Hmmmmm?!?!?! Does this seem right?

OK, so I have some friends, and I get their news feeds, and when someone closes out their Diary for the day, and it posts so... it also says whether or not they were under or over their cals for the day.... Everyone posts : YAY!!!: Good Job!!! Keep Up the good Work!!! Etc... But I'm wondering.... if MFP calculates cals for you and you're suppose to eat back your excercise cals... if someone is UNDER their calorie goal... is this STILL a GOOD thing?and should we be congratulating them or should we be encouraging them to "break even", adn eat more cals.... Just a thought I had... what are yours????


  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Yes I do agree we should not be encouraging friends to eat under their calorie goals. I have gone into my settings to remove my own feed for when I complete my food diary so I do not receive those congrats for going under.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I never saw the point in congratulating on being under on calories, period. Logging is something simple. Since when was rewarding a mediocre task a good thing? MFP takes all the work out of it. Posting that you lost weight or resisted a temptation or had a great day, now those are worth rewarding!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I think they should include more specific info on how much you were over or under your calories. Congrats should go to those who stay within maybe 50 calories of their daily target.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    MFP itself rewards you for undereating.

    "If every day were today, you'd weight x in 5 weeks!"

    And I'm thinking, "Damn, I want to weight that in 5 weeks! I'm going to make every day like today!"

    It only complains that you're eating too little if you dip under 12,00 calories.
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    MFP itself rewards you for undereating.

    "If every day were today, you'd weight x in 5 weeks!"

    And I'm thinking, "Damn, I want to weight that in 5 weeks! I'm going to make every day like today!"

    It only complains that you're eating too little if you dip under 12,00 calories.

    I totally Understand, and I'm not saying one should be counting calories and watching what they are eating, I was just curious as to the congratulatory remarks... Some people may have a disorder, and having people tell them YAY for eating under your cal goal, could cause them to eat far less all the time, and then there is a problem...malnutrition eating disorders etc.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Technically, though, if you're under by 1 calorie (so in other words you had a perfect day) it will say you're "under". So, without MFP being more specific, those who post that "good job" and "congrats" have no way of knowing if their buddy is ending the day with 500 left over calories, or 1 left over calorie.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Yes, perhaps a notice when someone was within a close range of the goal. Would be far better.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Yes, perhaps a notice when someone was within a close range of the goal. Would be far better.

    Though not exactly useful. For instance, I've intentionally set my goal lower than MFP suggests. Even if I meet my goal, you still have no idea how many calories I've consumed unless my diary were public (which it is, actually). Also, what's to keep somebody from just claiming bonus calories that they never really ate, so people wouldn't give them crap about their calorie intake?

    If an MFP friend completed their diary for the day and went over their goal, would we chastise them? I don't see why the inverse should be any different.
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    You know, you do make a good point. I'm going to be honest here, but there are some days when I actually feel sort of "guilty" for not being under my calorie goal according to MFP. I'm definitely going to stop that, because my calorie goal is set at 1200!!! Plus, I'm doing P90X and training for a half-marathon so I definitely know that I should be eating more. The only problem is that I sit at a desk all day so I'm classified as being slightly active. I don't know. Seems like there's some tweaking that needs to be done.

    Thanks for bringing it up!!