

  • Use Zevia natural soda if you're concerned with the artifical sweetners in diet soda, I made a Devil foods, with Black cherry Zevia,, and topped with Hershey's Dark Chocolate Chips, and then once cooled sprinkled with powdered sugar!!! YUMMY!!!! www.zevia.com
  • Ditto on the vino.... I always have a glass or 2 on the weekends... Red is my preferece 150 cals for about 5oz. and yes with the sipping, you can add gingerale, sprite or sprizter for a "wine cooler" if you don't care for the wine by it's self, you could also add some Zevia all natural Lemon Lime if you don't want the…
    in Alcohol Comment by rlsluvr March 2010
  • The Sassy Water Recipe 2 liters water (about 8 ½ cups--I use my koolaid pitcher) 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger 1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced 1 medium lemon, thinly sliced 12 small spearmint leaves. Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight. Drink the entire pitcher by the…
  • DO you eat the thinly slice cucumber??? Or just put it down the garbage disposal? I;m sure it would make it minty lemony fresh?????
  • You could be gaining MUSCLE... which is GOOD!!! the more you have the more fat you burn.... Keep you're chin up and don't rely so much on the scale, but more how you feel, how your clothes fit, etc....You are doin an amazing job at this new lifestyle... Keep it up... I believe in you, and I have faith you believe in your…
  • Heck, If you find anything else, call him on your way out, tell him it's on the front porch, in front of the garage etc. and tell him if it's still here when I get back in an hour, I'm giving it to goodwill.... better yet I'm selling it on Craigslist!!!!
    in Dear Ex Comment by rlsluvr March 2010
  • Bump.. for that recipe...YUMMY!!!!
  • if you place a space between the e and r in Therapist you get The Rapist!!!
  • Your foot is the same size as your forearm between the elbow and the wrist, and you're as tall as your arm span from tip of finger to tip of finger....
  • OK it's that time of the week.... Please weigh in, and just for fun... who is your inspiration and why???? Me stayed the same.... Sigh I haven't quite got the numbers right... but I keep on keepin on..... My Inspiration is my Sweetheart and my kids....I want to be around for a long time, to enjoy life, and to be able to…
  • Bump.. for reading later
  • Bump it up!!!!
  • 5'4 173.8 lbs size 12-14 depending on the make...wanna get to 140-145 and a size 6-8
  • ok... I'm stalled still the same no loss for me... but I figure I'll do measurements every Tues too, maybe my body hasn't realized we are getting healthly yet, and it's holding on to the familiar...FAT!!!! like a kid with her security blanket >sigh< Well all I can do is keep it up.. I'll get there... hopefully next week I…
  • I bought the book, the jist is You can only consume 15gms of Sugar a day, and have 6 servings of Carbs Daliy. If you are a fruit eater you can't truly have your fruit on this diet, and that is essential to healthy eating.... I use some of the recipes and use it as guide more or less... I also bought his 8 mins in the…
  • OK friends.... don't forget tomorrow weigh in... and for fun... What is your all time Fav Movie :heart: :bigsmile:
  • Keep at it.... your doing well... You did not gain the weight over the course of 1 day or 1 week, it will take some time to take it off the right way and not let it creep back... It's a lifestyle change... know that you are getting Healthy.. adn weight loss is just a plus... Keep at it... if you find that in another week…
  • OK I'm throwin this out there again.... I wanting to start a support group... I have a couple of people already. I want this to be a place where we can chat , make lifelong friends, support each other, and just have a GRAND ole time... we weigh in every tuesday morning... Hope to see you here.... XOXOX H
  • YAY!! mee too..... totally excited about having friends!!! The more the merrier (sp?)
  • Sure thing... I would LOVE to be your friend... I also have a Topic called Heather's Friends, and we chat and have a weekly weigh in on Tuesdays...if you'd like to join that too.... I'll be sending the request soon,...
  • I totally Understand, and I'm not saying one should be counting calories and watching what they are eating, I was just curious as to the congratulatory remarks... Some people may have a disorder, and having people tell them YAY for eating under your cal goal, could cause them to eat far less all the time, and then there is…
  • Double Bump.... YUMMY!!!
  • You can try the all natural soda Zevia. no artifical sweetners!!!
  • <~~~~~~ For Mr. Springfield RLS His intials + luvr (lover) = rlsluvr this has been my screen name for just about everything for the last 10+ years or so.... >sigh<
  • Please please please, make sure you have a well supportive bra, I read that when you run, your breasts make a figure 8 motion, and if you aren't protected, you can damage the breast tissue... I bought the Enell... about $52 a piece, but oh so worth it....
  • 1. No not that I can remember 6. No I would not have felt odd 7. Mainstream, not going to make their "diability" an excuse
  • MFP has changed the way foods are listed, you can have all the foods you usually have on all lists or you can go to each catagory and click on teh blue link that says "Show Only Breakfast Favorites" Hope this helps....
  • Are you Strength Training??? Maybe you can start to incorporate that so your muscles are burning more calories theough out the day?