Thank you everyone for your responses. I'm hoping to go pick them up this next week. I had wanted to get refitted by a running store when I bought my next pair just to double check the fit, but I'm more interested in the price at the moment. Maybe after Christmas I can be fitted again. I'm really looking forward to a new…
HI...I'm another adult onset runner. I always secretly wanted to be a runner, but could not run from one driveway to the next. About 2 years ago, I started running the down-hills on a hilly little 2 mile stretch, the down-hills only slowly became the down-hills and straight-aways. I then decided what the heck, give it a…
I've been running for about a year and a half now and yes, I am totally addicted and get that goofy grin on my face when I find someone that shares my new passion. I have found that I actually love running in the rain (living in Seattle, you kind of have to). If it's been a few days since I've gotten to run, I start…
I ran my first half in January. When I realized that I was running 8 miles on a consecutive basis, I started thinking about doing a half. At first I thought that I'd skip an organized 1/2 and just run it by myself, but a friend of mine that has run multiple marathons told me that for the first one, to make it a good one;…
I started running last October and really didn't have an issue until the spring, when I got new shoes, joined a gym, started lifting weights and using the elliptical, and still running some on the treadmill or on the streets. I wasn't sure what the issue was, and I was being stubborn about not wanting to quit any of it.…
Same here! When I jog, I could probably stop and pee every 5 minutes. I have to really limit my water intake for at least 2 hours prior to running or I have issues. If I have coffee prior to running, it's even worse! My solution is to pee every 5-10 minutes for 30 minutes to an hour before running and trying to find…
I think I missed a few days. 06/09 2.54 miles 06/12 2.75 miles
2.07 miles today ran today around my favorite mountain (well, I call it a mountain, compared to the relative flatness of West Texas); Total for month is 5.6.
6/3--2.55 miles running 6/4--1.00 mile running Total for month 3.55 miles.
5 elliptical miles today. I had every intention of getting on the treadmill, but the elliptical called to me. Total for month is only 35.59 (UGH!!!!)
Running not just behind on my miles, but also behind on my posts! 05/27/12 3.29 miles ran...Total for the month is 30.59. I'll get on the elliptical today for a little, but not sure I can even get my miles up to 40 this month, will try though!!!
I missed May's goal by a long shot due to work schedules and my son leaving for his first duty station. No excuses for June!! Please put me down for another 50 miles!!! Thanks for all of your hard work!
Yesterday 1.8 on the elliptical; today 2.0 running on the street. Total for month is 27 miles and fixing to go out of town for the rest of the week, not sure I'll even come close to my 50 mile goal, but I'm still trudging along. url=] [/url]
4.02 miles ran this beautiful Sunday morning. Yes, I am not quiet half way with only 11 days left this month, I have faith I will at least come close! Total for the month is 23.5 miles
2.25 miles today on the treadmill. Total for month is only 19.50 miles and it doesn't look like I'll get to run tomorrow either. I've got to kick it into gear if I'm even going to come close to my goal this month!
My weight has increased a few pounds over the last several months since starting to do more weights and less cardio. When I measured the other day, my measurements were up from the last time I measured in October, but I FEEL smaller and my clothes fit looser than they did. I know that my body is recomposing (is that the…
We all do this on occassion. I try to hit the "complete food diary" button and convince myself that after I hit that button, I cannot add anymore food to the diary, so I can't eat anymore (no, it doesn't always work). The other day, though, I felt like I had been eating all day and to make myself pay for it, I started…
2.08 miles on the elliptical today. Total for the month is only 17 miles. I'm going to have to make up for lost time somewhere!
5k with my son today for the Law Enforcement Lions Club 3.17 miles today--Total for the month is 15.15 miles! Still pretty far behind for the month; gotta get caught up!
At home I use Office 2008 for Mac and at work I use Office 2007. I would really love to be able to do this, whether through a tutorial or a template. I really appreciate it!!
I commented on your blog, but thought I'd do it here as well. I really like this idea. Would you mind sharing your spreadsheet so that I can input my own data?
05/09/12 Elliptical--4.69 miles total for month is: 12 something (I forgot before I could get this posted:blushing: )
^^^THIS!!! We only have Sea Salt, Reg Veggie flavor & Apple Crisp. I've never seen the Sweet BBQ or Cheddar Cheese. We love them!!! I usually buy 2-3 bags a month. My kids would rather eat these than regular chips, Cheetos, or Doritos.
I am no expert by any means, but it does sound like you are not eating enough. Since taking up running or you eating back those calories? On the days that I don't work out, I can barely make it through the afternoons awake and I end up trying to increase my energy with sugar laden food (bad idea, I know). When I started…
I'm off to a slow start this month so far. 05/05/12--Ran 3 miles 05/06/12--Ran 3 miles 05/07/12--Elliptical 1.25 miles. Total for month is 7.25 miles
When I went from walking to jogging, it was because I was angry. I used to say that I took up running because I was trying to run away from what life had dealt me. Now, I say that I am running to see what life gives me. It's all in perspective. The adrenaline rush usually helped with the anger. I hope what ever is at issue…
I am excited about school almost being out so I can start going to the gym early. We live in a semi-rural area and I'm not comfortable running before dawn (it's the four-legged creatures I worry about, not the two-legged ones!)
I have the same problem! My dad has issues with his hands that is kind of like carpal tunnel, but it's more in his fingers joints that stop him from being able to close his hand and keep it closed. On some days after I lift (like today), I can't hardly grip anything like a cup. I've tried to determine which machines are…
Yep.. I had the same problems!! I went and got the book from the library to copy the recipes. I didn't realize that you could get a refund from Nook. I'll definitely be asking for one now. thanks.