

  • Yeah it's really odd, as you can see from my ticker I've lost about 15kg so far taking my BMI from obese into the healthy range and none of my friends have said ANYTHING about it so far... I told my mum about it because she normally buys me clothes for my birthday and I didn't want her buying me anything massive as I've…
  • Honestly when I was first starting I had a terrible problem with this. The only way I could really stop myself doing it was to only buy one portion at a time. It completely takes the temptation away because the food just isn't there. I have learned to trust myself more now, but I'm still like this with any treats. I…
  • I LOVE eating while I study. It's become my routine to take tasty snacks with me to the library. It really helps me work to have something nice and salty to nibble on. I still plan some spare calories over a few days and then bring a big bag of popcorn or something to the library with me. So I definitely understand your…
  • Your goals are absolutely realistic! It would feel great to make it to a "healthy" weight surely. Well done on your progress towards that. I can't really understand how what you eat at home impacts your boyfriend. I kind of get it if it's affecting your social life, but I would tell him to just back off and mind his own…
  • I do try not to throw things in the bin, but say my neighbour baked me something, I'd bring it into work. If my colleague gave me something, I might take it with me when I visited my family... No-one's feelings get hurt and I can make sure any treats I have are things that I really want rather than things that are just in…
  • Families can often feel they have the right to say anything to you without considering how it might make you feel. I've lost about a stone and a half now although I'm still at least another stone over a healthy weight. Yet everytime I see my mother, she makes a point of telling me I'm too skinny and that I should stop…
  • I don't think they just measure your legs because I'm majorly apple shaped and would struggle to even pinch any fat on my legs anywhere right up to my hips. But my scale measures about 35% body fat, which seems about right for me overall but definitely doesn't reflect the level of fat in my legs/lower half.
  • I'm quite a bad binger, but since I've been trying hard to sort my diet out, I've found that the best way to deal with it is just not to buy any larger portions of foods I like. So it might be cheaper to buy a 500g pot of tasty greek yogurt but if I'm going to just eat it all at once, I'd be better with a 150g portion at a…
  • Yes you'll be heavier on the scale, but it won't damage your long-term fat loss. I love salty foods so honestly, why would I care if it means I have some extra water weight when I weigh myself? I'm not going to eat a permanently low sodium diet and I have low blood pressure, so unless I was uncomfortably bloated, I…
  • My mum came to stay with me for a couple of days last week and she was telling me that I was losing too much weight. Going on and on and on "don't deprive yourself..." "you're too thin..." Like my BMI is now 29 and when I started I was obese. I'm not sure what to call it, it's like body dysmorphia or something like maybe…
  • Why have you given a random reply to a 3 year old thread. I'm pretty sure they're not interested!
  • Yaaay alcohol!! :happy:
  • I really hope the 1 key is broken on your keyboard. No-one should ever be eating 400 calories as a regular daily intake, that is actually crazy. Anyone who gains weight eating 850 calories needs to visit their doctor.
  • I've never done WW but that article is a bit harsh... It seems ridiculous that cancer patients or victims of wasting diseases would constitute any meaningful proportion of their "successes", it's such an odd thing to say that it makes me wonder what his agenda is. I can understand why it appeals to people. I can see that…
  • I do think that maybe you're trying too much at once though. I do agree with others that your wife should visit a doctor to get her blood sugar checked if there's a chance she is diabetic. However, on the weight loss front, I don't think there's any need to start out being "perfect" and eating low carb and high protein. If…
  • In what way would it even have been a "cheat" if you'd been within your calorie goals for the day? If you ate sensibly the rest of the day, I would think you'd still be around your maintenance calorie level so all that's happened is that you haven't lost today. One day at maintenance isn't really going to set you back :)
  • If you're trying to gain muscle as your second post suggests, you need to be eating way way way more than that. I would be eating at maintenance and using exercise to do some body recomposition, slowly losing fat and building a bit of muscle. With 3lb to go, you're basically at the right weight so eating at 1200 calories…
  • Yeah they're on a hard, flat bathroom floor. I tested them out holding a bottle of squash that weighed 1.2kg on my kitchen scale and my bathroom scale added 600g so I guess they're broken. I'm so so tempted by some wifi scales. Guess this counts as an excuse!!
  • I'm not sure what society this is that's telling you to be at the lowest end of the healthy BMI range... There is a reason that it's a range! Different people are better suited to be at different points. For example I keep weight almost exclusively in a bundle on my stomach and at a BMI of 25, I'm definitely not at a…
  • I did have major weight gain around the time I had my first implanon in. However, I'm a strong believer in taking some personal responsibility for my actions and, at the end of the day, this happened because I ate too much. I do think my implanon made me hungrier. I really doubt it would make weight loss impossible for…
  • Why would anyone need therapy to "deal" with something that wasn't causing them any distress or stopping them pursuing their interests in life. Conditions like OCD aren't really an issue in themselves, it's only when they stop you living a happy healthy life that's a problem.
  • I am sure that your 120 calories per hour for standing includes the calories that you would have burned whatever you were doing (eg. sitting, sleeping...) it's not extra calories burned through the activity of standing. You definitely shouldn't add 120 calories for every hour you spend standing!! That said, you clearly…
  • You'll weigh less than your "proper" weight if you dehydrate yourself. Not really recommended! :)
  • I've really gotten into the habit of weighing daily recently. I use to smooth out the daily water weight fluctuations. I love watching my trend line go down everyday.
  • I have an implant and, while I love it as contraceptive, looking back I actually realised that I started to gain weight around the time that I had it put in. Obviously it was me that ate the extra food but I think it must have caused changes in my appetite as I never really had issues with my weight before. It's not really…
  • I would love to get involved :)
  • Well I was looking a bit suspiciously at my 40" hoop wondering how that could be the size of someone's waist. I would absolutely say not to start much heavier than the 2.5lb one I have as doing it today, I can feel my waist has bruised a bit and my hoop is padded. I can't think of anything worse than studs hitting into…
  • Ok I'll persevere with the other way. I find it quite hard work all round as I know I have poor balance and a weak core. I thought this might be quite good targeted exercise for this. I guess I should focus on my overall goals but seeing as I was given this, I thought it could be something fun I could do for 10 minutes a…