maryjay52 Member


  • i just started getting in to the wraps myself .. depends on my mood for the day what i make . i like thinly sliced steak or chicken with tomatoes, mild pepper rings, red onion, orange bell pepper, a few sliced black olives, spring greens with franks hot sauce and sometimes feta cheese on a whole grain wheat wrap
    in Wraps Comment by maryjay52 July 2014
  • I had two livingrooms and one of them no one ever used so i turned it into a gym ..i went to garage sales and put the word out to everyone i know i am looking for gym equipment ..surprisingly i got most of my stuff for free or very low cost .. re-painted the room and put in a different carpet which was my major investment…
  • i havent gone to an itialian restaurant all year because i dread the pasta .. i cant eat pasta in moderation because im so addicted to it ,especially at a restaurant who makes their own pasta and has killer marinara and homemade meatballs. one meatball is the size of a softball and thats no lie... my advice is the same as…
  • when i was married i had a husband who was an alcoholic . one day i told him to sign an insurance policy..after he signed it i gave him a case of beer and said have fun with your short pathetic life... he quit drinking and got counseling .. said my words stung like crazy .. long story short choose to tolerate what…
  • i eat six times a day so 60-80 grams fits fine for me and also fits the rest of my day..i dont really eat potatoes anymore if i can help it ..mostly just grains , fruit and cereal when im eating carbs .
  • when i go through that in between phase i sometimes go to the AmVets or Salvation Army and try to find a few things to get me through. You can also go to a Walmart and get some work out clothes less expensive than the mall.
  • food is emotional. saying goodbye to food that isnt really good for you is even more emotional . sometimes we eat on emotion too .. i have found that i am finding new pleasures to look forward to like working out or doing something other than eating. for me its tough because most the work i do is revolved around meetings…
  • if anyone ever removed me i didnt notice ..but no i wouldnt get upset if i did take notice ..why get upset about someone who isnt interested to talk to you?
  • gave up fast food and fried foods .. dwindled down the bread to nearly nothing...additions? almond milk fortified with protein and fiber ..and more veggies and fruit than usual ..
  • im in a Biggest Loser contest at work and im very competitive ..and i have a great trainer ..can never get to the gym fast enough to workout with him ..he is awesome
  • drizzle 1TBL of melted raw honey over 1cup of fresh blueberries and add a dollop of whipped cream ..cures the sweet tooth for sure
  • marinate it in fat free or low fat italian salad dressing overnight ..then grill or broil
  • whatever works for you. for me i swim laps in my pool and i do the breast stroke ..not fast either .. just concerned about a lot of laps at this point . i suck in my gut and swim away.. great for core workout and for toning the body from head to toe . just have to do whats best for you. whatever i do in the pool i try to…
  • the more buddies the merrier ..feel free to add me too if you want
  • back when i weighed over 300lbs i found it hard to do anything at all. i always loved the water when i was younger and used to be on the swimming team when i was much healtheir and active . so i joined a gym at the time that had a pool in it . it was easier on the joints . i participated in the water aeorobics too as much…
  • what an amazing accomplishment! thank you for sharing
  • lol yep me too :)
  • i been a nurse 20 yrs and it still baffles me how horrid other nurses are to their own kind.. it happened to me when i first started ..i dont have those problems any more .. ive turned myself around and my way of doing things and no one steps on me any longer. actually everyone likes working with me and not against me now…
  • since i started this journey i have become quite fancy on fruits. sometimes i eat them fresh or sometimes blended in a protein shake.. once i had a sweet craving and had blueberries with melted raw honey on it and a dollop of whipped cream .. only fruit i wont eat is canned .frozen i use for my shakes
  • you guys are great LMAO ..
  • IT IS!!!!! :) got me going on im going to go buy me one and make it lol
  • i like the treadmill mostly because i can keep track of how fast im running and keep myself busy either watching a movie or listening to my music .. also i have to use the bathroom almost every time when i run and so being close to home is necessary for me as opposed to being out on the road somewhere where there isnt one…
  • old habits die really slow when it comes to changing your eating habits . perhaps if you bring a healthy dish to snack on to a party it will give you something to eat and everyone else too! always try to set yourself up..when i go to a restaurant i look at the menu before i go there ..if im going to a private house party i…
  • eventually you wont run to the bathroom every five minutes but it takes time for your body to adjust to the extra hydration.. i keep a bottle of water on me at all times especially in the car where i eat and drink without thinking .. its safe for me to have it otherwise ill go through a drivethru and get a diet soda . at…
  • i have two tupperware containers with seven sections to them each.. i fill them up with all kinds of healthy veggies and some fruit for a salad bar .. if im not in the mood for spring greens then ill grab some of the veggies and fill my plate up and munch away
  • its psychological .. i have a hard time believing i dont wear size 3x anymore and often go to those sizes when im looking for clothes to buy..its not in my head that im down to a size 16.. i eventually get down to that rack but i have to really convince myself its going to fit
  • i made a cold spagetti squash salad with feta cheese , tomatoes , orange bell pepper , onion, cut up spinach leaves and italian seasoning, baslamic vinegar and olive oil ..salt and pepper to taste ..loved it