How did you feel when someone mentioned your weightloss



  • Razzzzle
    Razzzzle Posts: 40 Member
    Its getting mentioned to me that much when I'm in the office at the moment, and the local shop for that matter (same owners) that its starting to get on my getting ever smaller tits.

    I wish now that people would just be happy and not have to mention it to me all the time, I do eat crap sometimes and not done it as quick as some people on here, but I'm only 15lb from my goal now and its getting a bit boring talking to people about it, just let me get on with it.

    If people want help, just ask me directly rather than asking other people what I'm eating and doing exercise wise to lose weight.

  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    When people tell me I've lost weight they're pretty much stating the obvious, since I've lost almost 18 kgs. I have come to realize that I look like another person if compared to 2-3 years ago, but honestly, no one hasn't been seeing me for such a long time. I've lost my weight gradually so it wasn't so noticeable while I was losing it. I've still received compliments and comments starting from the first months, and I still get comments about it whenever I'm back home from my relatives (considering that I study abroad and they can't see me for several months in a row). I don't mind when they say it, even though I know exactly how much I've lost, how long it's taken me and so on, so I honestly know about my own weightloss better than they ever could. But it bothers me when they start commenting about how my weightloss affected my appereance - I don't like when they say that I look good, or that I shouldn't lose more weight. I know I've changed a lot, but I still am chubby and it's noticeable. I don't plan on losing much more weight because I don't want to be thin, but I'm still nowhere near being fit and I don't see why they should talk to me as I was already "done".
  • Razzzzle
    Razzzzle Posts: 40 Member
  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    Only my husband has noticed my weight loss, no one else has said anything.

    I'd love it if someone had noticed!
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    My years ago when I had just left my job I lost around 90lbs (I put it all back on I'm afraid). When I went back to visit my old colleagues a couple of them walked past me completely because they didn't recognise me! People were complimentary but I did feel a bit uncomfortable that some people that didn't really take much notice of me when I worked there all of a sudden wanted to be friendly with me.

    On another note I also noticed that I got much more attention from sales assistants in clothes stores! Whereas I used to be ignored and practically had to stalk a sales assistant to get any help before all of a sudden they were coming up to me and asking if they could help me. I should have felt delighted by this but in fact I felt really quite angry, I was still the same person as before but just wearing smaller clothing - it was almost like being fat meant I was a non-person which I think is a disgusting way to treat another human being. Having said all that it doesn't stop me wanting to lose the weight again as I want to be healthy.
  • glbrocks
    glbrocks Posts: 37
    Highly uncomfortable. Especially when your family goes bragging about it to everyone in sight. Ugh just leave me be with my program and let people take notice themselves please. Don't get me wrong it's nice to be complimented and all but there is a fine line between compliment and torture to even go anywhere. Especially clothing shopping where they mention your weight loss and the sales clerks fake being happy for you just to get a sale because they know you're buying a whole new wardrobe.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Agreed, it's uncomfortable.. the more weight you lose the worst it gets. Not that thats a bad thing really, just uncomfortable. Then they ask you for tips, like you cheated or something.
  • lonelydiva007
    well for me it depends. some ppl look at me with weird face and say 'OMG wht happened to u??!! r u sick or something??!!' that is when i feel bad..
    but if some1 looks at me n say 'wow, u look good and healthy, keep it up girl' thts when i like it..
  • sarahjasminebicknell
    sarahjasminebicknell Posts: 17 Member
    i started a size 16 - 18 and now i'm a 10 - 12, my boss keeps telling me to stop losing weight and even though i am only 5'4" and do not mention my weight loss unless someone mentions it to me, i enjoy shopping now and my friends and other work pals have been lovely, so now i just smile at her and do not answer, good luck everyone, your doing great, dieting isn't easy but the result is fab!!!! i have 18 lbs to go and i'm going to make it there and be smiling inside and out!!!! :wink:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    At first, after losing about 20 lbs, really good. Now, it makes me feel super awkward and uncomfortable. It's just something about the conversation being focused on my body, and what I look like now compared to what I looked like before, and just ugh. I don't know how to respond. I usually just mumble something about how I feel, physically, and try to change the subject. The worst is when I got, "You look so much better now!" Well thanks, bro, I didn't think I looked that bad before.

    I understand, though, that people are going to be interested and are going to comment. I've almost halved my body weight and that's not going to go unnoticed. It's just something I'm going to have to deal with.
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    Like most have said it depends on who says it to you. I have noticed that people I have not seen in a while are usually surprised, so whatever pops out of their mouth is an instant response. I have only felt uncomfortable when the fiancé of my sister in law went on and on about it almost every time I saw him (every couple months). Now that I look back I think he was just in aww and because I did not see him all the time he had a mental picture of me as "fat". I think this is true about many people we see. Some of us were "fat" for so long that they have that mental image ingrained in their brains. So when they see us after weight loss their brains react in shock.
    On another note we all have friends and family that secretly are jealous/envious and they might not even realize it. Hence the reason some can't stop talking about it, encouraging you to eat something your turn down, or encourage you to gain even though your at a healthy weight.
    Just never apologize for your weight loss! And learn the art of changing the subject. :)
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Don't feel anything really, I thought I would but I don't. When I realise it myself, it gives me true happiness as I notice the hard work that goes into it and it's such a rewarding feeling.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not at that point yet... 16lbs out of 140 doesn't show too much yet! Well, my mum says my face looks thinner about every 2 days, but I think she's just trying to be supportive but it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable as I know there isn't really any difference! (not being modest there, it's true)
    So I am looking forward to the first time someone else says I look different (as I will be more likely to believe it then!) but I know I will feel awkward as I'm terrible at receiving compliments but will love it internally!
  • alibee88
    alibee88 Posts: 31
    Only my husband has noticed my weight loss, no one else has said anything.

    I'd love it if someone had noticed!

    Yeah it's really odd, as you can see from my ticker I've lost about 15kg so far taking my BMI from obese into the healthy range and none of my friends have said ANYTHING about it so far...

    I told my mum about it because she normally buys me clothes for my birthday and I didn't want her buying me anything massive as I've dropped 2/3 sizes. All I get from her is about how I should stop now and not lose anymore, so I'd love some positive comments from someone!
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I love it! Makes me feel good that all my hard work is paying off!
  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Think I'd have to put myself with those who feel uncomfortable about it, at least slightly. Yes, it does make me proud about achieving something, but I'm still just under 9lb off my goal. So when someone mentions it they always phrase it along the lines 'you've lost so much' and that just makes me feel like this is the end result, and not just a 'snapshot' of the progress. I know they mean it in a nice way though, so I keep that to myself. Maybe it's just me being over self-concious about this stuff.
  • fit2014yay
    fit2014yay Posts: 41 Member
    I really like it when people notice - it gives me a "pick-me-up" and an encouragement to stick with it. I have gotten the "you don't need to lose anymore weight" line already. LOL. I just told them that my goal was a few vanity pounds lower and that I'd probably gain them back & that shut them up. :P They don't have to know the whole story.
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    It hasn't happened yet! I will let you know when it does but I am guessing I will be damn happy!!!
  • FatNFightingIt
    FatNFightingIt Posts: 22 Member
    I love when people notice. It reinforces the pride that I have in myself. What I find amusing is when people say "What's your secret" and my answer is I don't eat processed food and I exercise - It's that simple. What they really want to hear is that I took a magic pill that is doing it all for me so that I don't have to do it for myself. Obviously, that is not the case. The other side of this is that if you eat something that people perceive as "bad" and they tell you that "you can't eat that". Because clearly I don't know what I can eat if you JUST told me you noticed how much weight I've lost. I got this...don't worry. I guess what I am saying is - Be proud of your accomplishments. You've earned them!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    What is ironic about this thread (and there have been several others like it) that there are also tons of threads in RE to "when will people notice and say something?" I just personally find it fascinating.

    I myself liked it, but comments were generally more along the lines of my fitness rather than the actual weight loss....i.e. "damn much are you squatting these days?" or "how many miles did you ride today bro...damn, that's awesome." Most people I know were very excited to see me start working it again and getting back into shape. I know my wife digs it...