Are my scales broken?

I'm about to ask the world's stupidest question but I think my scales are broken but I'm not sure how to check.

They're digital salters scales that I've had about 3/4 years and the battery was replaced early Jan so it isn't that. Until about 2 weeks ago, they were working normally but recently, it seems like they only give one of a few weights.

Eg. I weigh in kg and the scales give the weight to nearest 0.1kg but recently my weight always comes up as either 78.4 or 79.2 and sometimes 78.9 but NEVER in between. Like before it's settled, it used to give a weight 0.1 either side then settle and flash but now when I weigh it jumps between these same values then settles on one of them.

I have taken up daily weighing using trendweight but this pattern is making a mess of my chart lol. I can't work out if that's actually my weight, my scales are "sticking" but roughly right (which I guess I could live with) or whether they're knackered and I should get some new ones.

I'm really tempted by a new wifi scale but not sure I can really justify the expense especially if these ones are actually working.


  • NapsAndNachos
    Is it on a steady surface?

    I love my Withings scale, by the way :-) It does tell me that I'm fat (much bigger BF% than the previous scale gave me), but I still love it!
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Have you got something that you know the exact weight of? If so either put it on the scale or stand on the scale while holding it then weigh yourself again and see what comes up.

    Failing this does it have a calibrate function?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Weigh yourself. Then a few minutes later hold something heavy and get back on the scale. See if the weight changes. Then weigh the item itself. Your weight and the weight of the item should add up to what you both weigh. If not, get a new scale.
  • alibee88
    Yeah they're on a hard, flat bathroom floor. I tested them out holding a bottle of squash that weighed 1.2kg on my kitchen scale and my bathroom scale added 600g so I guess they're broken.

    I'm so so tempted by some wifi scales. Guess this counts as an excuse!!