Breast Reduction

I had an appointment yesterday with my GP in order to attempt to get the ball rolling to hopefully get a breat reduction on the NHS. As a 30K in british sizes (with breasts that barely fluctuate in size with any change of my weight, however dramatic) I have thought long and hard about the fact that it is time to make them smaller for endless emotional and physical reasons.

I had one reservation about my appointment... that my weightloss of over 20lbs already, taking me down to 191lbs would not be enough for the Dr to want to refer me until I had lost further weight.

As expected.... I was right.

I was told that my BMI of 32-33ish is too high and I need to be nearer 27 before they will concider operating.

That seems reasonable except my Dr now suggests I lose approximately 45lbs, 20kilos or up to 3 and a half stone , which would take me to just over 10 stone.

I am to book an appointment for 6 - 8 weeks time to show my progress... but I am just gutted, it is such a huge amount of weight to lose before the op and part of the reason I want the op at all is due to the fact I struggle to exercise sufficiently to help me lose weight due to my breast size.

I don't know where to start to get to that amount of weightloss.... my goal was at most to lose about 30 lbs at the very most and now I am completely thrown thinking that figure needs to be now nearer 50 lbs.

:( where do I start?? :(


  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    Well... How is your diet? Your sugar intake, especially?

    What do you do? There are ways to keep moving (and every motion burns calories) no matter what you do all day, and suggestions for simple exercises can be found easily.
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    Currently I walk most days for on average 45 minutes at a brisk pace. I also have an exercise bike at home which I use for about 20 minutes every morning and I use a treadmill twice a week (I do as much 'running/joggin' on the treadmill as possible with breasts my size and aim to burn about 300 calories each session)

    My diet is balanced, with a good vegetable and fruit content. I tend not to try and cut back on anything as I don't see it as realistic long term but I do keep an eye on my portion sizes and keep a check on when I feel full. I am not really a chocolate/pudding eater.

    I dont know how to swim but i am currently sourcing options for adult swimming lessons in my area.
  • lady_jessi
    lady_jessi Posts: 77 Member
    Could be that the doctor figured up the numbers incorrectly. You could seek a second opinion. I don't know how tall you are or how much you weight, but you could also search around online to see how to figure out your BMI and see if it's close to what the doctor got and play around with the numbers to see what weight would land you at a BMI of 27.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Well look at it this way when you lose more weight you might lose it in the breast area and if you keep losing maybe you won't need the surgery. My only thing about my weightloss is I have lost weight in that area and I didn't want to but we can't pick where we lose. I have lost all over too :}
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean what do you do for exercise, I meant what do you DO? Do you sit at a desk, work retail, wait tables, stay at home, student...?

    As far as your exercise goes, it sounds like you have a good start! I would suggest getting some hand weights and adding in some weight training (even light weight training will work wonders). Since muscle burns more calories than fat, adding in the weight lifting to build even lean muscle will help quite a bit. Just keep in mind it's not a quick thing - it could take up to a month and a half to see results, depending on your body.
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    ahhh :) no problem, I work in a job looking after delegates in a conference centre, so my jobs a mixture of desk based work and also waitressing with furniture moving as I have to change meeting room layouts and re-set tables.

    I do have hand weights so I will start using them too, see if they add any difference to my loss.

    Thanks so much for your advice :)
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    having worked out my BMI myself from my current weight of 191.5lbs I would need to weigh 157.5lbs to be 27 on my BMI.

    so a loss of 34lbs, 2.42 stone, or 15.4 kilos.

    Doesn't sound quite so bad....
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    OK... So you're moving sometimes, and not at others.

    If you're at your desk for long periods, try getting some ankle weights. Put them on when you sit down and do leg extensions while you're sitting there. Clench your abdominals and hold for ten seconds, then rest for ten. Same with the muscles in your back - the ones that tighten when you sit up tall to stretch your lower back. Everything you do like that, those almost unnoticeable exercises - will boost the number of calories you burn.
  • ferb03
    ferb03 Posts: 82
    How about a second opinion with a plastic surgeon? This is their area of expertise as opposed to a primary care physician,
  • ChristineEaton7210
    ChristineEaton7210 Posts: 52 Member
    Agree with above comment - I went to a Plastic Surgeon, after all - they will be doing the surgery........

    Tape those puppies down - do what you need to do to lose the weight - you'll be so happy

    I had the surgery in 1997 - and I had to lose 50 lbs first - it was the best decision I ever made

    My breasts were so heavy following child birth - that I would get chronic yeast infections underneath each breast - when I lost the 50 lbs - I lost nothing off my breasts - needless to say surgery was a must at that point.....

    I gained all the weight back and then some over the years - but my breasts never increased in size.......needless to say - here I am, 15 years later - losing weight the proper way - diet & exercise AND my boobs are getting smaller!!!

    Trust me...... from an 'older woman' - you'll be happy you did it in the long run

    Good luck & all the best - believe in yourself & what you are capable of - you can do it & you will

  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I had an appointment yesterday with my GP in order to attempt to get the ball rolling to hopefully get a breat reduction on the NHS. As a 30K in british sizes (with breasts that barely fluctuate in size with any change of my weight, however dramatic) I have thought long and hard about the fact that it is time to make them smaller for endless emotional and physical reasons.

    I had one reservation about my appointment... that my weightloss of over 20lbs already, taking me down to 191lbs would not be enough for the Dr to want to refer me until I had lost further weight.

    As expe
    I was told that my BMI of 32-33ish is too high and I need to be nearer 27 before they will concider operating.

    That seems reasonable except my Dr now suggests I lose approximately 45lbs, 20kilos or up to 3 and a half stone , which would take me to just over 10 stone.

    I am to book an appointment for 6 - 8 weeks time to show my progress... but I am just gutted, it is such a huge amount of weight to lose before the op and part of the reason I want the op at all is due to the fact I struggle to exercise sufficiently to help me lose weight due to my breast size.

    I don't know where to start to get to that amount of weightloss.... my goal was at most to lose about 30 lbs at the very most and now I am completely thrown thinking that figure needs to be now nearer 50 lbs.

    I had a breast reduction as well. The dr. didn't tell me to lose weight but he did say if I wanted to be a lot smaller than I should lose as much weight as I want. So I lost some they took me down from dd' to b. Best decision ever. Insurance paid for it. Good Luck. Try swimming to help with the pain.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hi there,

    We are practically the same size, right down to the BMI.
    :( where do I start?? :(

    It sounds like a lot of weight but it's really not so bad. If you lose 2 lbs per week it would take you about 6- 8 months (counting a little extra for low weeks) This is totally doable without killing yourself. Read up on the stickies so that you have a good idea the proper calories (don't rely on MFP - they are usually wrong, have you eating too little and stalling your losses). Move just a little more than you do now. Start with some short walks - anything you can so will help but you don't NEED to do hard workouts or anything. I have lost all my weight so far just watching what I eat and walking about half an hour 5 days a week. Don't freak yourself out. Just take baby steps, make small changes slowly and you will do this!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I don't know where to start to get to that amount of weightloss.... my goal was at most to lose about 30 lbs at the very most and now I am completely thrown thinking that figure needs to be now nearer 50 lbs.

    :( where do I start?? :(

    If you are looking for cardio exercise that will help on part of the loss. Cycle. Everywhere. Breast do not get in the way of cycling (from what I've seen). There a lot of resistance exercises that you can do also.

    Good luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Reduce calories and exercise. You can lose that much in a matter of a few months if you get serious.
  • stephfranke
    stephfranke Posts: 84 Member
    I have my reduction booked for the end of November. This was a second opinion for me, as the first doctor would not do until I lost 50 lbs. I am on route to a healthier life style, but only lost 10lbs or so, and have found that nothing is coming off the boobs..... the second dr has also said that my sizing will still be larger, and because the skin is so stretched, I'd be doing surgey down the road to bring them up past my ankles. Plus I find it very difficult to exercise as these babies are heavy and are constantly in the weigh. Sizing is a 36J/K... and I have to buy from the UK. If bras are bought locally, I am spending $ 150 on a bra. Get a second opinion and start working towards the healthier weight. Had I discovered mfp five years ago, I may not need surgery.
  • lleelloo
    lleelloo Posts: 32 Member
    Have you tried using a rowing machine? They're pretty good if you want to get in a good workout, but aren't as comfortable on a treadmill.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Your diet does need to include those calorie deficits. Don't eat back those calories you burn. You can eat some but not all or else your weight loss will be very very slow.

    I suggest you add the sugar column to your food diary. Sugar - especially refined sugar from sweets, table sugar for coffee, etc. will take up you calories and still leave you hungry. I'm a sugar hound and have had to make severe adjustments to cut it back. I've done well, I am still over my sugar intake every day, but not like I was!

    Increasing your protein and fiber intake will leave you feeling more full for longer - so you won't feel like you need to be without.

    The only way you're going to lose weight is from calorie deficit and exercise. And change up your exercise routine periodically (to avoid plateaus) .. you need to add some strength training - -not do all cardio. If you build and strengthen muscles - they'll increase your metabolism and burn off the fat better :-)

    You CAN do this .. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    The people saying to get a second opinion -- please stop right now. Stop. The reason the plastic surgeon is giving you this advice is twofold: 1) you have more weight to lose, so some of that fatty tissue will be lost too. It is best to lose the weight and re-evaluate your desire for a breast reduction. And 2) plastic surgery is highly risky, and if he sees your weight as an impediment to either the surgery itself or to your overall recovery, he is suggesting this out of concern. This is a good thing to have in a doctor -- in fact, the best thing you can ask for. He wouldn't be suggesting weight loss if he didn't have a reason.

    (I'm saying all of this as someone who had a breast reduction.)

    I suggest you take a look at what you're eating and see what you can improve there. A change of habit is certainly enough to get the weight loss ball rolling.

    Have you thought about taking up swimming? I know it's almost winter, but there are a lot of great indoor pools. Before I had my reduction, I found that swimming laps was great exercise, especially because I didn't have to bind down my breasts in order to do it. It's great exercise for busty ladies.
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    I had an appointment yesterday with my GP in order to attempt to get the ball rolling to hopefully get a breat reduction on the NHS. As a 30K in british sizes (with breasts that barely fluctuate in size with any change of my weight, however dramatic) I have thought long and hard about the fact that it is time to make them smaller for endless emotional and physical reasons.

    I had one reservation about my appointment... that my weightloss of over 20lbs already, taking me down to 191lbs would not be enough for the Dr to want to refer me until I had lost further weight.

    As expected.... I was right.

    I was told that my BMI of 32-33ish is too high and I need to be nearer 27 before they will concider operating.

    That seems reasonable except my Dr now suggests I lose approximately 45lbs, 20kilos or up to 3 and a half stone , which would take me to just over 10 stone.

    I am to book an appointment for 6 - 8 weeks time to show my progress... but I am just gutted, it is such a huge amount of weight to lose before the op and part of the reason I want the op at all is due to the fact I struggle to exercise sufficiently to help me lose weight due to my breast size.

    I don't know where to start to get to that amount of weightloss.... my goal was at most to lose about 30 lbs at the very most and now I am completely thrown thinking that figure needs to be now nearer 50 lbs.

    :( where do I start?? :(

    I had a breast reduction on the NHS 6 months ago. My BMI had to be around 27. Everyone on here can help and encourage you to lose the weight you need for the op. All I can do is tell you that it was the best thing i have ever done. I now have lovely bras and can run and go to the gym without my knees getting bruised. I am also able to wear strapless bras for the first time in my life and now wear halterneck tops etc. It will change your life forever so please please please keep up with the dieting. You now have something to aim for. When you get near to your ideal weight you can reward yourself with some beautiful new boobies!!