

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited January 2017
    Kim - So sorry about your family situation. It's awful when you feel powerless to help people who will not help themselves. I suppose if a crime is being committed then it doesn't matter who reports it, but I assume it's more complicated than that. (((HUGS))) for you. <3

    DJ - A beautiful, sophisticated woman. :D<3

    Well, my SV news is that I did not put on any weight over the holidays. :drinker: Sooooooo happy! And I kept off the pound I lost the week before. Now I want to lose one more pound before we go on holiday in two weeks. :D

    I have to disagree with Barbie, (and she knows I do ), in that I entertain myself enormously with food. I don't eat mindlessly and I make excellent choices, but eating and entertaining others is one of life's great pleasures and a wonderful way of getting together and sharing. They are some of my happiest moments. That is totally different to mindless snacking, or stuffing yourself with junk, which is a form of self punishment and self abuse.
    Last night there was a programme on TV which was testing out various "diets". I don't even approve of the word! One they called "The French Woman's Diet", which is closest to the way I eat. The participant lost 7 lbs in 6 weeks.

    Tonight I'm making the Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie from skinnytaste.com. For the newbies on here, the website has some excellent recipes for lower calorie meals. Several of us cook that pie, which is really a savoury cake. I have double portion for dinner and a single portion for lunch the following day. I will have it with green beans and cherry tomatoes and, of course, chilli sauce! :D DH likes mango chutney. Yuk!

    Allie - We are all in your corner and cheering you on. Keep going! It will get hard from time to time as you know from before and there will be tears and despair, but it will be more than worth it in the long term to get rid of a +×÷# who is not worthy of you. <3

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    morning ladies~
    slept well until around 12:30 am and woke with stomach cramps..was awake until 2,Tom woke up and did his thing and then I fell back asleep... think he asked if I was awake before he left,but I was out...
    today another long day working 8:30-6 or after.. Tomorrow a busy day.. going to the bank and changing my check to my own checking account.. that should go over like a lead balloon... but will order checks and help with household bills until divorce..
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Stronglift Workout A

    For those of you that are doing the lose 40 pounds by May 27 challenge with me there was nothing new on the challenge thread except for how to navigate the different threads on the site. I will update daily. As for me I am challenging myself to get up and move more! So, if you would like to join me in that, set your alarm to get up and move 10 minutes every hour.


    Mary from Minnesota

    Setting my alarm to get up and walk with you

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Yesterday went well. Grandkids were fun. There is no random snacking allowed when they are here or I hear about it when they get home and don't eat their supper.

    Today, up way to early. I agree - sleep plays a very important part in weight-loss. In my defense, I went to bed early so of course I am up early. It is "my" time before DH gets up.

    Darn...it is snowing , this is going to make my outdoor walk a little tough. I am going to weigh my boots Today! They are my boots from work so steel toed safety boots, but they are comfortable for walking in the winter.

    - more purge and shred, burn, recycle, donate.
    - walk and Leslie Sansone DVD
    - water, water, Water.

    DJ - LOVE your hair. We could be twins.,! Mine also started to turn gray really early.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Yvonne & others who might not love fresh veggies I think it is Michele who prefers her veggies, at least broccoli, lightly steamed. I used to parboil and then marinate veggies in Italian dressing which is delicious. I just eat 'em raw now. Also, I thought that picture of richmondlady's cabbage soup looked pretty darn good...lots of ways to get veggies in. This morning I had half my day's lb of veggies in a green smoothie, which was very tasty, surprisingly. I had never had a green smoothie before. Can't believe how easy it was to get half a lb of fresh vegetables on board! The other half will be later today after my workout. Maybe it's psychological, but I feel better & more balanced and less tempted since starting this veggie commitment. Thank again to Penny, my role model in this endeavour.

    Sue I know your critters appreciated that hot water. I can just see the steam rising up around your horses and barn cat as they lapped it up.

    Joyce Yay for good blood pressure and less dependent edema! That is wonderful!

    DJ You are gorgeous. Love the hair.

    Becca Yay! you for donating blood! It's a wonderful gift. The blood bank is constantly calling me; I have to get back in there and donate again soon. You have inspired me to quit ignoring the messages and make an appt.

    NYKAREN & Rita I am not a pack rat but I do have a problem recognizing that I can let go of a LOT of stuff and not miss it at all. My mantra is "Keep the best of the best, and let go of the rest". I have to keep that in my mind ALL THE TIME when I am going through stuff. I empathize with you AND your husbands, as I have this internal struggle which says, "This could be useful." vs "I haven't used/worn this for 2 years." "There is nothing wrong with this." vs "This item is taking up room in my closet/garage/house and I don't use it." or "I could repurpose this." And worst of all, "This was my mom's and she loved it, but I don't so much."
    AAAARRRGGHHHH!!!! "Keep the best of the best and let go of the rest!"

    Jana in Virginia Happy Birthday!

    Kim I hear pain and frustration in your latest post. My mom used to say to "do what you can to get the outcome you want and then let go of the outcome". My observation of you vis a vis your posts this last year is that you are no stranger to hard work and always endeavour to do what you can to get the outcomes you desire. You are the poster child for strength of character and good attitude. You work your butt off and you aren't afraid of a challenge. You think outside the box. If I were going to choose a 2017 resolution for you, it would be to stay true to yourself, because you are a terrific person and a terrific role model. The family situation you are alluding to would try anyone, even someone as resilient as you are, and I am so sorry you have that worry. Let us help bolster you to forge ahead despite financial and family stressors. We love you. <3

    Tracie & Carol Part of my Mindfulness for 2017 is to limit screen time. So far doing better, but nowhere near what my goal is...2 hours or less per day, including computer, TV, and phone. Wish me luck! I spend at least 30 minutes a day on here with you gals, and I have a couple of favorite TV programs plus the news, so this is definitely going to challenge me. It will be good for me.

    Marnie in Alaska We have the same word for 2017! Mindfulness! I love it!
    Several of the ladies on this thread have had success with intermittent fasting. Mary does a daily fast where she limits her eating to a few hours in the later part of the day, I believe.

    Toni in TN Great FOCUS goals!

    Sharon in Alberta Having lost 2 nuclear family members to suicide, my heart goes out to you and your son's family over your loss of Steven. (((Hugs)))

    Lillian "- more purge and shred, burn, recycle, donate" ... I love this...

    RE We haven't forgotten you, girlie, we know you are still out there...

    Karen in Virginia
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    Good morning ladies. Kinda down today. Rainy weather, not sleeping well, too much on my mind.

    Rita from CT
  • grward612
    grward612 Posts: 72 Member
    Wow! This is a lot to keep up with! I thoroughly enjoy reading all the posts and they are truly inspiring. I'm glad I joined this group!

    Barbie - I love to listen to audio books as well. I enjoy almost all genres. If you have any suggestions, please share!

    Marcelynh - I hear ya about the grandkids. I have two, boy and girl, who both get off the bus at my house. I help them with homework, feed them dinner and play games every night. They are at my house for about two hours. It gets to be exhausting, but it sure beats sending them to daycare!

    Lizh9 - What is "stepbet"? I'd like to hear more about that.

    lacruiser2016 - I share a lot of the same qualities that you posted!! Although, not the one about being retired. Boo. That is my goal, but I have 6 years to go. However, I taught cardio kickboxing and step for 15 years and was a gym rat like you. I had to give it up when my grandkids started getting off the bus at my house. Since then I've lost all motivation ... because like you ... it's all or none. I diet the same exact way ... all in or not at all.

    Mary - I never did see the challenge, but just felt like I wanted to be a part of it! Yeah, not very smart of me. I'll PM you about the details to see if it's for me.

    Oconnell4383 - Great job on the weight loss!!

    Like everyone else, LOVE the FOCUS!! Nice job Toni!

    I'll try to keep up with everyone on here, but that sounds like a challenge as well!! :smile:
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Off to the Endocrinologist for a consult on my parathyroid test results. Separate issue is my left ear is all stuffy feeling/sounding. May have to run over to doc to get that checked. If we had an otoscope I'd have the hubs take a look. No pain just discomfort. Always something.

    Welcome to all the new peeps joining us on this fabulous and supportive board.

    Till later....

    in chilly College Station, TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :) I think there is a way to get rid of emails from MFP....go to your home page, click on "Settings", click on "email preferences" and then uncheck all the boxes so you don't get e mails.

    :)<3Kim, having family members that continue destructive behaviour is a huge challenge....learning to detach from it is the only solution I've heard of that works.

    :)Marni, thanks for the great photos of your weather and your darling dogs..yes, men can lose weight much faster than women..one of the cardinal rules of weight loss is never compare yourself to a man,..that's one of the great things about this thread--women sharing with women of a similar age.

    <3Allie, you are not a failure..you hit a bump in the road and have found the tools to survive...if you want to give yourself a label, try "survivor" or "improver" or "winner"

    winter-cold-smiley-emoticon.gif Barbie in very chilly NW Washington
  • richmondlady
    richmondlady Posts: 27 Member
    Good Morning! This is a busy thread, how exciting. I scanned through and appreciate the support and look forward to getting to know many of you.

    Lenora- Oprah.... I get it.
    recipe is WW & adding my own...I did use it as a guide. The great thing with this soup for me, is my sugar cravings dissipate. I love the soup for a detox start. I love Amylu sausages -Gouda & apple cranberry my favorites- (I order online) and will add 1 for protein to my bowl.

    I did Personal Trainer Foods for a few months when I found one of my favorite proteins in my Fresh Market one week. It works, if one sticks with it. So now I do my own & save $$. Amylu sausages and Kroger 10/4/$10 vegetables. It is so simple to pop a pre-cooked tasty protein and a frozen vegetable in the microwave those times I haven't cooked. Whole unprocessed food.

    down 1.8 lbs. Started using MFP photo part to record the life change.

    downloaded a new-to-me-FREE iPhone app -"Three Gratitudes" developed by college students a few years ago convinced that positive self talk makes a difference. it has a calendar archive which should help me in those weaker moments.

    Haven't been using my fitbit since I discover the iPhone's "Health" app. It's been working behind the scenes all this time and I never knew!

    Took supper & enjoyed soup, cornbread and ice cream (I declined as I said -yep) w/ a friend whose mother/best friend peacefully passed over the holidays. It was a lovely evening.

    My mindful moment:
    3 Gratitudes:
    durable body
    joy of my pups
    health sustaining me

    my name is Carol, but I'll continue with the RLady since I see another Carol

    Have a great day all.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lillian- it will be nice to be moving or exercising with you every hour on the hour! I am going to focus on finishing our bathroom remodel. Moving more and sitting less will burn a lot more calories! If you do that for six hours you will have one hour of steps or work accomplished!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Good morning from NW Washington...Brr it is cold but beautiful this morning. Have walked daily the past six mornings. I'm fixing my bag of veggies each day and munching throughout the day. It helps me from grabbing the "other" stuff and totally keeps the hunger at bay. What a great hint. I weigh only on Fridays but am thinking maybe it makes sense to weigh daily and chart progress. Any ideas on this? Good luck everyone and thanks again for sharing.
    I'm Betsy and I'm 66 yrs old and working at losing weight and getting healthier.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    BeLLe_60 wrote: »
    Here is my intro and goals for January.

    I am Belle, (Belle_60) from Arizona. I am 58 years old, married with 2 kids. My DH and I are empty nesters. I have 20 - 30 lbs. (-25 lbs. set for the 40 lbs. by May 27th Challenge) to drop that is just dragging me down! 2017 is my year to make changes, positive changes, without giving into as in the past to whatever is easier at the time, meaning no working out and eating whatever I can throw together for meals . * Pictures are so telling of the way you take care of yourself. :/ I refuse to take another picture that looks worse than the one taken before. I have started cutting down on the junkie carbs, the last few days and feel so much better! My workout of choice at the moment is walking on the treadmill at least 30 mins most days of the week till the weather warms. I want to incorporate strength training at some point. I to love to garden and work out in the yard! My latest endeavor that I have just began is...refinishing old hand me down.. furniture pieces with chalk paint. I love the fresh- aged look! Maybe thats my new manta : "Working towards that fresh aged- look! " .. LOL!

    I am happy to be here! I am inspired by all your *amazing successes! I look forward to the many future successes in 2017 with you all!

    My January Goals

    01 Be consistent!
    02 Log in my food everyday good or bad
    03 64 - 80 oz. of water everday
    04. 30 mins or more workout 6/7 days a week
    05 10k - 10, 600. steps everyday - keep moving
    06. Eat less junkie carbs
    07. Learn about Paleo
    08. Take before pics (done 01.01.17)
    09. Take measurements
    10. No Late Night Snacking
    11. Drop five lbs. in January

    * My word is consistency

    I am updating my step goal. I am counting steps to miles with my Fitbit. I aim for 4.5 miles and my real goal is 5 miles a day, which is approx. 10600, steps for me.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited January 2017
    I took my measurements for the challenges yesterday.

    Measurements 01.03.17
    Neck 14"
    Bust 37"
    Ribs 33.5"
    Belly button 36"
    Hips 40"
    Saddlebacks 41.5"
    Arms R 12.5" L 12.5"
    Thighs R. 24" L 24"
    Calves R 14.25" L 14"

    I plan on doing the fit test after awhile.... and posting.

    Sorry there is so much activity here.. which is a good thing.. a super supportive group. I feel a bit overwhelmed. Thank you for all the newbie welcomes! It looks like there is alot of us. WELCOME other newbies! <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Wow! I have been reading off and on all morning and finally got to the end.

    Kim ~ I am so sorry you are having to deal with family issues and money issues. I know that you left the corporate world but wonder if you dipped you toes back in if a steady income might make you feel better.

    Allie ~ You are to be commended for taking all this calmly. Hugs.

    Thanks to all of you who have uploaded pics. Love seeing all of them. I can't remember who did the winter scenes but they are lovely. DJ, you are a very good looking lady.

    Kelly ~ You are an amazing woman.

    Carol from GA
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • beveridgesmith
    beveridgesmith Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2017
    Good Morning from New Bern NC! It was a lovely 71 degrees yesterday and hanging at 56 this morning. Beats my old state of NJ. Went to my water aerobics class this morning after being off 2 weeks for the holidays. It felt great and gives me more energy throughout the day. Boy I missed it!