Getting Motivated to Move

KenMontville Posts: 27 Member
edited October 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I gotta be honest. I bought a pretty expensive treadmill about a year or so ago and I was using it religiously until I kinda stopped. I thought I wasn't using it because I was bored so I joined a gym and began doing the treadmill thing there. But now, i find I go in spurts. Sometimes I go regularly, then I get distracted, then I don't go for a long time.

Now I have trouble getting motivated to go. You know the routine. Get dressed, get in the car, drive to the gym, do the exercise, come home.

The treadmill at home is in disrepair. I don't know what happened but about 15 minutes into the routine it smells like the motor is burning.

Bottom line is that I can't seem to get going.


  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    Change it up a little? Treadmill every day is boring. Try a bike instead? Maybe the elliptical?
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Its probably just burnt out, you can buy new motos or get someone to fix them if you google it in your area.

    I know how you feel with the motivation, you have to keep thinking how you will feel afterwards. Download yourself some new tunes, get anew pair of running shoes or something that might make you wanna get going and just keep thinkin of the proud after-workout feeling that you did it.
  • KenMontville
    KenMontville Posts: 27 Member

    Starwberrytoa: I tried that once. You'd be surprised how many people *don't* fix treadmills. One guy came over and lubed it and said it was fine. I get what you're saying about iTunes and shoes, tho...and feeling good about doing it. Wish it was enough to get me going.

    KristalandVZi: Might try the bike. The elliptical took too much out of me the one time I tried it. I'm waaaaay out of shape and waaaay heavy (304.2 this morning at 5'9" and a geezer, too boot)
  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    Treadmill can get monotone quickly. I bought me a book holder for mine or take it to the gym with me and read a book or study. Also if possible how about walking around the neighborhood, offer to walk your neighbors dog, or mow the yard with a push mower (my hubby thought I was joking when I said I wanted a push mower after I bought him a riding mower). Hope that helps.
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member

    KristalandVi: Might try the bike. The elliptical took too much out of me the one time I tried it. I'm waaaaay out of shape and waaaay heavy (304.2 this morning at 5'9" and a geezer, too boot)
    I avoid the elliptical like the plague, myself, but not because of either weight or age. It's just painful on my joints.

    The weight is an acceptable excuse (until you pedal it off), but age? Not going for that one. I've worked on and with people in their 80's that get on one of those suckers two or three times a week.
  • KenMontville
    KenMontville Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks, Sabine321. The Missus is after me to get a mower (I use a service to mow the lawn now). Maybe next spring!

    KritalandVi - Yeah. Age shouldn't matter.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ew how boring, do something else :tongue:
  • MusicalSharon52
    MusicalSharon52 Posts: 31 Member
    My bad habit is buying something to work with (that makes me feel good, I'm trying, right?) Promptly followed by NOT using it.
    Try this: Get clothes for the workout -whatever you do. Not a loose sweat suit, but the spray on look. You aren't hiding your flaws from yourself if you wear a skin tight stretchy outfit. I've never been one to exercise much, it hurt to try to run very far, never really saw myself as fat. But no lying to myself with loose clothes when wearing skin tight stretchy trousers and bras that bind me in. Makes me want to go out and exercise.
    Another way to inspire yourself is music. Some stations specialize in specific speeds. All the music played is similar speeds.
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