Apple body shapes, help!!

Hi! I have an apple body shape and like every person with this body shape out there, I BADLY want to lose my tummy fat! I mean cant a girl just have a tight and flat tummy!??! Lol but seriously.. I need motivation and tips you guys.. I'm 19 and you can imagine the pressure every girls there have, also.. I have some lose skins like ones n my inner thighs and a little bit on my arms (just a little), well.. I'm new at this thing which means I have no friends. At all. and I don't really know what to do.. so I really appreciate it if you guys help me out! Thanks!!


  • BUMP
    EAPTX Posts: 42 Member
    Well, I've lived with this "apple" shape for my whole life, and all I can say is that you need to watch what you eat and exercise to keep your weight down and keep toned. And you have to be vigilant, since fat in this area will endanger your health later (as it has mine). But, on the good side of things, it probably means you have slim arms and legs, and your face probably doesn't gain weight very quickly, so you can dress to emphasize those good features. Good luck and keep at it!