kellieanney Member


  • I would appreciate a break, but would love to stay in communication for the summer. Thank you for all you do for our group, it has really made be be accountable in my workouts and making better food choices, and I appreciate the feeling of community. I have lost some weight, have toned a little, have gone from just…
  • I lost three pounds- YAY! :)
  • I'm in this challenge to lose weight and gain muscle tone and energy, also to look good in my summer clothes!
  • I am experimenting with starting with a 1/2 hour treadmill or stairclimber, followed by a 1/2 hour weight machines at the gym,hoping for good results!
  • lost one pound this week.
  • Walked 3.1 miles, went to church with my two daughters followed by Macaroni Grill lunch, my girls gave me pink flowers and vanilla cappucino for my keurig coffee maker, and I called my mother of course!
  • Chicken quesadillas with tomatoes, usually I have cheese with them too, but will omit cheese for today, to be more diet-friendly.:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, today I am writing a letter to a boy in Kenya that I am sponsoring through church. A few members of my church are actually going there this Thursday to do some mission work for Jesus so I will pray that they can deliver my letter for me. I did my jumping jacks too!
  • I was 135 pounds last week, today I am 134 pounds!
  • I forgot to add my starting weight is 135 lbs, lost an average of a pound a week last month, thought I would do a bit better, but they say that the slower the weight comes off, the more likely it is to stay off. I have added strength training to my workouts most days, hopefully adding the muscle will help me tone more and…
  • Hi, I'm Kellie from Michigan. I am a mom to two great girls. I hope to continue to lose weight, gain muscle tone, energy, and motivation. I like the community of being in "the family" l. I'll do my crunches tomorrow, and report them in to my capo, as i am still on the Moltsanti crew, thanks Don for your dedication to our…
  • Hi! I have done cardio dvd's with weights at home, also a kettlebell dvd workout at home which I like much better than the dumbell weights. Currently I have been going to the gym and using the machines though. I may do half hour cardio first some days and then either do weight machines for arms, and the next days, I will…
  • Happy to remain part of the "family!"
  • "I can all things through Christ who strenghthens me". Philippians 4 :13 When I am doing an excercise and start to weaken a bit, I say this, for it is is He who gives me my strength, and If I say okay I am going to do five more for Jesus, He gives me the motivation and strenght to do so and do so stronger, espcially when…
  • Lost 1 pound!
  • lost 1 lb, hoping for more next week!
  • Great video, thanks Don!
  • I joined this challenge to set a good example for my daughter's, to lose weight, gain strength and energy, and to keep up working out for a lifetime, also to receive and give encouragement to others, also I've always like mafia shows and movies!
  • I reported this to my capo Don. I made a simple grilled chicken salad marinated in italin dressing, I added shredded mozzarella, and added a little more italian dressing to top. I had a fruit yogurt smoothie to drink with it.!
  • Thanks for being such an understanding Don. I sometimes feel as thoguh I am letting my team and myself down when I can't complete the bonuses, and am sometimes doing girly versions of challenges, such as push-ups. Also I only lost a pound this week, I thought I would lose more as I have been doing 1/2 hour tradmill or…
  • Did my ten planks!
  • lost 1 lb this week.
  • Okey dokey!
  • Did my 100 burpees, pausing between each ten!
  • Can I do them as follows Don? Stand Plank Push -Up Upon Knees Stand Jump Up Thanks, hope you're having a good Sunday!
  • You are so encouraging, thank you for all that you do my Capo for my Moltisani team, I was touched by your story and I am touched by everyone's, We are all going through something, or have gone through soemthing difficult, it's great that we have each other and in some cases, family and friends to motivate and encourage…
  • I bought a scarf that a woman in poverty in India made herself to help her financially through a company called Trades Of Hope online. A friend of mine from church was having an online party for it and sent me an invite via facebook with a link to the site so that I could order something. Trades Of Hope gives women, many…
  • I'll do a repeat 5 miles tomorrow after work Don!
  • I walked the treadmill for 5 miles Don, it was getting tough after the first three, but I pulled through for the FAMILY, reporting to my capo now!
  • Okay Don, I'll be sure to walk the treadmill tomorrow, thanks for the heads up!