EAPTX Member


  • Congrats! That is so awesome and I'm really glad you not only got to do it, but had great weather to really enjoy it! And such a good cause, too. I know you'll remember this day forever.
  • Wow! You've not only lost a ton of weight, you've also lost 10-20 years of age. You look great! So pretty.
  • Well, I've lived with this "apple" shape for my whole life, and all I can say is that you need to watch what you eat and exercise to keep your weight down and keep toned. And you have to be vigilant, since fat in this area will endanger your health later (as it has mine). But, on the good side of things, it probably means…
  • Oh, and don't forget to check out the "success" posts - VERY motivating and encouraging!
  • You've come to the right place. That was me, 10 months ago, only with a lot more to lose to begin with. I had to force myself to log on (still do sometimes) when motivation wouldn't kick in. My body didn't know the difference whether I felt motivated or not. But I can tell you those first few pounds can be so motivating,…
  • No, it is no work at all. The yolks and whites are all in the pan together, not mixed in a dish first, no milk or water added (as some people do). They're very light and fluffy this way and much prettier than a pale yellow blob. Only takes about 30 seconds.
  • 2 eggs over medium if I'm eating out, scrambled if I'm eating in, probably 4-5 days a week. Good cholesterol levels here, too. Exercise made the biggest difference in cholesterol. I do have a question about scrambling eggs. Does anyone besides me break a whole egg or two into the pan (with less than a tsp of butter) and…
  • I did 30-day shred for 6 days about 20 lbs ago. I realized at that point that it was seriously damaging my knees. They're old knees that I've abused with my weight. It wasn't the squats, because those aren't a problem for me. It was either the jumping jacks or the getting up and down off the ground constantly. I'm going to…
  • You look gorgeous! I hope you're enjoying the shorter do in the summer heat. Are you happy with the one you got? Honestly, you have a pretty enough face you could have done any of them. Thanks for posting the one you chose. I was curious!
  • There are a couple of groups and threads on here that you might want to read a bit. The success stories area is really encouraging. So is the 100+ lbs to lose without surgery group. There is also a group for people who HAVE had the surgery. If you read those a bit, it will give you a much better idea of the real-life pros…
  • I started at 270 and all I could manage at first was walking. I made sure I had really comfortable, cushy shoes because it was such a strain on my feet to go a few miles. The key is consistency. I started off walking every other day, then got to the point where I allow myself one day off per week. Just as an aside, I hiked…
  • You made me (and my belly) laugh out loud! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Inspirational story to be sure - but more than that, excellent writing! I hope you do some kind of writing for a living because you are definitely gifted!
  • I had a double NSV this weekend! Well, at least double. But the pants - they were a double NSV... My husband and I were hiking in the mountains this weekend and I realized I had to keep tugging at my blue jeans. So I went the second day to get a new pair. I've worn a size 20 for many years, 22 when times are bad (20 are my…
  • The transformation is amazing! You look great. And thanks for sharing your story. I've been on this about as long as you have but not nearly with as much zeal. You're inspiring!
  • Congratulations - both on the weight loss and the upcoming wedding! Many people (myself included) try to do this and don't succeed, with all the excitement surrounding the wedding, the planning stress, etc. You're amazing!
  • Came back from vacation and was not squished up against my neighbor in the plane - AND didn't even have to have the seat belt all the way extended! Yay!
  • Congratulations! It must feel great to be so far along. I'll be excited when I reach half way. I took my suitcase, which is always around 40 pounds, on the scale with me. It was amazing to realize that stinkin' heavy thing is how much extra pressure I was putting on my feet and legs. Looked more like the sack of dog food,…
  • Congratulations! That's my new short-term goal, too. I hit a plateau over the past month and know I've been gaining muscle, but not losing weight. So I really needed a personal success that I could measure. About a week or two ago, I started gulping a lot of air with my CPAP and needing to rip it off at night. Since I've…
  • My favorite is to cut open and eat an entire pomegranate, one seed at a time. But they're not available all year (they keep months in the fridge, though). HOWEVER, that has been the biggest change I've made, giving up the need to be constantly moving food into my mouth, especially when I'm sitting at my desk. Putting a…
  • ^^This. I so agree - motivation is overrated. I'm rarely motivated, but now I'm committed to plodding away at it, no matter how long it takes. My body doesn't know I'm not motivated!
  • I just thought of another thing that might help, since you live in SoCal (where we all know it doesn't rain - right!). Do you have a pedometer? Just walking around campus you'll probably find you get in your 10,000 steps a day. Just a thought!
  • I can relate. i lost 40 pounds two years ago and felt great. I didn't have MFP then - I just logged calories on a slip of paper all day long. But it worked! Then I stopped doing it. Of course, I gained it all back. This time, I have had to force myself to keep logging EVERYTHING and not lying to myself, motivation or no…
  • This is great advice. You get sucked into hanging out with runners, you'll never want to stop! We've been part of three different running clubs in different cities, and you'd think it was all the same people. Very supportive groups. I will say that I know how you feel. When I was a teenager, I was out for a walk and some…
  • Going out to eat has always been a big part of my life. I really enjoy the social time and am not about to give it up. Like you, I work long hours and don't have the energy to plan a lot of cooking (though I enjoy cooking when I have a few days off). So what I've been doing is going online during the day and looking at the…
  • Ha! We could trade stories. San Diego born and raised, then Memphis (aka northern MS) for 7 years, now Dallas, TX.
  • This. Do the math. You haven't gained 6 lbs of fat. I have to keep reminding myself of that. It will zig zag, but it will go down if you burn more than you consume. Water weighs a lot. Make it your goal to stick to the plan and the weight loss will be a byproduct. That is what is keeping me going!
  • Way back when I read an Overeaters Anonymous book, and one of the "symptoms" of overeating that it listed was numerous BMs per day. I thought, right, I have a lot of them and I'M not an overeater! :-) Now, 100 pounds heavier, I know I am. So I'm not surprised to find I don't even go every day now. I'm not taking in that…
  • I agree it comes off faster at first, especially with reduced sodium. But I looked at your diary, and you have some big deficits because you get a lot of credits for exercise and haven't eaten to those numbers. Keep in mind that MFP has a built in deficit, so if you eat to your goal (including exercise) you'll lose the…