KristalandVi Member


  • I avoid the elliptical like the plague, myself, but not because of either weight or age. It's just painful on my joints. The weight is an acceptable excuse (until you pedal it off), but age? Not going for that one. I've worked on and with people in their 80's that get on one of those suckers two or three times a week.
  • Change it up a little? Treadmill every day is boring. Try a bike instead? Maybe the elliptical?
  • The only way to get the ball rolling is to do it, in my opinion. Instead of sitting down, go for a walk. Down the street and back is a good start. When you get to the end of the street, you may decide to go further. Then further. Maybe one day you'll decide to jog it instead. Maybe you'll decide you don't really need the…
  • That's the thing. Ectomorphs, since we can eat ANYthing and not gain, tend to be "skinny-fat" - look thin, but are really kind of squishy with fat if you touch. When I started my last job I was certainly that way, but all the moving around toned everything up. Shape stayed the same, weight went up, and so did muscle mass.
  • Well, you CAN. We just suggest washing them now and again.
  • THIS. What likely happened is that your wrists are swollen enough to put some pressure on the nerves that run through the carpal tunnel. RICE can help. (rest ice compression elevation)
  • Total ectomorph! No, really, ignore the picture. All of the weight I've gained since being injured in February and having to cut back work hours. The biggest difference? I went from standing up all day to sitting down.
  • Well, yes, but that's beside the point. Actually, my argument is that your argument isn't quite correct. You may be the big, tough guy, but not everybody is terrified of you. There are some of us out there that would gladly get in your face if need be. There are people who grew up in an area where the "average" high school…
  • I dunno... You're kinda cute. and I think I could take ya. -insert flexing of non-muscles here-
  • I think it's just your animal instinct taking over, but that's just me. Really... If you're that much of a meathead, the "lizard brain" may well have more control than your higher thinking, and the smell of the other meatheads' testosterone just sets you into a rage.
  • Rest room. Water goes right through! What would you do for a Klondike bar?
  • Well if you're full of crap, that would explain a lot! LOL!! :laugh:
  • It can, but it would be minimal. Honestly? If you gained 5 lbs in a day, it's going to be a combination of things. First thing in the morning, use the rest room and weigh yourself again. Chances are it will be back down to "normal" for you.
  • It depends on how cold the winter has gotten. My friends with pools shut them down usually around the beginning of November because they get too cold. Then again... last year a friend and I went to the beach on Christmas day and went swimming in the ocean, and everybody thought we were nuts.
  • On an almost daily basis. Burns tons of calories. :wink: Also a benefit of living with the SO. Is it wrong to sincerely cheer on the person who is (currently) too fat to run much faster than you're walking, but is out there giving it their all? I mean, it's SUPPOSED to be encouraging...
  • Late night studying. Yep. Know that one. I always log my late night snacks as same day simply because sleep hasn't happened yet. As for actual foodstuffs: a small bowl (a handful or two) of healthy crackers a couple of handfuls of nuts, or a nut-and-fruit trail mix (just watch the dried fruit - a lot of companies add sugar…
  • I prefer almond or rice milk to soy milk, just because of the fact that a woman's hormones can REALLY be thrown off by too much soy. Mine are slightly imbalanced anyway, so I play it super safe.
  • I didn't say it will automatically cause harm to your internal organs. Read it again. I said it "can (and will)" cause them to shut down. The closer a woman is to the 20%, the closer to the "can" and not the "will". Perhaps the majority of women here are looking for a 16-20% physique, but it may well serve as a good…
  • OK, I'm going to go totally against the grain here and say it... That pooch is probably supposed to be there. It's perfectly normal and healthy for women to have a little lower abdominal pouch of fat. It's nature's way of making sure we've got what's necessary for making babies and feeding fetuses. With that being said, my…
  • Oh, there are all sorts of things you can do while sitting at a desk! If you can get away with ankle weights do small leg extensions while you're working. Tighten your abs and hold it, then your lower back. If you do a lot of work one handed, get a small (two or three pound) weight and do curls. Anything you do like that…
  • They are healthy. They have nutrients that most people generally don't get enough of (such as potassium and zinc), and are wonderful for a quick calorie and carb boost. Plus they have a lot of natural sugar in them. That makes them perfect to kick the craving for sweets in the butt.
  • I just... can't. The worst day of it, I'm literally balled up on the bed cocooned in heating pads. It's the only thing that keeps my muscles from cramping bad enough to literally pull my iliosacral joints and lumbar spine out of place. So... no. I don't work out. And I allow myself a day of eating whatever makes it feel…
  • hee... Why not? height: 5'4" heaviest: does pregnancy weight count? uuummm... I want to say about 150? current: 143 lowest: 93 goal: is not weight oriented. I just want back into the jeans that I wore when I felt the best - about a small 6, or large 4.
  • OK... So you're moving sometimes, and not at others. If you're at your desk for long periods, try getting some ankle weights. Put them on when you sit down and do leg extensions while you're sitting there. Clench your abdominals and hold for ten seconds, then rest for ten. Same with the muscles in your back - the ones that…
  • That depends on your overall diet and your level of "normal" activities. If you (for example) wait tables for a living, you will naturally burn more calories than you would sitting at a desk all day. There are a lot of factors to put into that particular equation.
  • I'm sorry, I didn't mean what do you do for exercise, I meant what do you DO? Do you sit at a desk, work retail, wait tables, stay at home, student...? As far as your exercise goes, it sounds like you have a good start! I would suggest getting some hand weights and adding in some weight training (even light weight training…
  • Well... How is your diet? Your sugar intake, especially? What do you do? There are ways to keep moving (and every motion burns calories) no matter what you do all day, and suggestions for simple exercises can be found easily.
  • BCAAs (branch chain amino acids) are found everywhere, sunshine! They're in the food you eat as well as in supplements. They're there to make the protein powder more effective. The way the body works, the BCAAs help you metabolize the protein, and help to ensure that the protein goes toward muscle growth and recovery from…
  • Skim milk makes me gag. Really! I grew up out in the country, and for a while we actually went out, milked the cow, and brought it in for use. Anything less than whole milk is unacceptable to me. So sticking with the almond milk, thank you. :happy: One of the problems I've been having is the fact that I live in Florida.…