grward612 Member


  • You are definitely not alone! I'm 51 and I feel like it only gets harder with age. Now, not only do I worry about weight but everyone seems so much younger! I plan on getting back into shape and not worry so much about the latter. Here's to a new year! I wish you much success on loving who you are!
  • Thank you Heather! You are very close to my same height and weight. I'm also 5.5 but weigh 146.2 (as of this morning). I'm an ex-gym rat/group fitness instructor and have done all the mad-calculations and tracking of macros, calories, exercises, etc. I got away from that these past several years unfortunately. It just…
  • Weight loss is definitely much harder since I hit the 50's bracket! I'm curious to know how many calories you ladies consume per day to lose weight and how much you consume to maintain weight. I realize that what you do may not work for me or vice versa. It's kind of like the weighing daily, weekly, monthly question ...…
  • Re in TX – GREAT JOB ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!! I love everyone’s pics!! Please keep posting! Heather (CityJaneLondon) … what a cool pic! And don’t worry so much about the over-indulging … just adjust the following day and move on. Regarding Panhanders: I’ve seen “helping bags” on facebook for panhandlers. You put in several…
  • Marcelynh – That happens to me all the time! I cannot believe police refuse to do something about it. Don’t they get paid to provide public protection?? Ha ha! All you daily weighers – It’s good to know that I’m not the only one who weighs daily, but use it only as a guide throughout the week. For some reason, this helps…
  • Wow! This is a lot to keep up with! I thoroughly enjoy reading all the posts and they are truly inspiring. I'm glad I joined this group! Barbie - I love to listen to audio books as well. I enjoy almost all genres. If you have any suggestions, please share! Marcelynh - I hear ya about the grandkids. I have two, boy and…
  • I too weigh myself daily, but I only record my weight loss weekly. I have to know each day how I'm progressing to help keep myself focused. I'm sure there are pros and cons to this, so you have to do what works for you! I just joined this thread today, but I'm loving it! Glenda
  • Hey Karen! I love all the pics! A pound of veggies sounds like A LOT. How much do the veggies in your quart size bag weigh? I can't image that's a full pound. If so, I think this is a challenge even I can do! :) I will do my fitness test and post results when I get home tonight.
  • Hello everyone! I'm new to this thread but excited to now be a part of it! I turned 50 this past year and want to work on staying young! I love the concept of having resolutions instead of goals. SO, my January resolutions are: 1. Log everything I eat, every day ... I love the comments about logging every lick, sip, bite,…
  • Hello everyone! My name is Glenda I'm 50 years old and desperately looking for some motivation. I was a group fitness instructor for 15 years and took weight lifting and working out very seriously. I couldn't go a day without it, literally. After I gave up being an instructor 4 years ago, I just lost interest in working…
  • So how is this diet working for you guys? I just started it today and I'm looking for advice, comments, or feedback of any kind!
  • Two things that have worked for me. 1) When going to a friends house, taking chewing gum. Nibble somewhat, allowing yourself a small treat. Then pop in the gum, which will help you call it quits. 2) When going out to a restaurant, my husband (or friends) and I split meals. Not only does this cut down on the calorie…
  • That is SUPER great!!! I love all your excitement in your post ... it's got me all excited to lose weight!!! Thank you for sharing!
  • Incredible! Congrats to you!!!
  • The changes are huge!!! Congratulations on your loss!!!
  • So true!! And this hits home for me as someone who is pushing 50 and married to someone under 40. I'm lucky enough to have a husband who does recognize this though. But even still, it's not a comfortable feeling knowing that we will not age at the same pace. There has to be a story behind this thread though! Do tell!
  • Drinking diet soda has had no impact on my weight loss or gain. For me, it does not trigger sugar attacks nor does it make me hungrier. I think each person must have a different reaction to this, but personally I DID NOT lose any additional weight by not drinking it.
  • Wouldn't a water-fast be the caloric deficit the OP was wanting to avoid? I had a doctor tell me that the cleanses are unhealthy as your body sheds very healthy, necessary minerals which can be difficult to replenish (including bacteria in your stomach that aids in digestion). Also, the hardest to replenish is potassium…
  • I like to do a "mimic" lat pull down mix on the elliptical. One minute with just a stride and one minute using arms, doing the lat pull down. This makes the time go super fast and adds additional cardio to the workout. I go at a pace of 4.1 miles per hour and pull the arms down every second (while exhaling). Keep your arms…
  • The best thing I think is to include your kids into your workout. Play tag with the older ones ... you'll be amazed at how much energy it takes to keep up! Or any other game you can think of that includes running around. You can also do exercises that incorporates them in by using their body weight as resistence. Great leg…
  • You're weight will drop according to the scale, but you won't lose anything. If you think about it, the scale is only going to show a lower number because you do not have any food in your stomach or intestines. Once you eat again, the scale will reflect that as well and you'll be right back to where you were before the…
  • I've posted this before, but I'll do it again. I wisk 6 egg whites with 1/4 cup of salsa and then scramble. Yum! All protein, low fat and tasty.
  • Don't follow the MFP for calories burned ... it's way over estimated. A good heart rate montior will be more accurate. If you cannot afford one and need to use MFP, divide the calories burned by half and you'll be much closer to the true number. And I agree with the advice to use TDEE and BMR.
  • [/quote] "I do eat mostly carbs but only cause i aint got a clue what else to eat! For breakfast i have wholemeal toast, sometimes with jam, or home made pancakes. For lunch i mostly have sandwiches (again, usually wholemeal) and for dinner i always have a carb product involved like pasta, rice or mash potato :/[/quote]"…