Need help with my diet !!! Insanity experts!

Hi everyone!
I have been on insanity for the last two weeks. I feel great however I haven't lost any weight yet, in fact it I gained 1.5 lbs ( but I am on my period so I think that is the reason of the gained weight).
I am 5'1 ft and 145, 28 years old My target weight is 125.
I am supposed to eat 1,500 calories per day but I am not sure how to distribute the carbs, protein and fats. It has been difficult for me designing my weekly meal plan.
It is important to mention that I haven't been able to complete the insanity workouts , I would say that for this two last weeks maybe i was able to do the 50% of the daily routines and I did not reach the 1,500 calorie intake goal . I was between 1,200 and 1,350 calories per day.
I need to know if I have been eating correctly and help preparing my meal plan. Thanks :)


  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm doing insanity also (on week 3), and I would say that firstly it is important to finish the workouts, even if you have to take frequent breaks. Just stick through with it and you'll get stronger and see more results. I have a hard time finishing the workouts on some days too, to the point where I'm crawling across the floor to reach my water bottle.

    From the other insanity posts I have read so far, it is common to gain weight in the first couple weeks of insanity; part of this could just be water weight as your body adjusts to this new level of exercise that you're putting it through, but also keep in mind that weight on a scale is not everything-muscle weighs more than fat does. I'd suggest taking measurents of yourself so you can track the inches as they fall off rather than stress over a few pounds on a scale.

    The best way to distribute the carbs, fats, and protein is to follow the insanity nutrition guide that gives you meals that you can follow as well as a conversion table to swap out different foods to suite what you favor personally and still maintain that correct ratio. I personally just use it as a rough outline because I'm a poor college student that can't afford that variety of ingredients, so I just pay attention mainly to calories (obviously), proteins, and fats. I just try to keep fat to a minimum and eat as much protein as a can, particularly after a workout.

    What I have found helps me a lot was buying a big container of whey protein isolate; low calories, high protein, and correct fat and carb ratios. Also, make sure to space out your meals to be smaller and every 3-4 hours. Since I'm very active and I work 2 jobs, I end up eating every 2 hours most of the time, 3 hours tops. I find it preferable because by the time I'm hungry again, it's time to eat my next meal or to do my workouts and then have a protein shake.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    I finished my first round of insanity yesterday. Your fitness level will improve and you will get better at them.. and then you start all over in month 2 lol. But stick with it, do your pace, watch your heart rate, do the best you can. You can't keep up with them so don't try.

    Only weigh in on your fit test days. TAKE YOUR measurements... they are a much better track of where you are, as you'll build muscle, which is more dense than fat, so you'll see no change on the scale but you will get smaller. You'll see fluctuations in your weight due to water retention from protecting your muscles (I always looked bloaty post workout) and of course, mother nature.

    I was also on 1500, which was a little less than what the nutrition guide told me (they said 1700 to 1800 but I just don't eat that much). I did 40/40/20 (carb/prot/fat) and it seemed to work for me, although it was hard to get the protein and that is what you really need. Whey powder, protein bars, wheat germ seemed to help.

    Do try to do the 5 small meals a day thing. I saw a big difference when I was able to follow that.

    On to round two in two weeks... Good luck!
  • HPLW0705
    HPLW0705 Posts: 102
    I'm 5 days away from finishing and I have lost about 10lbs, but I did gain in the beginning. I gained and then it seemed to all fall off within a week, so it wasn't too bad, but I've heard others say the same thing. I'm thinking its pretty normal. Also, what I did notice is that even though I had gained weight, I was losing inches. The scale lies! Ha ha. Also, I had to up my calorie intake to around 1800 for the workouts. It seems like a lot, but Insanity is tough. Since you're not completing the workouts in their entirety, I wouldn't recommend going that high, but raising your calories a little, not sure what you're at right now, may help. I'm 5'6 and weigh 149 right now. The program is awesome and I'm happy I decided to take the challenge, but it's hard! Good luck with your workouts and add me if you want!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Protein - .82g per lb of body weight minimum
    Fat - .4g per lb of body weight minimum
    Carbs - Rest of calories