What body type are you?

I thought I'd post the question so people can be informed about the different body types that exist: ECTOMORPH, MESOMORPH AND ENDOMORPH.

Most of us however are rarely one of these but more often than not a combination of two with greater emphasis on one. For example I am a combination of Endomorph (60%) and Mesomorph (40%). Basically I find I can put on weight and muscle quite easily but have to watch what I eat.

ECTOMORPHS are generally those people who are slim/slender with naturally high metabolisms. You might know a friend who eats what they want, when they want and never seems to put any weight on....they'd most likely be an Ectomorph.

MESOMORPHS are your atheletic body types, they usually excel in sports and look they work out even with little or no exercise. They can generally eat what they want but never seem to struggle with their weight providing they have a minimal exercise regime.

ENDOMORPHS are those who have to watch what they eat strictly ( just looking at chocolate can add weight :sad: ) however one advantage endomorphs have is that they seem to excel in strength type exercises ie bodybuilding.

Well anyway that's a brief rundown on different body types so I thought I'd post the question and see what alot of us are :smile:

Cheers from Australia! :wink:


  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    Total ectomorph!

    No, really, ignore the picture. All of the weight I've gained since being injured in February and having to cut back work hours. The biggest difference? I went from standing up all day to sitting down.
  • You're like my cousin, he eats almost twice as much as me and never and I mean NEVER puts any weight on! :noway: We started cycling recently and found that even though he's slimmer than me he's actually very unfit, looks can be deceiving I guess :wink:
  • KristalandVi
    KristalandVi Posts: 44 Member
    That's the thing. Ectomorphs, since we can eat ANYthing and not gain, tend to be "skinny-fat" - look thin, but are really kind of squishy with fat if you touch. When I started my last job I was certainly that way, but all the moving around toned everything up. Shape stayed the same, weight went up, and so did muscle mass.
  • That's cool....I'm an endomorph trying to survive in a ectomorph world. Any words of encouragement sure would be appreciated.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member

    I suppose I fit mesomorph. I've always looked bigger and stronger than most even though I've barely worked out throughout my life. People always ask if I used to run track or played sports. As long as I exercise I can eat whatever I want, but even when I gain weight I still have an athletic build. Since I started Insanity I look like an amateur bodybuilder when I flex. lol its really funny to me.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm a total mesomorph. Takes about a week of lifting for cuts to start showing. Can gain or lose weight easily depending on goals.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Definitely an endomorph - I have to work my ar*e off to lose a pound! Luckily I have an hourglass figure so I look ok.

    I guess the advantage to being this body type is that I have always eaten extremely healthily and I am very fit as a result of so much exercise. I think if I were naturally skinny I'd probably eat more and I wouldn't have the muscle tone I have now...silver linings and all :smile:
  • Kagami_Taiga
    Kagami_Taiga Posts: 124 Member
    Probably 60 - 70 endo and the rest meso. Have a lot of extra weight, hardly ever worked out before but have lots of arm and leg muscles, can do pretty well at most sports if I can be bothered.
  • CherishQuick just keep traing hard and eat healthy. I've found a great general rule to use is that if the food comes in a packet then it's not good for you. Meat, fish, fruit and vegetable don't come in packets like potato chips and big macs :wink:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    According to those descriptions, none.
  • Krys801
    Krys801 Posts: 9 Member
    Definitely an endomorph and I don't really like it but I must watch what I eat very carefully.
  • ENDOMORPHS have to stay away from cakes and sweets but go hard at the gym. Love feeling sore, it's my goal.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I would say I am a combination of mesomorph and endomorph. I have ALWAYS looked like I weigh less than I do, always been very "dense" and muscular, even at my largest, and always wore a size or two less than what might be expected for my weight. Although, to be absolutely honest, I am not really sure if I DO put weight on really easily, because I have been overweight since I was about 10, and never really tried seriously to lose weight, so I may actually just be a mesomorph who ate too much and didn't move around enough...hahahaha!!!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    And hourglass.
  • iSpuggz
    iSpuggz Posts: 39
    I'd say I'm an Mesomorph with a little podge around me from my College days :P I'm definitely not naturally slim but I'd have to eat a hell of a lot to put weight on.

    Think this site helps people understand a little better: http://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/body-types-ectomorph-mesomorph-endomorph.html
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I'm a mixed breed - endo-mesomorph.. I gain weight too easily but I also maintain my muscle without much working out...
  • I am a mesomorph...which means the scale really doesn't mean to much to us. This is because although we lose fat, we gain muscle really easily. A smaller number on the scale is lovely, but it doesn't take into account fat loss, and muscle gain. I can do an exercise for a week, and already can tell results....now this is not to say we mesomorphs are Hulks or anything...
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Mostly ectomorph, I guess, though I probably would have argued with that assessment when I was younger and hadn't heard the term "skinny fat" yet. KristalandVi is right about the consequences of being able to eat anything and not gain. I kind of "let myself go" in my 20s and got a little pudgy, but it didn't really catch up with me until my 50s.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Totally an endomorph, just like my mom. My brother and sister are ectomorph/mesomorph, just like my dad. I got a raw deal.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I remember discussing this in my psychology class in high school and I recall my teacher characterizing the three in the following way:
    Mesomorphs eat to exercise--that is, they use food to fuel their workouts
    Endomorphs exercise to eat--that is, they will exercise in order to eat more, or they must exercise because they eat so much
    Ectomorphs eat to live--that is, they have little interest in food or exercise and they eat primarily to stay alive.

    She also gave us a list of things that certain body types prefer to eat (like, ectomorphs prefer breads and meat) but I don't remember all of them.

    I don't believe in the theory, but the descriptions were helpful in determining which "type" you'd be.
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I'm more elongated weeble than anything else right now!
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I'm an endomorph who wishes they were a mesomorph.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I'm between a Mesomorph and Ectomorph
  • Valm0n
    Valm0n Posts: 88
    It seems I am endo-mesomorph... cardio-training here I am... ^^'
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I'm an endomorph, also known as the perpetually fatty Mcfatfat. :(
  • I have no clue. I hope I'm an ectomorph because I'd really rather be thin and lean rather than bulky.
  • Thanks for this. I don't eat fast food, or go to resturaunts. My biggest problem is eating late and my love affair with bread. Had a rough patch where I ate candy, but generally I don't do it. I'm seeing the sad effects of that stupid candy-vacation. Back on the good foot now!
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Endomorph. I gain weight easily but lose pretty easily too.

    Will always be 190 or 200+ until I start losing muscle at older ages.
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    HI everyone :)

    I am this type

    ECTOMORPHS are generally those people who are slim/slender with naturally high metabolisms. You might know a friend who eats what they want, when they want and never seems to put any weight on....they'd most likely be an Ectomorph.

    I am a mom to 4 kids..I didn't need to lose weight any other place except my stomach area, which I was able to do!! I lost 18+ lbs mainly in my stomach which I was so happy about. Now I am trying to gain a little bit of muscle to get toned :)
  • raethepain
    raethepain Posts: 13 Member
    Endomorph. Strong but weight does not change easily! Also a very exaggerated hourglass, which is good for looks but bad for my back! (all weight goes to my bum and boobs, puts a LOT of strain on my fairly small waist!)