

  • UGGGH, ICK! So, my love handles mean I have a high body fat percentage, huh? BOOO! lol. I was hoping there was some magical workout or food that would melt them off of me :) grrr. Guess I'll just keep the cardio going and hope for the best! Thanks guys.
  • LOL, DITTO!! I'm with ya girl!
  • Checking it out now, looks pretty neat! Thanks!! :)
  • I have done both P90X and the P90X Insanity.. the insanity like everyone else has been saying DEFINITELY built up the muscles around my knees.. to the point where I'd tell my friends ''LOOK, I have a muscle here.. did you know there was a muscle here!" And I would make them watch as I flexed it haha. Its GREAT!! Amazing…
    in P90X Comment by Rhammond8 December 2010
  • Thanks for dumbing it down for me :) lol.. I think I'll consider giving it a try, maybe a polar.. sounds like they are the better, more user friendly ones. Thanks again!!
  • Mmm.. sounds YUMMY, thanks for sharing!! :) Always appreciate a great, low cal recipe!
  • Uggh, the ''POST WEDDING GAIN!'' haha I definitely had the same issue! I think you and I are both on the same track, wanting to get back to where we were when we got married (I know I pushed to be at my best for the special day!) ...we can do it, yayy!
  • I'm with you Courtney!! I'm currently 141, also with a goal weight of 125-130, I know that's a big range, but I'm not sure what my body would look like at 125 as I'm not a typical white girl, I have CURVES. I get told quite often that I have the build of a black women LOL. However I still think I'd be more comfortable…
  • I've never really considered trying out a heart rate monitor, but am open to it and willing to try it out. I guess I just dont really know what they're used for, what benefit it provieds vs not having one... If anyone could help me out in understanding the uses and benefits of them and also what to look for when purchasing…
  • HELLO ALL! I'm 22 yrs old and new to MFP, so what better way to get started than to be apart of this KICK *kitten* group where I have to list goals?! Perfect, here we go... - Work out a minimum of 3X week. - Be able to run 3-5 mi like it's nothing. - Dont allow myself to fall back once goals are attained --- attain &…
  • NON-MOM... not sure if I'm down any lbs yet, just weighed in yesterday, but am definitely liking all the success posts fellow non-moms :) Can't wait for the next weigh in so I can share my loss as well!! KEEP IT UP!
  • I workout 6-7 times a week, different muscle groups on different days, when I'm in my "superwoman" mode (i fade in and out of this, trying to work on becoming more regular) and I was an avid drinker of protein powders.. muslce milk and muscle milk lean, then acutally started to read the labels on them only to realize it…
  • YES! I'm typically not a fan of workout videos as I feel a lot of them dont give me what I'm looking for in a workout (I'm the type that likes to get sweaty and feel exhausted afterwards, to feel accomplished). Most videos leave me slightly disappointed... I have a hard time grasping that taking it down a notch or two from…
  • Hoping to find some genuine ''friends'', if you will, on here to support and motivate me! Counting calories and keeping logs of everything is brand new to me, so I'm not too sure how well I'm going to do or how dedicated I will be. I'm open to trying new/healthier ways of staying fit, not really dieting or trying to lose…
  • HELLO EVERYONE!! Looking forward to this new/interesting/exciting journey with all of you! Good luck on your goals, stay strong and true to yourself, best wishes! :)