and for $20, that really isn't a bad price.
  • I don't eat them back.
  • I don't have that reaction because I was burning more running for an hour than I am doing a 40 minute Insanity workout. I feel like I'm working much harder doing these workiuts than I am by simply running. I don't have the time to add something in addition to...I already give up enough fitting Insanity into my day.…
  • Took me about 2 weeks to start running again...I think I babied it a little, but even then I was still a little sore!
  • I guess it's not all about the calories burned...as long as I'm getting the wanted results I should just suck it upnand be happy, right? I got a cheap HRM for my first one. It's a pyle brand. It had decent reviews. I plan on getting a polar one. My issue is with the watch...they drive me nuts! Polar watches look huge. I'm…
  • I have a question about calorie burns. It seems no matter how much I try, I don't seem to burn what is being touted for the program. I think the most I've burned was 396 doing plyo and I thought I was going to die afterwards! Ha ha!! I'm 5'6 and weigh 153, not sure that has much to do with it. I've had decent results so…
  • I get like that if I work out too soon after I eat. It is heating up outside as well, are you drinking enough water?
  • Hello everyone! I'm new here, but I'm about to start week 6 of Insanity. I'm currently doing my recovery week...last one tonight! I've been reading through and it sounds like everyone is doing awesome!! I usually do my workouts relatively late...work, school, and my kids take up a lot of my time, so burning the midnight…
    in 6/3-6/9 Comment by HPLW0705 June 2013
  • I have my calories set to 1800, but I don't log exercise calories. I'm doing insanity and I've found it's easier for me to keep track of how much I'm really eating when I do it this way. I log my workouts because some of my friends hold me accountable, but they're logged as 1 calorie. Feel free to add me, I definitely eat…