How did you feel when someone mentioned your weightloss

ek0513 Posts: 147 Member
Today, for the first time since I started losing weight (25 lbs in 4 months) someone mentioned that they noticed I was losing weight. I was wondering how you guys feel when someone compliments you on your weightloss. I personally felt uncomfortable, and I didn't really tell anyone I was losing weight. It's just one of those things that is awkward for me. I was wondering what everyone else here felt, or feels when someone mentions your weightloss


  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    I always feel uncomfortable when people point it out. Proud of my hardwork...But uncomfortable.
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    I feel extremely uncomfortable. Was really hard for me yesterday, went to a family do, and people kept talking about it, and commenting on my diet (also in the 'Don't eat that, I can see you are on a diet!'-way) and I hateeeeeeeeeeeeee it... I'm considering not going to the next family do, because it just drives me up the wall
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I feel dam good about it lol even though this is all for me it is nice when someone notices
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Yeah I don't know why but it felt uncomfortable as well. I couldn't understand why though. As it felt nice, and made me happy as well
  • Alchemagician
    Alchemagician Posts: 27 Member
    It was great at first, nice to see that people noticed the results of my hard work. Lately, though, it's been more uncomfortable. I am ten pounds from goal (down almost 100 lbs in 2 1/2 years, 72 lbs since last fall) and I've started to have people tell me, "Oh, you're getting too thin, you need to stop losing weight!" "If you lose any more, you're going to disappear" and similar annoying comments. I had one friend actually tell me that I need to gain weight (I'm 5'5 and 156 now, not at all scrawny) because it was 'unhealthy to lose that much weight', and that it's bad for my heart to exercise six days a week.
  • MzBeckie
    MzBeckie Posts: 207 Member
    It depends on who's mentioning it. If its a close family member than I get happy that someone has noticed because sometimes I wonder if I'm making any progress that's noticeable. Some family members and just other people, I am happy but at the same uncomfortable because I still feel embarrassment of my starting weight and hope they don't keep on talking about my weight.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Embarrassed. Not used to that kind of attention.

    But proud of my weight loss. It's been hard work!
  • ljs385
    ljs385 Posts: 44 Member
    I feel embarrassed (I seem to get these comments on a weekly basis from people at work). Especially when people tell me I'm looking nice and slim now... back handed compliment! So I looked like crap before? (this is just how my head works and I realize that they don't mean it this way)

    But then, there is no pleasing me. When meeting up with the BFs family (who I hadn't seen in a couple of months), not one of them mentioned it - which miffed me slightly.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    If it is my fiance, fabulous...but anyone else, very uncomfortable. Partly because I always feel like I'm gonna gain it back anyway so I feel like I don't deserve the compliment. I went from like, 200+ to 140 and kept it off til I got knocked up (with horrible pregnancy depression...and major emotional eating) but ever since my daughter was born four years ago, I've been having a really tough time. Lost about forty (which was only about half the weight I gained during pregnancy) and gained it all back about two years ago. So I usually feel very undeserving because I know I'll fail and gain it back. I also have never accepted a friend request on MFP because I don't want the accolades from my "friends" on my progress! (Again, because I feel I wouldn't deserve it.) I do really really enjoy seeing my ticker progress though...when it progresses in the right direction!!!
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    it depends on who it is, if it's my family i'm ok with it, my supportive friends i'm ok with, my "you've lost too much, you look ill" friends i hate them mentioning it as it makes me feel like rubbish, i also hate strangers or casual acquaintances mentioning it

    why is it socially acceptable for somebody to say "you've got thin" (or words to that effect) but not socially acceptable to say "haven't you got fat/put weight on". ok so i do realise that to say somebody has put weight on or is fat is rude, but unless they are family or a friend i find it equally rude to mention my weight loss.

    a good example of this is.... my husband took me to one of his friends weddings, i don't really have much to do with his friends so they hadn't seen me in a couple of years, they were all full of compliments and kept telling me how good i looked, instead of making me happy, this made me paranoid that his friends had been pitying my husband for marrying the fat frump, when his usual type was dolly bird, that probably wasn't the case (although i genuinely think it was) and i felt uncomfortable for the rest of the night, didn't help that a couple of them kept coming up and repeating themselves over and over, i just wanted to hide

    i also think the more i lose, the worse i actually handle people mentioning my weight loss, hopefully i will learn to deal with it better one day :sad:
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    I don't comment on other people's weight...and I'm generally irritated if they don't pay me the same courtesy.
  • djslickrix
    djslickrix Posts: 35
    Not very happy, they all said I look anorexic and need to bulk hard. The only people that said this are the ones that have belly fat and want to loose it. The others say, you do look quite slim now, but yeah as long as you know what you're doing and are bulking, then keep doing what your doing.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Friends and family, no problems. Strangers though....I did feel uncomfortable last year. One morning I arrived at my gym getting ready to start my workout routine when a fit, blonde lady just came up to me, said hi and mentioned she had been noticing me the past few months and could tell I had lost weight and wanted to congratulate me. Caught me off guard since I had been coming to this gym for nearly 2 years and it was the first time anyone approached me out of the blue. She then asked me how much if I didn't mind telling and I told her and she was surprised. I felt a bit weirded out by the slight shock on her face when I told her the amount I have lost but got over it quickly. She said I was an inspiraton. I thanked her for her kind words and went on my way. I don't care now. I don't ever mention it first unless people ask or are already talking about it.
  • Krishna_Veni
    Krishna_Veni Posts: 173 Member
    i m happy and proud of my hard work.
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member
    I actually wanted to hear someone mention it that I looked like I lost weight. It took 20 lbs before someone said something. I've kind of mixed feelings. I wanted to know others noticed but at same time don't want it to be a big thing.
    If someone says it looks like you lost weight, my answer is that I'm trying. I keep the info short.
    I provide no further comment unless asked.
    In some ways I am treating my weight loss as a secret. I know something they don't know and it's rather empowering. As I KNOW I am loosing weight.
    And we all know even those that verbally support us often don't believe it will happen. So again . . . I have a secret they don't know.

    I have to say as a discaimer, I know this goes against most recommendations. It is suggested to talk openly and to build a support group when loosing weight. However, in my case I have friends and family that are supportive, I just feel they are also non-believers that are just being nice.
  • mslindy320
    mslindy320 Posts: 1
    I appreciate that someone notices and thank them. Then I move on to something else. I get embarrassed if they won't leave the subject alone.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I don't like dwelling on the topic, but I do appreciate it when someone notices it, because all the responses have been nice. I don't mind the ones that say "well done, keep going!" though that's getting a bit personal!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    People started mentioning it once I hit around 16lb lost and now it happens a few times a week. I honestly really enjoy when it happens! I do get a bit awkward when they carry on with ''are you doing it on purpose?'' and a load of questions but just a quick mention is cool with me.
  • BobbiTracey
    BobbiTracey Posts: 53
    I felt fantastic! I've lost 4kgs in the two months or so and family + family friends have been mentioning how good I'm looking! Hearing their comments makes me want to work harder. It's awesome to know my hard work and effort is finally paying off! :)