Doing OK - but looking for ideas

It is Friday. A big payday. I feel pretty good and I'd like to celebrate. Usually I would have gone out and eaten a big lunch with folks from work. Today - I had a meeting and was coming in late - so I picked up a spinach salad. Pretty awesome with Chicken, nuts, strawberries and an egg (Bragg Amino's for dressing). I hung in there.

Now I'm getting ready to leave. Normally, I'd stop on the way home for some fast food or a sweet treat to celebrate. I don't want to do that today. Then I would take the family out to dinner. We still might go to dinner, but it's more of a challenge than a treat to find something healthy to eat.

I have an emotional void - because I'm not celebrating/rewarding myself for a good week of work. I know that it will pass - it is just hard to get mind mind off of what I'm missing out on.

Anybody deal with a similar situation. I'm determined and committed - I will succeed so this isn't a crisis - just discomfort


  • naschulze
    naschulze Posts: 98
    Our new tradition has been to look up a recipe that is heatlhy and amazing that we've never made before and then cook it for a bunch of friends and watch a movie. It's fun to work together with people to create dinner (you could cook with your family) and then to enjoy it together to a good movie :)
  • juliehuestis
    juliehuestis Posts: 24 Member
    I can relate!
    Instead of rewarding myself with a food 'treat', I reward myself with a new book or a piece of jewelry! It's hard to change our mindset, but I am determined to do it! You can too!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    You should reward yourself for a week well done even if it's a small reward. A manicure, pedicure, or a new book. What I did at the beginning of my journey was I bought a pair of jeans in the size I wanted to be and that was my inspiration for getting to my goal. I'm almost there but not quite. If you ever feel the urge to reward yourself with food just remember your "WHY" and the feeling should pass. You could also put your goals on a piece of paper and post it where you will see it often. Well hope this helps. Keep up the good work because you are doing great.
  • DRB2013
    DRB2013 Posts: 9
    I survived - the mood passed. It is strange - but I'm learning that I just have to let these feelings exist without urgently giving in to them. I still feel a void because I haven't discovered any replacement for binge eating or snacking, but I've been able to move past the urges. It's been a good week
    EAPTX Posts: 42 Member
    Going out to eat has always been a big part of my life. I really enjoy the social time and am not about to give it up. Like you, I work long hours and don't have the energy to plan a lot of cooking (though I enjoy cooking when I have a few days off). So what I've been doing is going online during the day and looking at the menus of the restaurant we'll go to, to see what I can fit into my plan. It is exciting that way and I get my mouth set for just the right thing. I'm lucky in that I LOVE grilled salmon but never fix it, so that's a special treat when I go out. I feel so virtuous when I plan all this out and stick to it. Also, if I happen to go over, then my husband and I will take a walk after dinner to compensate for the extra calories, sometimes even walking a few miles. The other thing I had to keep in mind was that it gets easier. I mourned my endless food fests at first. Now I can't believe what I used to eat. There's a direct correllation between what I eat and how my body and mind feel. I've learned to be aware of that. No wonder I was always tired and uncomfortable before! Good luck to you - just keep plugging away and it WILL work.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I just replace dinner with the family with a cheap date and a hotel room.
  • DirtyHammer
    DirtyHammer Posts: 91 Member
    Maybe you should just *kitten* more...
  • DirtyHammer
    DirtyHammer Posts: 91 Member
    Maybe you should just *kitten* more...
    Or do what Cr01502 said.. Either way, it's all good.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I was just telling someone that I missed my old self that loved to do things like go out and eat after a rough week at work. I miss how much I used to love how things tasted, and being blissfully ignorant as to the nutritional content of what I was eating. Things taste different now. They don't taste as good as I remember them tasting. Probably because I'm eating more healthily. A friend of mine said that "taste buds change" when that happens.

    Things change. Once you acknowledge that, then you can have things that are more healthy and enjoy them.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    The walking trails around here are openning at the end of this week. I can't wait to pack a picnic lunch and go for a long hike with the family.
  • fitnessgoddess17
    fitnessgoddess17 Posts: 125 Member
    Our new tradition has been to look up a recipe that is heatlhy and amazing that we've never made before and then cook it for a bunch of friends and watch a movie. It's fun to work together with people to create dinner (you could cook with your family) and then to enjoy it together to a good movie :)

    What a wonderful idea!
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    I think you do still need treats. Once a month going out to eat is not a big deal but I think it is also good to make sure that all treats are not bad meals. Maybe you could book a massage or mani/pedi or go and see a show. Something you enjoy to reward yourself for your hard work.